Metro Senior Men's Soccer League Website - Soccer News, Events, Schedules from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - soccer games in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many former Dalhousie and Saint Marys players
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Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - News & Events
Below you will find the latest news and events from around the league; tournament information, schedule updates, registration and fee deadlines, player awards, etc.. Check back often to stay up-to-date!
Summer 2023 Team Registration is now open
For more information contact
2022-23 Winter Team Registration is now open
For more information contact
Simon MacNeil
The Roundabouts have asked us to pass on that their teammate Simon MacNeil has lost his brave battle with ALS. On behalf of all MSMSL players, we are passing on our condolences; our thoughts are with his family and teammates at this time.
There is a page that has been set up to help his family at this most difficult time.
More details regarding his funeral and exceptional life can be found here.

MSMSL Summer 2022 Team Registration Now Open
Please be advised that team registration is now open to enter a team for the MSMSL 2022 Summer Season. The deadline for teams is April 5 - 5:00pm.
Contact for more information
Winter Playoff Dates
Sunday April 24 - Quarter Finals
Wednesday April 27 - Semi Finals
Sunday May 1 - Finals

Top 8 in each Division qualify
Winter League Paused
The MSMSL has made the difficult decision to pause league play due to several reasons. All league play will be suspended immediately with the hopes of a restart after the holiday break. All games will be rescheduled.
The current rise in the Nova Scotia daily case count fueled by the new Omicron variant, along with discussions with Soccer Nova Scotia formed our decision to act immediately.
Currently the NS Department of Health is inundated with a huge case load which has created a significant backlog in contact tracing. Notifications to the building and the league have slowed immensely. This being said, there have been exposures at the BMO Soccer Center as recently as Saturday (not in the MSMSL) and other leagues that have been self identified to Soccer Nova Scotia. Several of our own teams have self indicated that they have players that have potentially been exposed and entire teams are awaiting testing.
The delay in contact tracing coupled with the rise in cases has us concerned enough that the MSMSL has made the conscious decision that we are not at a level of comfort to ensure the safety of players, coaches, and officials at this time.
We are encouraging all players to get tested and make it part of their weekly routine. Lots of test opportunities are available.
We realize the disappointment that such an action as league suspension has on players and teams and assure you that this was not an easy one to make, yet again.
In the meantime, please be safe and follow public health protocols. We will be back on the field as soon as we can.
Winter Team Registration is now open
Team Registration is now open for teams wishing to enter the MSMSL 2021-22 Winter Season. Interested teams need to fill out the MSMSL 2021 Winter Team Registration form as soon as possible. Initial date to register a team is October 1. We will finalize teams on October 15
You can fill out this online form at
Winter Soccer and Vaccine Status
Please be advised that we expect to start winter in late October. Keeping that date in mind we are advising that all players; coaches and officials will be required to provide proof of vaccination.

Today the province announced that Nova Scotia will delay moving into phase 5 of the reopening plan until October 4. Starting Oct. 4, people who are 12 and older will need to provide proof of full vaccination to participate in most events and activities that bring groups of people together. While the policy is not yet final, it will apply to participants and spectators for indoor and outdoor sports practices, games, competitions and tournaments.

We will continue to update you as more information about the details of the vaccine policy become available to us including the medical exemptions and the collection of the data.

For those needing vaccination appointments please check the Nova Scotia Vaccination website for appointments or walk-in opportunities.
First Dose Event
We're pleased to announce we've partnered with Halifax Wanderers and NS Public Health to provide our league members exclusive access to a Wanderers Grounds Vaccine Clinic scheduled on Friday, July 16 and Saturday July 17. We're able to offer our league members access to upwards of 50-100 Pfizer shots for strictly first-dose recipients only. We believe the sooner we can encourage the majority of our eligible community to be vaccinated, the sooner more fans can return to watching live sports at Wanderers Grounds and cheering on Halifax Wanderers. With their Home Opener set for August 2 and the full home schedule now live, we're counting down the days!

Location: Wanderers Grounds - 5711 Sackville Street in Halifax - across from Public Gardens
Qualified Public Health Nurses will administer all doses of the vaccine
This is strictly a Pfizer First Dose Clinic. The Public Health registration system can detect if you have previously received a vaccine and will not allow a second dose shot to be scheduled or rescheduled for this clinic.
Vaccine recipients must be minimum 12 years old on the day of their shot.
An optional rapid test site will also be available at Wanderers Grounds on both days for anyone seeking a test after receiving their vaccine.
Our League's Time will be confirmed by Wednesday at 5pm. The clinic windows will be:
Friday July 16 1pm-3pm
Friday July 16 4pm-6pm
Saturday July 17 11am-1pm
Saturday July 17 2pm-4pm
This is an outdoor clinic. In the event of severe bad weather, we will communicate a rescheduled date 24 hours in advance of your clinic time.
Everyone who receives a vaccine will be entered for a chance to win a pair of Halifax Wanderers Season Tickets. We'll also have giveaways available for everyone who receives a shot.
How to Confirm Interest:
Please complete this short form ( to confirm your interest in attending the clinic for a first dose. This is simply to provide Public Health an indication of expected attendance to ensure there are enough shots available. We will follow up with confirmed time and directions to the entrance.
Registration will be completed in-person at the clinic. Please bring your Health Card with you.
What To Bring:
Health Card
We do advise having water and wearing sunscreen as this is an outdoor venue.

Also a reminder that there are first and second dose Moderna walk-ins available in Halifax and Dartmouth.
Player Looking for teams

Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list that is sent out to all registered teams on a biweekly basis.
Summer 2021
Welcome to Summer 2021. We are grateful that with the help of Soccer Nova Scotia, that we were able to get our return play plan approved for Phase 3 as opposed to phase 4. The league will begin on the week of July 5, 2021.

With COVID-19 still around, it is important that all players follow NS Department of Health Guidelines as well as the MSMSL Return to Play Policy (attached). The MSMSL Return to Play Policy will be adjusted throughout the season to allow for opening of provincial restrictions.

The season will not be without its challenges as we are starting two months behind our regular start date and with four of the local fields not available until late in the season (Wickwire and Harbor East are being refurbished; BMO Centre due limited to number of participants indoors) field times are limited.

We will be offering a ten-game season to all divisions.

To alleviate these difficulties, we will extend the regular season into late September and have an abbreviated playoff in early October.

We are hopeful to return to a somewhat normal winter season but suspect that there may still be some restrictions.
Please if you or a teammate have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to do so, as it is our way forward. Also, consider getting tested regularly.

The MSMSL will not tolerate discrimination in any form. If people are found to have racially abused or discriminated against players, coaches, or officials, they deserve to be punished.
If anybody witnesses or feel that they have been a victim of racist or discriminatory behaviour at a match or around a field, they can report it directly to our commissioner.
The MSMSL follows the Soccer Nova Scotia guidelines for racism and discrimination. All reported incidents are sent to Soccer Nova Scotia for investigation and review, and we will support any action taken by the Soccer Nova Scotia.
Winter Session- COVID 19 Protocol Reminder
With the greater travel restrictions added today, we are taking this opportunity to reinforce the importance of the COVID-19 protocols both on the field and in your daily lives. We are requesting that you share this email with your teammates.

It is of great importance and starting today, no player or coach shall participate in the MSMSL competition should they have:

· Traveled outside of Nova Scotia in the past 14 days; this now includes those that are considered an essential worker, a rotational worker, or have valid travel permits.

· Co-habited with anyone as noted above that has left Nova Scotia in the past 14 days.

· Been told to self-isolate by the NS Public Health.

· Been co-habiting with a person(s) that are in self-isolation under the NS Public Health protocols.

· Has been to a potential exposure site and/or is awaiting testing.

· Is awaiting a COVID -19 test.

Some things we can do help prevent the spread away from the game are:

· Wear a mask when inside or when you cannot socially distance.( this includes crowded spaces in an outdoor setting)

· Maintain social distancing as much as possible.

· Washing of hands

· Keeping your social bubbles to a minimum

It is important that health checks with players are done before each game. Team managers are responsible to ensure that these are completed accurately, and the participation waiver is signed and passed in before entry to the facility.

Team managers must remind their players not to participate should they feel ill at all; no game during these sessions is more important than the health and safety of all players.

No players shall participate in the MSMSL and should contact 811 if the player has anyone one of the following symptoms:

· Fever (i.e. chills/sweats) OR Cough (new or worsening)

· Or two or more of the following symptoms (new or worsening):

· Sore throat

· Runny nose/nasal congestion

· Headache

· Shortness of breath

Please ensure the following when at the facility. (Please note that wearing your mask means wearing the mask in such a way that it covers both your mouth and nose)

· At the facility, please ensure that when waiting for entrance to the facility, that players stay within your team group, wear a mask, and social distance from other groups as much as possible. We will be monitoring this much more closely, and violators may not be permitted entrance.

· Upon entrance, all players must use the hand sanitizer provided and thoroughly wash their hands.

· Mask must be worn inside the facility until you reach the player's bench on the field in which you will be participating. Masks must also be worn when going to and from the washrooms and when leaving the facility (this is now mandatory). Masks should only be removed once outside and able to keep socially distanced from other players.

· It is extremely important that we continue to fill out the game sheets properly and ensure that all players present on any given night are accounted for contact tracing should there be an additional exposure. No non-registered player or coach shall be permitted within the facility.

· Upon game completion, players should quickly leave the field using the designated exits to allow for sanitization.

· Players should leave through the designated exits. For the away team (bench furthest from the main entrance) your door is the far exit on field one. For the home team (bench closet to the main entrance), your door is the near exit on field one.

· Upon leaving the facility, players should leave the parking lot area immediately; there shall be no socializing or intermixing of groups.

