Metro Senior Men's Soccer League Website - Soccer News, Events, Schedules from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - soccer games in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many former Dalhousie and Saint Marys players
Historical.MSMSL.Com » Teams » Sporting Rangers September 19th, 2024
Team Profile: Sporting Rangers
Sporting Rangers F.C.,MSMSL 045 Outdoor League 2018 Champions; MSMSL O45 Winter League 2015 Champions, Provincial Masters Champions 2004, silver medalist at First Eastern Canadian Masters Championships 2004 in St. John's Newfoundland is dedicated to the advancement of "sporting skilful soccer" in Nova Scotia through coaching clinics, hosting of tournaments and the provision of educational experiences for team members.

Location: Halifax NS
Contact Person: Dragan Toprek
Phone: 9028802813
Coach: Zoran Jokic
Manager: Dragan Toprek
Player Roster by Competition:

Jersey #: 16
Position: Midfield/Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 1
Position: Goalkeeper
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 1
Position: Goalkeeper
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 26
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Position: Goalkeeper
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Tilburg, The Netherlands
Age: 41
Jersey #: 14
Position: defender
Height: 6'2
Weight: 185 lbs
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Croatia
Jersey #: 7
Position: midfield/forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Ireland
Jersey #: 16
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 14
Position: Defender
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Iran
Position: leftsided midfielder/back
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Greece
Age: 50
Jersey #: 15
Position: Midfielder/Centreback/Striker
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 6
Position: Midfielder
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Trinidad and Tobago
Position: Midfielder
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 17
Position: Midfielder
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 12
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 1
Position: Defender/Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 9
Position: Midfielder/Forward
Goals: 12  Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 11
Position: Midfield/Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 17
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Newfoundland
Position: Defender
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 22
Position: Defender
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: N Ireland
Age: 57
Jersey #: 19
Position: utility
Height: 5'7
Weight: 165
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 10
Position: Midfield/Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 25
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Croatia
Jersey #: 3
Position: Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Halifax
Age: 49
Jersey #: 5
Position: Midfield/Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

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