We are very fortunate when you are looking at the state of sport in other regions of the country. For us to continue to play, it is going to take all of us. We cannot become complacent and must take health protocols seriously.
Player Looking for teams
Players looking for teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list that is sent out to all registered teams on a biweekly basis.
Summer Team Sign Up
Although we are still working out the details for the summer 2021 season, which we hope to look more like a regular season, we need to have some team commit as well as to update our distribution list for the upcoming summer season.

Summer will be a bit more difficult this year due to COVID-19 protocols that will have to be put in place. Some of these duties will have to be download to the teams as it would be expensive for us to place field monitors at every field to ensure compliance.

In addition, turf times will be at a premium due for several factors including some COVID-19 protocols where there must be enough time for teams to leave before the next team arrives, and the Harbor East and Dalhousie turf being refreshed early in the season.

The league is working on costing and the return to play protocols that will have to be in place this summer and hope to have those out soon.

We are asking interested teams to fill out the online form ( ) This form is due back to the league by 5:00 PM on April 22, 2021, Please note the initial registration fee ($500) is due to the league May 5th, 2021 and the remainder is due May 31st, 2021.
Resetting Session Expectation
The MSMSL would like to remind players that these winter sessions are sessions, not a season, are meant for us all to keep active and play the sport that we all love during a global pandemic. Recent weeks have seen a huge uptake in COVID 19 violations, illegal players, violent conduct, and dissent that needs to be addressed. Consider this email a reset of league expectations regarding player actions.

The spirit of these sessions, while they are competitions, is to play the game, have some exercise, social interaction, and enjoyment. We are so fortunate to be living in a province that has done so well during this global crisis. We are one of a handful of places where amateur sport has allowed to have competition in the country.

Soccer is a passionate game, but we can not let those passions overtake the respect for the game or of its players, including your opponents and especially our officials.

This session will not lead to playoffs, trophies, fortune, fame, or tryouts from local CPL clubs.

Several lengthy suspensions have already been received by players for violating the Violent Conduct rules of the game. Consider this a league-wide warning that Violent Conduct suspensions will be lengthy for the remainder of the season.

There have been a few incidents of players playing illegally during this session. This is a warning that players face severe suspensions for playing on other teams (there are no call-ups). Managers face 6-month suspensions for allowing players to play illegally.

Dissent and foul language have been rampant and needs to end immediately. Officials have been instructed to warn both teams at the start of the game regarding dissent and foul language; this will be considered the first warning for all and cards will be received for any further rule violations of dissent or foul language.

A few players during this session have insinuated league officials are “racist” after receiving on-field discipline. This practice stops immediately. If a player truly feels that they discriminated against by an official or other player, there are correct avenues of pursuit; on-field accusations is never one of them. Players will face discipline if reported to have engaged in such on-field allegations.

Recent games have seen some mask-wearing issues so we would like to remind everyone of the following mask /social distancing protocols.

At the facility, please ensure that when waiting for entrance to the facility, that players stay within your team group, wear a mask, and social distance from other groups as much as possible. We will be monitoring this much more closely, and violators may not be permitted entrance.

Mask must be worn inside the facility until you reach the player's bench on the field in which you will be participating. Masks must also be worn when going to and from the washrooms and when leaving the facility (this is now mandatory). Masks should only be removed once outside and able to keep socially distanced from other players.

It is extremely important that we continue to fill out the game sheets properly and ensure that all players present on any given night are accounted for contact tracing should there be an additional exposure. No non-registered player or coach shall be permitted within the facility.

We are hopeful that this reset of expectations will lessen the issues that have been taken place recently and we have an enjoyable remainder of the session as we head toward the summer season. Please pass this unto all players on your respective teams.

Summer info is forthcoming
Winter Session to Resume
We are pleased to announce that the MSMSL schedule will resume this Sunday March 7, 2021 with the lifting of descriptions. The regular schedule will resume. All teams with scheduled "practice" times will lose those times as we restart the session.

Games not played will be rescheduled to the end of the session.

It has been very fortunate that we have been able to pivot quickly and keep all of our membership playing whether it is a return to competition or to practices.

As we return, please remind your players about the COVID 19 protocols including:
Entering and mask-wearing while waiting to enter
Sanitizing hands both on the way in and out.
Mask wearing in the facility with the exception of when on the bench or field of play including when exiting the building or going to the washroom.
Staying home if you do not feel well.
Stay safe and welcome back.
MSMSL Return to Play
We are hoping to have the new MSMSL winter session start in late January or early February. The session will be 12 games and run into early May.
Please find the latest Return to Play protocols (Also found in the download section of the website). Please share this information with all of your teammates that will be playing this winter.
For all teams returning or new, please fill out the team contact form. Please make sure that all info is correct when filling out the form (Especially the email contact). Form must be filled out by January 24, 2021 at 5PM.
Contact form can be found here:

Please note that the field fees have return to normal pricing of $150.00 (including tax) per time slot. Time slots are still based on 45 minutes of field time. More details regarding cost in the Return to Play document.
An initial payment of $500.00 will be due to the league by January 24, 2021 by 5PM for teams to be considered registered with the league. All outstanding league fees will be due at that time as well. Scheduling for those teams that have sent the initial fee, made good on outstanding fees, and have filled in the registration form will begin January 25, 2021.
We are working with the BMOSC and SNS regarding the entrance and waiting before games as all parties are aware it is not great for either social distancing or the impending weather conditions that February and March bring. In the meantime, please ensure the following when at the facility.
At the facility, please ensure that when waiting for entrance to the facility, that players stay within your team group, wear a mask, and social distance from other groups as much as possible. We will be monitoring this much more closely, and violators may not be permitted entrance.
Mask must be worn inside the facility until you reach the player's bench on the field in which you will be participating. Masks must also be worn when going to and from the washrooms and when leaving the facility (this is now mandatory). Masks should only be removed once outside and able to keep socially distanced from other players.
It is extremely important that we continue to fill out the game sheets properly and ensure that all players present on any given night are accounted for contact tracing should there be an additional exposure. No non-registered player or coach shall be permitted within the facility.
For us to continue to play, it is going to take all of us. We cannot become complacent and must take health protocols seriously.

More details will be released in the coming days including a credit for cancelled first session games. It is important that the registration process be completed so that we can be ready once we get permission from the NS Health Department.
Please note WHFC teams will be contacted separately regarding registration process and payment.
Session 1 Suspended
It is with great disappointment and understanding that the MSMSL did not make it through a complete session. The MSMSL does wish to thank all the teams, players, and coaches that helped keep us on the field for as long as possible by following the protocols that we had set in place. With the help of our partners Soccer Nova Scotia and BMOSC, we were able to participate in the game that we all enjoy for at least a short while and bring some normalcy back into our lives. The MSMSL and BMOSC staff should also be recognized for the great effort that they put in regarding ensuring that the COVID-19 protocols and field sanitization were completed.

The new restrictions added to the HRM today by the Nova Scotia Public Health Department has forced us to suspend operations for a minimum of two weeks. Although the restrictions do not take place until Thursday, we felt it prudent to suspend activities immediately in order to protect our players as COVID-19 infections took a sharp rise today.

We will hopefully be able to finish some of our sessions later in December, but this is totally dependant on the restrictions being lifted. We will continue to follow the NS Public Health guidelines and with our partners at the BMO Soccer Centre and Soccer Nova Scotia for a safe return to play.

We will be looking at scenarios in which to finish our first session (if possible) though with fewer games. December 22 is the latest day we will complete the first session.

We will also be looking forwards in the hopes to start our second session in the new year and what that will look like as we look at different options and scenarios to ensure player safety. We do know that the second session will not start until at least January 17th to give us a buffer after Christmas activities and the potential travel that the holiday season traditionally brings. The start date is dependent of NS Public Health restrictions in the new year.

We should be able to recover some field costs due to the closing of the BMOSC; this amount will be determined upon when the league can restart. Cost recovery will be communicated and applied to team accounts, not before January 3rd.

While we wait to see what the next two weeks bring, please ensure that you encourage your teammates to follow NS Public Health protocols in order to help reduce the infection numbers to help us to return to play.

Some things we can do help prevent the spread away from the game are:

· Wear a mask when inside or when you cannot socially distance.

· Maintain social distancing as much as possible.

· Washing of hands

· Groups of five or less

· Keeping your social bubbles to a minimum

If you or anyone you know has anyone one of the following symptoms call 811:

· Fever (i.e. chills/sweats) OR Cough (new or worsening)

Or Two or more of the following symptoms (new or worsening):

· Sore throat

· Runny nose/nasal congestion

· Headache

· Shortness of breath

We are extremely fortunate that we had six weeks of excellent competition and good weather (for waiting to enter the facility). We will update the league as details become available to us regarding the MSMSL. In the meanwhile, please take all the necessary precautions to stay safe and stop the spread.
Session Update
We are pleased to announce that no other positive cases have been confirmed from the potential exposure of November 1st. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during the past few weeks. We also would like to thank those teams that have sat out for the last couple of weeks as an abundance of caution.

The MSMSL, BMOSC and SNS protocols were commended by the NS Public Health as we were able to quickly provide them with contact tracing information and prevent the spread.

It is of great importance, and starting today, no player or coach shall participate in the MSMSL competition should they have:
• Traveled outside of the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days; this now includes those that are considered an essential, a rotational worker or have valid travel permits.
• Co-habited with anyone as noted above that has left the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days.
• Been told to self-isolate by the NS Public Health.
• Been co-habiting with a person(s) that are in self-isolation under the NS Public Health protocols.
• Has been to a potential exposure site and/or is awaiting testing.
• Is awaiting a COVID -19 test.

Once again, we are taking this opportunity to reinforce the importance of the COVID-19 protocols both on the field and your daily lives. We are requesting that you share this email with your teammates.

Some things we can do help prevent the spread away from the game are:

• Wear a mask when inside or when you cannot socially distance.
• Maintain social distancing as much as possible.
• Washing of hands
• Keeping your social bubbles to a minimum

It is important that health checks with players are done before each game. Team managers are responsible to ensure that these are completed accurately, and the participation waiver is signed and passed in before entry to the facility.

Team managers must remind their players not to participate should they feel ill at all; no game during these sessions is more important than the health and safety of all players

No players shall participate in the MSMSL and should contact 811 if the player has anyone one of the following symptoms:

· Fever (i.e. chills/sweats) OR Cough (new or worsening)
Or Two or more of the following symptoms (new or worsening):
· Sore throat
· Runny nose/nasal congestion
· Headache
· Shortness of breath

We are working with the BMOSC and SNS regarding the entrance and waiting before games as all parties are aware it is not great for either social distancing or the impending weather conditions that late November and December bring. In the meantime, please ensure the following when at the facility.
At the facility, please ensure that when waiting for entrance to the facility, that players stay within your team group, wear a mask, and social distance from other groups as much as possible. We will be monitoring this much more closely, and violators may not be permitted entrance.
Mask must be worn inside the facility until you reach the player's bench on the field in which you will be participating. Masks must also be worn when going to and from the washrooms and when leaving the facility (this is now mandatory). Masks should only be removed once outside and able to keep socially distanced from other players.
It is extremely important that we continue to fill out the game sheets properly and ensure that all players present on any given night are accounted for contact tracing should there be an additional exposure. No non-registered player or coach shall be permitted within the facility.
For us to continue to play, it is going to all of us. We cannot become complacent and must take health protocols seriously.
Potential COVID-19 Exposure
We are regrettably confirming that there was a potential COVID-19 exposure on November 1 within the MSMSL. A player from an early game on November 1st, developed symptoms later throughout the week and subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. The teams involved have been contacted by the Nova Scotia Public Health department using the MSMSL contact tracing lists and are now following the COVID -19 protocols including testing and self-isolation. The risk of exposure to other teams at the facility remains low thanks to the MSMSL and BMOSC entry and exit protocols, but all players should monitor for symptoms just in case.

Although this individual may not have any symptoms at the time, it is a stark reminder for all of us, that we cannot be complacent and must take our protocols seriously.

The BMOSC has strict cleaning protocols which have been followed including electrostatic cleaning and sanitization to ensure player and staff safety.

As an abundance of caution scheduled games involving those teams in question will be cancelled for the next two weeks, as we work with the Nova Scotia Public Health department to ensure continued player safety.

Public Health has advised us that people should not worry about the facility itself or game play but remember that it is extended contact with others that pose the most significant risk. COVID-19 is with us so we must continue to be vigilant.

We are taking this opportunity to reinforce the importance of the COVID-19 protocols that we have in place for prevention.

It is most important that health checks with players be done before each game. Team managers are responsible to ensure that these are completed accurately, and the participation waiver is signed and passed in before entry to the facility.

Team managers must remind their players not to participate should they feel ill at all; no game during these sessions is more important than the health and safety of all players.

No players shall participate in the MSMSL and should contact 811 if the player has anyone one of the following symptoms:

• Fever (i.e. chills/sweats) OR Cough (new or worsening)
Or Two or more of the following symptoms (new or worsening):
• Sore throat
• Runny nose/nasal congestion
• Headache
• Shortness of breath
Additionally, no player shall participate in the MSMSL competition should they have:
• Travelled outside of the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days.
• Is co-habiting with a person(s) that are in self isolation under the NS Public Health protocols.

At the facility, please ensure that when waiting for entrance to the facility, that players stay within your team group, wear a mask, and social distance from other groups as much as possible. We will be monitoring this much more closely, and violators may not permitted entrance.
Mask must be worn inside the facility until your reach the players bench on the field in which you will be participating. Masks must also be worn when going to and from the washrooms and when leaving the facility (this is now mandatory). Masks should only be removed once outside and able to keep socially distanced from other players.
It is extremely important that we continue to fill out the game sheets properly and ensure that all players present on any given night are accounted for contact tracing should there be an additional exposure. No non-registered player or coach shall be permitted within the facility.
The MSMSL return to play

We are hopeful for a fall indoor session starting in the first week of October; we are working on all the details, but are still limited by the NS Department of Health’s ten (10) person rule without social distancing. There is some hope that the number will increase, however, we must be flexible in our offerings for the foreseeable future.
What the MSMSL is purposing is the following:
• Sessions versus seasons.
o Due to the possibility of a shutdown, or lessening of gathering numbers, we will be running competitions in 8 to 12 week sessions.
o There will be no winter long season.
• Games
o Games will look at bit different as we have to base our games on the numbers that we currently have (10), but flexible enough to allow for increased numbers.
o Games will start out as follows:
 Teams will be able to register a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 15 players.
 Only ten players per team will be permitted in the facility for the game night.
 Two 10 player teams will be assigned to an indoor turf.
 Teams will be split into two 5 person squads where ½ the team would play on ½ the turf with ½ of the other team on the far end of the field, and ½ the team would play on other ½ the turf with ½ of the other team .
 Each ½ of the turf would see either a 3v3 (with 2 subs) or 4 v 4 (with 1 sub) (to be determined) game shooting on 3’ x 4’ net.
 There would be no referees.
 There would be no scores kept (just a record of wins, losses, or draws)
 Discipline would be monitored by field marshals.
 Games would be 2 x 22 minute halves.
o Should the contact numbers increase (and depending on what that number would be), we would move to a more normal style winter game.
 Games would move to a 7v7 or 6v6 format with the maximum number of players allowed be determined by the Health Authority provision change.
 A referee would be added to call the game.
 Games would be 2 x 22 minute halves.
 There would be no scores kept (just a record of wins, losses, or draws).
o Should the contact numbers decrease (and depending on what that number would be), we would move back to the 3v3 or 4v4 game.

• COVID 19 Protocols
o The following COVID 19 protocols will be in place:
 COVID-19 declaration form submitted before each game
 At facility entry point
• Contact tracing
• Hand Sanitization
• Check In (Registered players only)
• COVID 19 declaration
 Mandatory Masks as follows:
• from entry point to field locations.
• From field to washroom facilities and back
• From field to exits
 Separate exit points from field entrances
 No locker room access.
 League supplied balls (sanitized after each use).
 No after game activities on the SNS properties (including the parking lots).
 Teams will play on the same night.
We will be finalising the plans with SNS and the BMO Soccer facility, as well as, working on pricing for each session.

We will be asking for interest via the team contact form; teams not wishing to participate but wish to stay informed should fill out this contact form.
We will be rereleasing more info as we define our return to play plans.
We appreciate your patience, and hope to get back to some form of soccer activity in the near future.
It is with great sadness that we announce that FC Bedford player and co-founder Harry Burgers passed away suddenly on Wednesday, August 18, 2020. Harry was a true gentleman on and off the field and will be missed by all.

On behalf of all MSMSL players, we are sending our condolences, to his family and teammates.
2019-2020 Winter Season Cancelled
Due to the COVID-19 situation and the reality of a quick restart date fading, the MSMSL has been forced to cancel the remainder of the 2019-2020 Winter regular season and playoffs. We will start summer planning in the next couple of weeks. More details for both seasons will be released in the coming days.
Season to be suspended

In the wake of the ongoing Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the MSMSL has made the difficult decision to suspend the remainder of the winter season until further notice. We will continue to evaluate the situation but feel it is best for the health and safety of all participants in the sport, including players, coaches, officials, and the general public.
We recognize the tremendous effort that has been put forth all season by teams in the league playing the beautiful game. Although it is a hard decision to process with game play ending abruptly and playoffs coming up soon, we feel this is the best course of action in order to do our part in keeping our players and the community at large safe.
We are continuing to work with Soccer Nova Scotia and the BMO Soccer Centre on this on-going situation. We are also monitoring the advisories and advice from public health experts in Nova Scotia and across Canada.
We will be looking at scenarios in which we can potentially save parts of the winter season and playoffs, as well as, plan for the upcoming summer season. We realize that there will be many questions and disappointments regarding both the winter and summer season, but please be patient as we work through all scenarios. Player health and safety has been the number one factor in our decision process.
We encourage all MSMSL members and their families to take precautions as listed on the Nova Scotia and Canada Health websites.

Although there are no current cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), as a precaution the MSMSL is foregoing end of the game/ pre-game handshakes in order to help mitigate the spread of the both the common flu and the COVID-19 Viruses. This ban will stay in effect for the rest of the winter season.
Not to take away the camaraderie of the teams or competition in the MSMSL. We have some suggestions to help
Pre game handshakes at the coin toss should be replaced with either a nod of recognition or elbow bump. At this time, captains of the teams, should determine if a post game acknowledgment of competition will take place. If one team does not want to participate then no post game activity will take place.
Post game handshake lines should be replaced with elbow bumps, a walk by, or other limited physical contact chosen by the captains.
Players should also refrain from spitting on the field.
Teams should encourage players showing signs of the flu in the form of fevers, coughs or other respiratory issues to refrain from coming to the facility to either play or watch.
Players are encouraged to wash their hand before and after each game with soap and water, or hand sanitizer.
For more information of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) please refer to these websites:
Player Pictures/ID Checks
All Teams have until March 5 at 5pm to ensure all players on their roster are listed and have a picture that is sufficient to identify the player. If you are missing players or have a reason a player cannot have a picture, please report to or
The league will begin to conduct spot checks on teams. So ensure your players have an ID. School ID or Gov ID will work. Any player not having ID will be removed from the game or field until they can be properly identified.
MSMSL Partners with the HFX Wanderers FC
Exciting news from the MSMSL! We’ve partnered up with the HFX Wanderers FC to provide our members with the best possible Wanderers ticket deals for the 2020 season.
Group Season Tickets
We have a hefty ticket discount for groups of 10+. Make Wanderers home games your groups social event, and enjoy savings of up to $56 per ticket!

For more information, please contact Danae Iatrou at or (902) 817-0269
Looking for an elevated matchday experience? We have two great game by game options for your group.
SuitesEnjoy an elevated match day experience in a West Endline Suite (opposite end of the Kitchen.) This experience will hold 24 individuals, there is a VIP entrance with no line, catering services, and private bathrooms, with easy two touch tickets using your smartphones. With limited availability, these suites will be on a first come first serve basis
Your Discount: $1000 + HST per game ($48 per person)
Patio Cabanas Similar to our patio section last year, this is a great option for your team! Our cabanas will host 24 people with a VIP entrance, catering services & private bathrooms, with a user-friendly ticket platform on your smartphone. Like suites, these are on a first-come, first-serve basis
Your Discount: $800 + HST per game ($39 per person)
For more information on suites and cabanas, please contact David Finlayson at or (902) 401-2144
Sunday Jan 5
All games that are currently scheduled for today are on unless the BMO Soccer Centre is closed. Check out to verify

Players should use their personal discretion in regards to travel to facility.
Winter 2019-2020
Here is the first of the much-awaited for winter information.  We apologize for the delay in getting theinformation out to you regarding winter soccer.    As you may have heardNewbridge facility is permanently closed leaving us to scramble to find timesto run the winter season    Due to thisclosing, the time slots of 11 PM will have to be used to fill in some of themissing time.   Luckily, we have secured some times in EastCoast Varsity dome in Dartmouth to fill in some of the rest.There will be some capacity for new/split teams but not asmuch as we had hoped.    Existing teams should fill in the registration form byOctober 21st to guarantee their spot in the winter.   Existing teams must also be in good standingwith their club and the MSMSL. New teams should fill in the registration form as well to receiveadditional information about joining the MSMSL.
Games Cancelled
The HRM has closed all facilities this weekend due to the weather event of Hurricane Dorian. All games scheduled for this weekend September 7th and 8th have been cancelled will be rescheduled.

Please be patient and understanding as these games will have to be inserted into an already packed schedule and could mean multiple games in the same week. We realize that this is not an ideal situation, but many factors have led to this issue.
We have lost over 84 game slots with Wanderers games happening on our traditional, there have been a ton of reschedule requests (over 30) (which we will address with some clearer policy), weather events (lightning) (10 plus) as well as games cancelled to shortage of officials (5-6).
Add to this scheduling around team requests, National and Provincial championships and field availability, it makes it very challenging to complete the season.
The executive is looking at ways to mitigate this for the next summer season.

Fund Raiser
There is a fundraiser for JC LeBlanc, a long time player in the league, who is battling cancer. JC played on the Sackville Tire Master team for mnay years and more recently on BESA FC. More details in the link below.

Summer Kick Off Meeting
The MSMSL is holding the Summer Kick Off meeting Thursday, April 18, 2019, starting 6:15 PM at CPA cafeteria.

For those that have yet to fill out the summer registration, it is past due. The form must be filled out to help us determine divisions, anyone not having the form completed before the meeting will be subject to a $100.00 late fee. The form is located here.

All teams are asked to bring a minimum of3 representatives with a maximum of 5 from each team. We are doing this to ensure that current policies and procedures that have not been followed in the last seasons are clear and concise to all participating teams this summer. Some of the highlights will be on discipline, game reporting process, player photos, as well as other incidents that need attention in regards to actions of players on the field and towards officials.

New teams will be asked to present for their admission to the league.

This is an important meeting to ensure a successful summer season; details regarding costs, payments, and other information will be covered during this meeting.

Agenda will be posted on the by Wednesday.

Information regarding summer that is discussed will be sent via email using latest contact list created by summer information form.
Summer Registration
Summer registration is now open for new and returning teams.

Please fill out the summer registration form asap that can be found here:

Additional summer information to be released in the coming days

League play will most likely start the second week of May.

Please note the initial registration fee is due to the league within the month of April, and the second payment within the first two weeks of June. All outstanding club and league fees are now past due.

The MSMSL is pleased to offer many different divisions within our league. The divisions are as follows:

Senior A Division
This division is an open division (no age limit) within the MSMSL. This division leads into SNS Senior A Men’s provincial play. Please note there may be some travel involved in this division due to the influx of teams outside the metro area. Most likely three games within 1-hour drive of Halifax.

Senior B Divisions (Upper, Middle, Lower)
We offer several divisions at this level. These division are open to ages 17 plus. Currently, we have upper, middle and lower divisions which all have great competition based on skill levels.

Senior C Division
This is the lowest of the open 17 plus divisions, it still offers great levels of competition between teams at this level.

Over 35 Division
We are offering an over 35 division, as long as we have a sufficient number of teams to enter this division. This division will lead to SNS Provincial play for a chance at CSA Eastern Nationals. All teams looking to participate in the Master's Provincials should register in this division to allow for correct ranking. Teams not registering in this division will receive a lower ranking for provincial play.

This division is for players that will turn 35 by December 1st of 2019. The MSMSL will allow for 4 players under the age of 35 (between 32 to 34) for league play, however, these players may not be used in provincial play.
Please note: We need a minimum of 4 teams to make this division viable, and may involve crossover games with upper division teams. If not enough to form this division, we will place teams in the upper division.

Over 45 Division
This division is for players that will turn 45 by December 1st of 2019. Grandfathered underaged players from previous years are still eligible for play in the upcoming seasons.

The MSMSL has given an allowance this season for three (3) new players under the age of 45 (between 42 to 44). These players will be grandfathered into the division once registered. Please note no team can have more than six players under the age of 45 (3 new players, 3 grandfathered players for example)
MSMSL Website/Player Pictures/Gamesheets
All teams have until February 1, 2019 to upload and update all player photos on the MSMSL website. The player needs to be recognizable, no hats and be facing the camera similar to a passport photo. Teams that cannot provide an image before the deadline must emailed me directly with their reasoning. Any team that has not uploaded the all players photos before the deadline will be fined accordingly.

Please check the website to ensure your roster is correct and up to date. We have been getting inquiries about players not being listed on the website. We are working in the background to get these up to date. So please notify us if you are missing any players on the website at

Game Sheets
Many teams are not sending in the required documents when entering scores. All teams must submit the game sheets to either or Starting February 1st, any team not submitting the game sheets to the league will be fined accordingly. This is the final warning for all teams. If you have questions about this, please feel free to email me at
Used Soccer Gear Wanted.

For the next couple of weeks, there will be a box located in the SNS lobby to collect used gear. The group Project Next Mile is looking for cleats, socks, skin pads, soccer balls, cones, jerseys, shorts, and hockey bags (for transportation of equipment).

The donations will go to support soccer programming in two locations; Eldoret, Kenya and Vieux Fort, St. Lucia.

So please take a look in your garage and closest to see if you have anything that can be donated, it is a great cause and a great way to clear out your old soccer gear.
Chris Bevis
It is with profound sadness the MSMSL along with the Timberlea Titans announce the sudden passing of Chris Bevis. A well-known player across the league; he was a member of the MSMSL from 2007, playing for HCU Camillos, HCU Over 35, Athen’s United and Timberlea Titans in several divisions within the MSMSL. Our hearts go out to his family, team mates and many close friends during this difficult time.

Chris won several Golden boots during his time within the MSMSL and represented NS at Eastern Masters Nationals on several occasion. His natural charisma and zest for life will be missed on and off of the pitch.

The MSMSL will be holding an event to honor Chris’s memory in the new year. Details will be announced later this year.
Ticket Pickup
Tickets can be still ordered for pickup at the door or tonight Tuesday Oct 16, 2018 at East Side Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake 8-9:30PM.

The annual MSMSL Awards Banquet will be held this Saturday October 20, 2018 at Bubba Rays in Bedford, NS. It is located at 1658 Bedford Hwy, Bedford NS(next to Dooley’s).

Doors open at 7:30 PM.

Tickets are $15.00 a person. Ticket will act as a $10.00 gift certificate (valid only on Oct 20) towards your bill. Those entering between 7:30-8:15 will also receive a ticket good for a 16 oz draft of your choice of four Molson products on tap.

Entertainment by Jon Cyr
Players looking for teams
Players looking for teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list that is sent out to all registered teams on a biweekly basis.
MSMSL Banquet
The annual MSMSL banquet will be held Oct 20, 2018 at Bubba Ray’s Sports Bar in Bedford, Nova Scotia. More details are forthcoming.

Tickets are limited to 200 and priced at $15.00 per ticket. All teams will be guaranteed two tickets. Ticket sales will happen October 9, 2018. Location and time we be announced soon.
Anyone having a league trophy or former HSL trophy is asked to bring it tonight or at the ticket pickup.
Players looking for teams (Winter)
Players looking for teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list that is sent out to all registered teams on a biweekly basis.
Plaid for Dad Contest
Plaid for Dad Contest

The MSMSL encourages you to take part in our Plaid for Dad campaign. This Father’s Day season join people across Canada who are raising funds and going plaid to help protect men from prostate cancer. More details can be found at Team MSMSL page can be found here

The MSMSL has setup a team Team MSMSL and is encouraging player and teams to donate to the cause.
The MSMSL is having a contest open to all teams and are encouraging teams to dress in you finest plaid, snap a team photo, and tweet it to @msmslsoccer with the hashtag #plaidfordad by June 15th.

For every team photo posted, the MSMSL will donate $10.00 to the cause. Best photo chosen by a panel of independent judges will receive a prize package.
Players looking for teams

Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list.
Summer 2018 Information


Soccer NS has made the following changes to the senior age classifications. They are as follows:

Senior A- formerly Senior B (HSL) teams; this is a provincial qualifying division for the Senior A championship.

Senior B- formerly part of Senior C; encompasses all of the open divisions.

Senior C- all of the Over Age categories; O35, O45.


Family Movement Policy
New this season, we are finalizing a policy that will allow a player in the Senior C division, to play with their son in an A or B division for a max of four games. More details on the procedure to follow.

Call-Ups to Senior AAA
This is a reminder that a player may only be called up to Senior AAA a maximum of 5 times as per SNS policy.

New Equipment Sponsor
Please to announce that we have signed an agreement with SoccerX to be the official equipment supplier of the MSMSL. The catalog has been upload to the download section of the MSMSL website. Teams can purchase a variety of different kits, jerseys or other equipment from SoccerX (in team quantities). There is a local rep, Patrick Lowe. Most team purchases will be between 30%-40% of list pricing.

SoccerX is also going to provide MSMSL players with a discount code to receive 15% off of listed items on the SoccerX website.

More details to come on this.

Registration Fees
Soccer Nova Scotia player registration will be $34.00 per player.

District fees will be $0.00 per player (for Halifax District teams).(All other districts may charge more)

Club costs are $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total will be $37.00 per player for WHFC teams. These fees are separate from the league for player registration and must be made out to the WHFC for those teams registering with the WHFC.

Referee Costs

We are working with Soccer Nova Scotia to verify costs due to the divisional setup. For budgetary purposes we suggest using a number of $65.00 per game until we get clarification.

League Fee
League fee will be $625.00

Field Fees
Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s and Valley Masters metro field costs and they will cover costs for the field times and referee surcharges in Bridgewater.


There will be one ‘A’ level division four (4) open ‘B’ divisions and one (1) over 45 ‘C’ division this season. Please note the competition committee has been task to come up with a promotion/relegation system for next season.

They are as follows:

Senior A Division

Senior A division will play for qualification to the Senior A provincials. There are six teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

Slide tackles are allowed in this division, as are call ups from the U21 youth leagues. Call ups must have proper paperwork submitted to the league. There is no free player movement from AAA or AA to this division.

Senior A division will play a triple round robin within the division (15); and a single round robin with the Elite B division (4) for a total of nineteen games.

Please note there are no slide tackles allowed in the crossover games with the Elite B division.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 4 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty one (21) games.

Please note Senior A provincials will be held on August weekend.

Elite B Division

There are four teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

Elite B division will play a double round robin within the division (6); and a single round robin crossover with the Senior A division (6); and a single round robin crossover with the Upper B division (10) for a total of twenty two games.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 2 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty three (23) games.

Upper B Division

There are ten teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

Upper division will play a double round robin within the division (18); and a single round robin crossover with the Elite B division (4) for a total of twenty two games.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 8 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty five (25) games.

Middle B Division
There are nine (9) teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

Middle division will play a triple round robin within the division (24); for a total of twenty four games.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 6 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty eight (28) games.

Lower B Division

There are eight (8) teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

Middle division will play a triple round robin within the division (21); for a total of twenty one games.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 6 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty four (24) games.

O45 C Division
There are twelve (12) teams in this division. (See division matrix for teams).

The O45 C division will play round robin within the division (22); for a total of twenty two games.

League Playoffs will consist of the top 8 teams.

Teams should budget for a maximum of twenty seven (27) games.

The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible. We may have to get teams to play on one long weekend during the season. Kevin’s email address is The deadline is May 5th for requests.


The league is strongly recommending that you obtain emergency contact information for each player or team official including the emergency contact person(s), relationship to the player, telephone number(s) and any pertinent existing medical information. We are recommending that you compile this information and also give a copy to every member of your team and strongly suggest that they put it in their soccer bag in a ziplock or other waterproof container with hopes that we never have to use it. Please forward a completed form to the league.

We have attached a form for ease of use.
Emergency Action Plans will be sent out before the next meeting. All teams must have a first aid kit on the bench.

Field Code of Conduct
Please review field code of conduct for turf fields and inform your team members paying special attention to lines 3 through 10.

Please note that any fines will be passed onto the offending teams.

Player Pictures
All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by June 1, 2018.

O35 Provincials
As per SNS Competitions committee, any team wanting to participate in the O35 Masters provincials should also use their weekend off request for the provincial weekend. Teams are expected to meet all league commitments in attending both league and playoff games. Teams must declare by June 1st if they wish to participate.

Important League Dates

22-Apr-18 A first payment of $1000.00 is due. (Past Due)
22-Apr-18 All Outstanding WHFC club fees from past season due
22-Apr-18 All Outstanding MSMSL fees from past season due
30-Apr-18 Final summer information including sample budgets, and final division breakdowns released.
30-Apr-18 Time Off Request Due
6-May-18 First two weeks of the schedule released.
6-May-18 Initial rosters due into clubs/league.
6-May-18 Initial registration and fees due to WHFC ($37.25 per player).
8-May-18 Final payment (the remainder of field fees)
8-May-18 MSMSL Season Kick Off Conference
8-May-18 Game sheets will be ready for pick up.
9-May-18 League play begins.
23-May-18 Remainder of schedule till August be released.
1-Jun-18 Initial player pictures due.
1-Jun-18 O35 Provincial Request Deadline
30-Jun-18 Player Registration Deadline
31-Jul-18 Transfer Deadline


Sample budgets have been provided. Yellow highlighted areas should be reviewed to allow for sufficient funds for the summer.

New Equipment Partner
Please to announce that we have signed an agreement with SoccerX to be the official equipment supplier of the MSMSL. The catalog has been upload to the download section of the MSMSL website. Teams can purchase a variety of different kits, jerseys or other equipment from SoccerX (in team quantities). There is a local rep, Patrick Lowe. Most team purchases will be between 30%-40% of list pricing.

SoccerX is also going to provide MSMSL players with a discount code to recive 15% off of listed items on the SoccerX website.

More details to come on this.

Players looking for teams
Players looking for teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list.
Make A Wish Challenge
Challenge to All teams in the MSMSL

Make - A - Wish holds an annual fundraiser at the Westin Nova Scotian where you have the ability to repel from 15 stories up, if you are the adventurer type and love climb and rappel please challenge your teammates to raise $1500. Once you have raised the amount needed then the fun begins.
The second option is getting your co-workers involved and seeing if you can maybe generate some interest in the office. Do you have the competitive edge or does your office look for opportunities to help someone’s wish come true. We would love corporate sponsorship as well.
Who wants to Rappel?
It is totally up to your team how you want decide who is going to take the leap of faith with us. There are professional climbers that are with you throughout the whole experience. We have decided that our team will be doing a random draw with the money raised but if you had individuals on your team that felt they could raise the $1500 themselves than the more the merrier.
I actually rappelled last year and I am afraid of heights but due to the support team at the site and the instructors pre run through on the ground it made my experience a fantastic one. I never thought in a million years I would complete something like this but I felt very safe. It was amazing half way down to look around at our awesome city and see it from a different perspective.

How to Register
Please reach out to Jeff Salterio at 902-489-6355 or by email at or Joyce Nifort at 902-466-9474 Ext 3 or by email at

Why we do this.
Make - A - Wish provides the opportunity for several children to get once in a lifetime experience, it focuses on children that spend most of their time in and out of hospitals and would not otherwise have the opportunity to have a family get away that does not involve patient care. Although they take into consideration the child’s condition they do arrange for medical staff at their destination of choice. They have the ability to walk away from their illness and enjoy life for the short period in time. We all have been touched in one way or another by friends and family that battle this every day and hope that you will take the time to join us for a phenomenal cause.
Soccer Kicks Hunger
From December 9th to 17th, Soccer Nova Scotia in conjunction with its league partners MSMSL, NSSL, MISL and CISL, are having a food drive for Feed Nova Scotia.

I encourage you, if you can, to drop off a non perishable food item(s) to help out those less fortunate during this holiday season during one of our three visits to the BMO Soccer Centre.
Look for the Feed Nova Scotia collection box in the lobby of the BMO Soccer Centre.

Feed Nova Scotia mission is to feed Nova Scotians in need and reduce that need. Feed Nova Scotia distributes almost 2 million kilograms of donated food to their member network of 146 food banks and meal programs across the province each year. While they continue to address food insecurity by supplying emergency food support, they are also working to find long-term solutions to hunger and poverty in Nova Scotia. For more information on Feed Nova Scotia go to their website
I hope we can help out this great event.

MSMSL Winter Info
WINTER INFO 2017-2018
There will be three open divisions and an over 45 division this season:
The Lower will be a double round robin for a total of 28 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top eight teams. Maximum games (28 regular, 3 playoffs (31)).
Atlantic FC
Darkside United
Fusillier FC
Halifax Convoy FC
Halifax Heat FC
HCU Eagles
Headshoppe FC
Heart & Soul United
Inter Nova
Sacktown AC
Wolves FC

The Middle will be a double round robin for a total of 30 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top eight teams. Maximum games (33 regular, 3 playoffs (33)).
CB Electric
City of Lakes FC
City of Lakes FC 2
Cole Harbour
Darkside City
DU Strong
FC Citco
FC County
Halifax City Celtic
Halifax Hurricanes
Marauders FC
Molson FC
Olympics FC
Red Devils FC-CHSC
Schooner Roundabouts

The Upper will be a double round robin between the opposite pool and a single round robin within the pool a total of 27 regular season games. League championship decided by single game between top teams in each pool.
Playoffs will consist of top six teams in each pool with 1& 2 in each pool receiving a bye.
Maximum games (27 regular, 1 season finale, 4 playoffs (32)).

Pool A
Albion Woodcocks
Athens United
Halifax Young Gunz
Halifax Pumas
Tiki Taka
Metro Mariners FC
Formation FC

Pool B
Dartmouth Woodcocks
Athens Too
Chester Merchants
Halifax Pumas 2
Tiki Taka 2
Bedford Titans
Halifax All Blacks
HFX Sahara

This will be a quadruple round robin for a total of 28 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top six teams, with top two teams getting a bye. Maximum games (28 regular, 3 playoffs (31)).
The division will look like this:
Bluenose United
DU Classics
FC Bedford
Scotia FC
Old Athens
Sporting Rangers


Player Costs
SNS player registration will be $16.00 per player. District fees will be $0.00 per player (for Halifax District teams). $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total of $19.00 per player for WHFC teams

Referee Costs
Referee cost will be $29.00 ($14.50 per team) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Please bring exact change as officials are not responsible for making change. Checks are no longer an acceptable form of payment due to issues this past season.

League Fees
The league fee will cover all administration and field costs.
Upper $2415.00
Middle $2640.00
Lower $2490.00
Over 45 $2490.00

First payment of $1000.00 is due in full, along with any outstanding league fees on October 10, 2017. (There will be a league meeting to facilitate the collection. Teams with their accounts not paid in full by this date may lose their spot in the winter, as we have a waiting list. No postdated cheques will be permitted.
The remaining fees will be due October 28, 2017. No postdated cheques will be permitted
Teams may also contact the league treasurer to arrange for online payments.

Preliminary schedule set to be released October 12, 2017. Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the season are to submit times to no later than October 9, 2017. The league will guarantee only two nights off per team; more if possible.

October 18, 2017 will be the opening game night.

Please note no games will be played between December 22, 2017 to January 3, 2018. Also Superbowl Sunday, no games will be played.

Game Nights/Times
The regular league game nights will be mostly Wednesdays (9PM, 10PM, 11PM) and Sundays (7PM,8PM, 9PM, 10PM, 11PM). We will also have game nights Tuesday (9PM,10PM, 11PM) and Thursday (9PM,10PM, 11PM). We may also will have some sporadic times throughout the week. In mid-March and April, game frequencies will increase as more field time opens up.

WHFC Teams
Teams are reminded that initial player registration (12 players min unless stipulate by new team agreement) and waiver forms were to be submitted ASAP to no later than October 15, 2017 @ 5PM.
The electronic forms must be filled out completely and sent back electronically. The form can be found here.
Also, all players registering via the league's affiliated club, Western Halifax Football Club (WHFC), must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the club (electronically) before any player may participate in any season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here:
Other Club Teams
The club teams (non-WHFC) are to have their SNS player registration as generated by Goalline to by October 15, 2017.
All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by October 28, 2017. All player pictures must follow guidelines as set out on the website.
December 31, 2017.

There are budget tools are uploaded in the download section of the league website for team use. Changing text that is in red will allow you budget for number of players, and additional needs of you individual teams.
The MSMSL is also recommending that all teams have team accounts with two signatures. Many financial institutions have loss/zero cost accounts for teams. The MSMSL or WHFC will write a letter for you to establish such an account if needed. TD and BMO seem to have the best options in regard to community accounts.

Team sheets will be available at the October 10, 2017. Games sheets in 20 game packages will be given to every team. This will be enough sheets for the entire season. There will be no game sheets at the facility this year.
Should you lose or misplace your game sheet packages, replacements can be purchased at a cost of $20.00.

The Metro Senior Men’s Soccer League (MSMSL), Halifax Soccer League (HSL) and Soccer Nova Scotia are collaborating to accomplish a strategic priority within Soccer Nova Scotia's new strategic direction under Organizational Leadership. A goal in this strategic priority states "Explore opportunities to improve all member leagues throughout Nova Scotia."

The two leagues have created an agreement which will see the addition of Senior B Mens soccer as a division of the MSMSL. Starting with the Winter season of 2017, former HSL teams will compete in MSMSL competitions.

HSL President Drew Turner states "Merging with the MSMSL allows for a relegation/promotion system which will increase the number of competitive teams with the division. Furthermore, supporting Soccer Nova Scotia in this endeavor encourages a feeder system which will ensure that new teams are elevated from the U17 division into a men's league. It provides clarity to the member clubs/players and will allow for Men's B and C soccer to grow."

MSMSL President Don Hailstone states “We are very excited to have the addition of these HSL teams. This will allow us to offer greater competition to our upper division in this winter, as well as, allow the HSL teams to see a greater variety of competitors. We are always looking to grow senior men’s soccer in the province, and the addition of these teams certainly helps that vision along. In Summer of 2018, we expect to grow the “B” division in the MSMSL.”

Soccer Nova Scotia Executive Director states "I commend both leagues for working together for the betterment of the game. Drew and Don will be continuing to work together to maintain the integrity on the division and to make the transition as smooth as possible"

With players ages ranging from 18 to 70 plus, the MSMSL competitions encompasses over forty teams in four divisions in the summer competition window, including an over 45 division, and over fifty teams in four divisions in their winter competition. Currently facilitating over 1000 games a year, the MSMSL established in 1982 has seen steady growth since 2002 from just 16 teams to its present number of 43. The league currently serves five of Soccer Nova Scotia’s districts.

The HSL was established in 2004 as Halifax’s only second Division Senior Men’s Division, which has produced multiple provincial Champions. In the summer of 2017 it was home to seven teams of ~200 players ranging from 15 – 40 years of age.
Details of the transition will be discussed with the leagues’ member clubs at their next respective meetings
Players looking for teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list.
New Team Applications
New Team Applications
Anyone looking to put a new team into the league for Winter 2016, must apply at the next league meeting (Oct 2, 2017) being held at 7:00PM at the SNS classroom. New teams should also an email to to confirm their application.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $1000.00 deposit (in the form of cheques) and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 14 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (Only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers. These are four separate individuals) (this can be down using the online form

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
• Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
• There are no call ups to the MSMSL
• Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to the league before participating.
• No Slide tackles
Initial Winter Meeting
Initial 2017 Winter Meeting
An initial winter meeting to take place October 2, 2017 (Monday) at 7PM at Soccer NS Classroom. Any team wanting to have a winter team must be present with a rep.
All returning teams (including new summer teams) must do the following to ensure their spot for the upcoming winter season:
1) Have a representative present at this meeting. (Please only on rep as the room is pretty full)
2) Have a cheque or money order to present to the league or have sent an email transfer to the league before the meeting in the amount of $1000.00.
3) Have filled out the online contact form for winter in full (4 reps complete with phone numbers and email addresses) (These are to be four separate individuals). Contact form can be found here
4) Understand that full payment of league fees will be due October 28, 2017 and that there will be no exceptions.
5) Have all previous club and league fees must be paid in full by this meeting.
We have implemented this process to ensure that teams are serious about playing and to alleviate the fee collection process. Last season with teams dropping out just before and early in the season, as well as teams paying months late, has forced us to streamline team registration and payments.
More details will be forthcoming.
General Reminder - All Cards Carry into the Playoffs
Cards carry over to Playoffs
This is a general reminder that all cards carry over into the play-offs.
Over 35 Provincials Final
The Soccer Nova Scotia Masters O35 provincial finals will take place tonight Aug 27, 2017 at 9PM on Mainland Common. The finals will see the defending provincial champs and round robin winner the WHFC Athens United face off against the WHFC City of Lakes.
The two teams tied in round robin play in a very close 1-1 game. City of Lakes will be looking to unseat the perennial champion Athens United. This will be the City of Lakes first appearance in the provincial finals.
Hope to see lots of MSMSL players out to see what should be an exciting final.
Updates will be available on the MSMSL twitter feed @msmslsoccer.
MSMSL Banquet
The MSMSL annual banquet will be held October 14th, 2017. More details to follow.
Field Usage
It has come to our attention that some of our teams have been less than great field users on the all-weather turfs that we play on.   This is a reminder that we need to respect these great facilities that we are very fortunate to have.   We also must respect other turf users that have time rented before or after our allotted times. 
Please review the All Weather Fields Code of Conduct agreement pertain to the use of turf fields posted in our download section.
Most of the incidents can been categorized as follows:
Many teams are leaving empty water bottles, other containers, tape and other refuse at the benches after the games.     Teams should ensure that all refuse of any kind is properly disposed of in the refuse and recycling containers that are located at each field location.   This also includes the parking lot areas.
Also gum and sun flower seeds (or other non-shelled seeds) are not permitted on the turf at any time.
Early Use of the Fields
Many teams have been showing up early to warm up, get dressed, or chat which is fine, however, we have recently received complaints from other user groups that this warmup/early use has interfered with their rental time.     Such incidents have included:
·         Warms up where players/balls have entered the field of play or interrupted practices.
·         Moving of water bottles and other equipment from the bench areas before the previous user has completed their games/practices.
·         The use of foul language (in general speech) where the previous user are youth groups.
·         Telling other user groups that they must vacate the fields and or engaging in arguments to the fact.
Please be aware that our rental time starts at the time as posted on the website and not before that time.   Please impress strongly upon you players that they have no inherent right to the field before that time.   
If you do arrive early, please encourage the use common sense during that time by:
·         not going on the field is there is another user present.
·         respecting their time and belongings.
·         getting changed away from the bench areas.
·         Staying out of the bench areas if there is any equipment located there.
·         Warming up in end zones (on football sized pitches) and minimizing the errant balls and associated players from entering the field areas.
·         Ensuring that your language is respectful of the other user groups.
Not Leaving the Field Promptly
There have been several incidents where our teams have extended their stay in the bench areas, thus making it difficult for the next user (sometimes our own teams) to get ready.   It would be helpful for all involved to get what you need done at the bench area and then head for the parking lot or other locations to have team discussions.
Obviously, this has been stated before, and we have been taking great strides to clean this issue up.   We don’t expect 100% no foul language, but teams/players need to be respectful and aware whom is around and ensure that the language is appropriate for the greater audience and given volume of the speaker.
This includes respecting other sports that may be on before or after our given times.   Gender based comments should never take place, nor disreputable comments regarding other sports and/or their participants. 
Please be especially aware if the facilities are hosting youth based programing before or after our scheduled sessions.
After Game Events
Please be aware that several teams after game events have been reported for many of the same reasons listed above.     We have heard about this directly from the HRM Field and Parks staff.
Garbage in the form of cans and bottles have been left in the parking lots.
Language has been disrespectful, loud and foul, and facility coordinators have heard from other user groups.
The obvious after game beverage consumption is a concern regarding location set up (right in front of the main gate in some cases), the actual field location, time of day, the potential excessive consumption of beverages (and other non-tobacco products) and its after effects or perceptions, and the legality of it all.   
A more common-sense approach should be considered regarding post game activities, as to their location, time of day, and potential impact on other user groups.
In closing please forward this to all your team mates so that they are aware of these issues.     Violators (teams involved) will be dealt with on a case by case basis depending on the incident.
Plaid for Dad Contest
The MSMSL has encourages you to take part in our Plaid for Dad campaign. This Father’s Day season join people across Canada who are raising funds and going plaid to help protect men from prostate cancer. More details can be found at
The MSMSL has setup a team Team MSMSL and is encouraging player and teams to donate to the cause.
The MSMSL is having a contest open to all teams and are encouraging teams playing on the Fathers Day weekend or before to dress in you finest plaid, snap a team photo, and tweet it to @msmslsoccer with the hashtag #plaidfordad. For every team photo posted, the MSMSL will donate $20.00 to the cause. Best photo chosen by a panel of independent judges will receive a pair of Adidas game balls.

Social Media
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @msmslsoccer .

Also like/ follow us on Facebook @msmslhfx.
Players Looking For Teams
Any players looking for a team should fill out the online form found here to be placed on a distribution list.
Summer 2017 Info
Summer 2017 Information
Registration Fees
Soccer Nova Scotia player registration will be $34.00 per player.

District fees will be $0.25 per player (for Halifax District teams).

Club costs are $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total of $37.25 per player for WHFC teams. These fees are separate from the league for player registration and must be made out to the WHFC for those teams registering with the WHFC.

Referee Costs

Please note there is a change in the referee costs depending on which division you are playing in due to the referee levels set by Soccer Nova Scotia.

In the upper and middle divisions, the referee cost will be $58.50 (same as last season) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Breakdown is ref $25.50 ($51.00), line $16.50 ($33.00).

In the lower and O45 divisions, the referee cost will be $57.50 (notice price decrease) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Breakdown is ref $24.50 ($49.00), line $16.50 ($33.00).

League Fee
League fee will be $600.00

Field Fees
Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times and referee surcharges in Bridgewater.


There will be three (3) open divisions and one (1) over 45 division this season.

They are as follows:
Upper Division
The Upper division will consist of seven teams; they are Athens United, Albion, Metro Mariners, DVC FC, Bedford Titans, Halifax All Blacks, and Dartmouth United.

This will be a quadruple round robin within the division for a total of 24 regular season games.

Playoffs will consist of top 6 teams with 1st and 2nd place getting a first-round bye.

Maximum games (24 regular; 3 playoffs (27)).

Middle Division
The upper division will consist of thirteen teams; they are CB Electric, Barons FC, City Of Lakes, Darkside City, Molson FC, Armview Roundabouts, Armview Hellas , FC County, Marauders , Cole Harbour, Halifax City Celtic, Halifax Hurricanes and FC Citco

This will be a double round robin within the division for a total of 24 regular season games
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams.

Maximum games (24 regular; 3 playoffs (27)).

The lower division will consist of twelve teams; they are Clippers, Cole Harbour Two, Darkside United, HCU Eagles, Halifax Heat, Wolves FC, Sacktown AC, Halifax Town AFC, Headshoppe FC, Halifax Convoy, Heart N Soul, and Atlantic FC.

This will be a double round robin within the division for a total of 22 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams.

Maximum games (22 regular; 3 playoffs (25)).

O45 Division
The O45 division will consist of eleven teams; there are the Sporting Rangers, Old Scotia, Valley United, Basin Insurance, Besa FC, Celtic Masters, Bluenose United, FC Bedford, Timberlea Titans, DU Classics, and Bridgewater.

This will be a double round robin for a total of twenty (20) regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams.

Maximum games (20 regular; 3 playoffs (23)).

The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible. We may have to get teams to play on one long weekend during the season. Kevin’s email address is The deadline has passed, but we will see what we can do if there is any request.


The league is strongly recommending that you obtain emergency contact information for each player or team official including the emergency contact person(s), relationship to the player, telephone number(s) and any pertinent existing medical information. We are recommending that you compile this information and also give a copy to every member of your team and strongly suggest that they put it in their soccer bag in a ziplock or other waterproof container with hopes that we never have to use it. Please forward a completed form to the league.

We have attached a form for ease of use.

Field Code of Conduct
Please review field code of conduct for turf fields and inform your team members paying special attention to lines 3 through 10.

Please note that any fines will be passed onto the offending teams.

Player Pictures
All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by June 1, 2017.

O35 Provincials
As per SNS Competitions committee, any team wanting to participate in the O35 Masters provincials should also use their weekend off request for the provincial weekend. Teams are expected to meet all league commitments in attending both league and playoff games. Teams must declare by June 1st if they wish to participate.

Important League Dates
16-Apr-17 Time Off Request Due
17-Apr-17 A first payment of $1000.00 is due.
17-Apr-17 All Outstanding WHFC club fees from past season due
17-Apr-17 All Outstanding MSMSL fees from past season due
25-Apr-17 Final summer information including sample budgets, and final division breakdowns released.
1-May-17 First four weeks of the schedule released.
1-May-17 MSMSL Season Kick Off Conference
1-May-17 Game sheets will be ready for pick up.
1-May-17 Initial rosters due into clubs/league.
1-May-17 Initial registration and fees due to WHFC ($37.25 per player).
7-May-17 League play begins.
23-May-17 Remainder of schedule till August be released.
23-May-17 Final payment (the remainder of field fees)
1-Jun-17 Initial player pictures due.
1-Jun-17 O35 Provincial Request Deadline
30-Jun-17 Player Registration Deadline
31-Jul-17 Transfer Deadline


Sample budgets have been provided. Yellow highlighted areas should be reviewed to allow for sufficient funds for the summer.
Initial Summer Meeting
An initial 2017 Summer season meeting will  take place Tuesday, April 11th, 2017 starting at 7PM in the Soccer NS Classroom.  Any team wanting to have a summer team must:
1)    Have a representative present at this meeting.
2)    Have a cheque or money order to present to the league or have sent an email transfer to the league before the meeting in the amount of $1000.00.
3)    Have filled out the contact form for summer in full by Monday April 10, 2017  -  Contact form can be found on this link.  Identifying- Preferred division (Upper, Middle, Lower, O35 Upper (provincial), O35 Lower (non-provincial),or O45).  
4)    Understand that full payment of league fees will be due May 15, 2017 and that there will be no exceptions.
5)    Have all outstanding club and league fees must be paid in full by this meeting.
More details to follow at this meeting.
Any teams not returning please inform us as soon as possible.  
Any teams wanting to participate in the O35 Masters provincials should also inform us at this time.
As part of the RESPECT Program, we are going to ask teams to bring a donation of non perishable food for FeedNS at our games on the 23rd of October.   There will be thirty-eight of our teams participating that day, and we will have a collection box set up at the main entrance.    Please pass this along to your team mates.
n the cusp of a new season, I would like everyone to forward this to every member of their teams. We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. We need to better respect our opponents, referees and facilities. In the past season, the levels of dissent, referee abuse and violent conducts has increased to an alarming level. The lack of respect shown to the game, league and match officials, opponents, coaches, managers, field staff, team mates, and the facilities that we all play in can be considered disturbing at best. Everyone involved with the MSMSL must improve if we want this league to continue to be successful.

We require referees to do our matches, yet the pool of referees that are qualified or those that want to do our league matches is dwindling. Every season official either drop out of the system or refuse to take league assignments due to the abuse and intimidation that they receive on and off the pitch. In regard to officials, we as teams, players and coaches must learn to;

· Respect the officials on field calls no matter our personal opinion of the validity of the call.
· Never engage in public criticism of the match officials including the insinuation of reporting the official.
· Never engage in offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour towards the official.
· Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment.
· If ejected, leave the field in a calm and non confrontational manner, and not return to the field to engage the official or other player.

As players, we all are guilty at times at allowing our emotions, due to the inherent competitiveness and passion of the game, over take our good sense. We need to learn to control both our emotions and anger a lot better than we have done in the past. Soccer is a passionate game that can be played competitively while at the same time respecting all others involved and preserving the enjoyment of the game.

We as players, managers, and teams need to:

· Adhere to the Laws of the Game
· Display and promote high standards of behaviour
· Promote Fair Play
· Always respect the match officials’ decisions
· Speak to team-mates, officials, the opposition, coaches and managers with respect
· Win or lose with dignity. Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end of every game
· Ensure that fans associated with our teams also display and promote high standards of behaviour.
· If dismissed from a match, leave the facility, and do not return.

We are very lucky to play in an area that has so many great soccer facilities, but at times players have forgotten this fact. Such things as spitting on the indoor or outdoor turf, facility damage, not adhering to the rules of the facility, sunflower seeds on the turf, and other acts are not acceptable.
The MSMSL is implementing a program to promote, monitor, and improve high standards of behavior in its membership. The program will simply be called RESPECT.

RESPECT is the collective responsibility of everyone involved in soccer and the MSMSL, in all divisions, to create a fair, safe and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place through positive behavior.

What does the MSMSL hope to achieve with Respect?

· Help to ensure, that will be a sufficient base of registered referees for now and in the future, that will officiate our matches.
· Reduce the number of incidents of dissent, referee abuse and violent conduct.
· See a significant improvement in on-field player behavior.
· Ensure league growth through positive behaviors on and off the field.
· See MSMSL involvement in the soccer and general community.

What will the MSMSL do to ensure the success of the RESPECT program?
· Promotion of positive play and respect within the league.
· Establishment of a Fair Play team award.
· Zero tolerance on referee abuse and stricter punishments.
· Creation of codes of conduct for players and managers.
· Work with governing bodies to ensure program success.

The MSMSL hopes that all its membership will embrace the program and we wish you all success in the upcoming season.

As part of the RESPECT Program, we are going to ask teams to bring a donation of non perishable food for FeedNS at our games on the 23rd of October. There will be thirty-eight of our teams participating that day, and we will have a collection box set up at the main entrance. Please pass this along to your team mates.
2016 Award Banquet
A final night of banquet ticket sales/ pickup will be held tonight at East Side Mario's  in Bayer's Lake from 8PM to 10PM.

You will also be able to email in orders of extra tickets to be picked up at the door.  Tickets will be charged to your team account.   Cut off for this will be Oct 3, 2016 at 9PM.

This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 8, 2016 at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:15 pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $42 each. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.

This year’s entertainment once again will be Yuk Yuks

We are also looking for volunteers for help with the banquet.
O45 Players
Any O45 players looking for a spot this winter, give Rod Miller an email at . This is a new team, and he will be looking for players before he applies.
New Teams for Winter 2016
New Team Applications
Anyone looking to put a new team into the league for Winter 2016, must apply at the next league meeting (September 28) being held at 7:00PM at the SNS classroom. New teams should also an email to to confirm their application.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $1000.00 deposit (in the form of a cheques) and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 14 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers.

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
•Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
•There are no call ups to the MSMSL
•Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to
the league before participating.
•No Slide tackles
Initial 2016 Winter Meeting
An initial Winter meeting to take place September 28, 2016 , (Wednesday) at 7PM at Soccer NS Classroom. Any team wanting to have a winter team must be present with a rep.
All returning teams (including new summer teams) must do the following to ensure their spot for the upcoming winter season:
1)    Have a representative present at this meeting.
2)    Have a cheque or money order to present to the league or have sent an email transfer to the league before the meeting in the amount of $1000.00.
3)    Have filled out the contact form for winter in full (4 reps complete with phone numbers and email addresses).
4)    Understand that full payment of league fees will be due October 28, 2016 and that there will be no exceptions.
5)    Have all previous club and league fees must be paid in full by this meeting.
We have Implemented this process to ensure that teams are serious about playing and to alleviate the fee collection process.   Last season with teams dropping out just before and early in the season, as well as teams paying months late, has forced us to streamline team registration and payments.
More details will be forthcoming.
2016 Award Nominees
Teams are asked to submit the following via email to  by 5PM September 28, 2016.

1- Their team MVP
2- Nominations for Divisional MVP in the division in which the team participates.
3- Nominations for Divisional Best Defender in the division in which the team participates.
4- Nominations for Divisional Best Keeper in the division in which the team participates.

Teams are also encouraged to discuss amongst team mates a worthy nomination for the Basil Pellerine award.

The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to an individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

We are also looking for suggestions for the MSMSL Hall of Fame.

This year we will be using online voting, so all the nominees must be in by the September 28, 2016 deadline as online voting will start September 30, 2016 and end October 3, 2016 at 5PM.
2016 Award Banquet
This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 8, 2016 at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:15 pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $42 each. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.
Ticket sales we be held announced soon.
This year’s entertainment once again will be Yuk Yuks

Contact your team rep for tickets.
Ticket sales dates and more details will be announced later next week. Each team has 3 tickets as part of their summer registration.

The MSMSL has negotiated a room rate deal for those whom wish to stay at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront on the night of the banquet. The MSMSL will have the regular rate of $197 per night reduced to $159.00 per night. If you are thinking about renting a room, please consider it earlier than later as we have been informed that it is booking quickly.

Please note the league will not be responsible for any damages incurred in rented room
Summer Drop In
Thursday May 5, 2016 from 7-8:30 in the SNS boardroom at the BMO Soccer Center.

This is a drop in style format from 7-8:30 at SNS to take care of the following:

A first payment of $500.00 is due. (Meeting location to be established)

All Outstanding WHFC club fees from past season due.

All Outstanding MSMSL fees from past season due.

Game sheets will be ready for pick up.
Summer 2016
The 2016 MSMSL Summer Season meeting will take place Thursday, April 14th, 2016 , 7PM at Soccer NS Classroom.

A $500 Team Fee Deposit is required at this meeting to confirm a teams spot in the league for the season. Fee deposit will be applied to your league fees.

The 2016 season will start on Wednesday, May 11th.
New Team Applications
Anyone looking to put a new team into the league for Summer 2016, must apply at the next league meeting (April 14th) being held at 7:00PM at the SNS classroom. New teams should also an email to to confirm their application.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $500.00 deposit (in the form of a cheque) and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 20 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers.

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
•Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
•There are no call ups to the MSMSL
•Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to
the league before participating.
•No Slide tackles
Ardmore Cup
Three MSMSL Teams have advanced in to the next round of the Ardmore Cup. Athens United and DVC will face off against each other on Jan 20th with one MSMSL team advancing to the final. The MSMSL’s Athens Two will face off against the only remaining HSL team in the Halifax Young Gunz on January 20th. Good luck to all MSMSL teams.
League Reallignment
Due to unforeseen circumstances the league has to realign some divisions which will lead to changes in all open divisions. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please review the following in regards to each division.
Please also review you teams schedule as some opponents and times have changed. All league payments are now due November 15, 2015 to allow for collection of additional fees if required.
Lower Division
The realignment will see an additional team, the Halifax Heat, added to the lower division. This will mean an additional three games for everyone in the lower division. The division cost will increase $225.00 from the $2505.00 to $2730.00.
There maybe a few schedule adjustments to the existing posted schedule.
Middle Division
The realignment will see the Halifax Heat leave the division and see County FC join the division. The division cost will remain $2730.00.
Teams that have played the Halifax Heat will be reimbursed the referee costs per game of $14.00. This will be credited to affected teams account.
Games involving the Halifax Heat will be removed from the schedule with no discipline (with the exception of Red Cards) or scores being recorded.
There maybe a few schedule adjustments to the existing posted schedule.
Upper Division
The realignment will see the County FC leave the division and see Hellas FC join the division. The division cost will remain $2730.00.
Teams that have played the FC County will be reimbursed the referee costs per game of $14.00. This will be credited to affected teams account.
Games involving the FC County will be removed from the schedule with no discipline (with the exception of Red Cards) or scores being recorded.
There maybe a few schedule adjustments to the existing posted schedule
Elite Division
The realignment will see one less team, the Hellas FC. This will mean a reduction of three games for everyone in the elite division. The division cost will decrease $225.00 from the $2730.00 to $2505.00. Teams having already paid the full amount will be credited the difference to their account. If requested, the MSMSL will issue a money transfer back to the team.
Teams that have played the Hellas FC will be reimbursed the referee costs per game of $14.00. This will be credited to affected teams account.
Games involving the Hellas FC will be removed from the schedule with no discipline (with the exception of Red Cards) or scores being recorded.
There maybe a few schedule adjustments to the existing posted schedule.

MSMSL 2015 Awards Banquet
The MSMSL banquet was held Oct 17, 2015. It was a great evening with almost 200 people in attendance.

The following awards were presented.

Team MVP’s
Albion Jordan Quinn
All Blacks Alex Bakolias
Alumitech Craig Sears
Athens United Mat Budreski
Barons Ryan Munden
Basin Insurance Mark Scott
Bedford Titans Ryan Pachal
Bluenose United Umberto Catalano
Bridgewater Barry Whynot
Celtic Masters Kelvin McEwen.
Clippers Jurrien Meerstadt
Cole Harbour Joel Egan-Leach
Convoy Attila Vass
Darkside City Nick Gregory
Darkside United Amel Muskic
DU Classics Milo Negulic
DU Strong Steve Pothier
DVC Joel Grandy
Eastern Passage Alex Gomez
FC Bedford Danny Proffit
FC Citco Andre Pouliot
FC County Tim Goodine
Halifax City Celtic John Dixon
HCU Eagles Brenden Blotnicky
HCU Masters Paul Murphy
Headshoppe Ryan Esch
Heart N Soul Phil Nash
Heat Colin Caswell
Hellas Alex Zafiris
Hurricanes Tom Bettle
Loong FC Xia Fan
Marauders FC Ben Paul
Masters Of Hellas George theoharopoulos
Metro Mariners Paul O' Connell
Molson FC Kent Watters
Old Scotia Lenny Boudreau
Pro-Edge Michael Boone.
Sacktown Ben Colford
Sackville Tire Mike Boyce
Schooner FC Brad thompson
Sporting Rangers Zac Amorin
Storm SC Bert Bertolo
Wolves FC Gavin Kibble

Winter Regular Season
Viet FC
Halifax All Blacks
Athens Too
Sporting Futures
Winter Playoffs
Viet FC
Darkside City
Athens United
Sporting Futures

Golden Boots
Zac Amorin (Sporting Rangers) 35 goals
Kent Stevens (Metro Mariners) 25 Goals
Ben Colford (Sacktown AC) 38 Goals
George Theoharopoulos (Masters of Hellas) 34 goals.

Top Keeper
Kent Worsnop (Wolves FC)
Tim Goodine (FC County)
Jason King (Albion)
George Kakamousias (Bluenose)
Top Defender
Dimo Panagiotakos(Master of Hellas)
Andrew Chow (Molson)
Tim Mullen (Athens)
Sava Krstic (Sporting Rangers)

Division MVP
George Theoharopolous (Masters of Hellas)
Ben Colford (Sacktown AC)
Paul O’Connell (Metro Mariners)
Zac Amorin (Sporting Rangers)

Summer Regular Season
Wolves FC
Sacktown AC
Metro Mariners
Sporting Rangers
Summer Playoffs
Citco FC
Metro Mariners
Sporting Rangers

Respect Award

FC Bedford.

Hall Of Fame
The MSMSL is proud to introduce the MSMSL Hall Of Fame at this year’s awards ceremony. Established to celebrate achievements of current or past players, teams, builders and game officials in the MSMSL.
The inaugural award recipients have shown a great love and passion for the game as well as a longevity that can’t be matched. It is hard not to think of these individuals and not think of their time in the MSMSL.

Ron Buckley
Eric McIntyre
Harry Soontiens

The Basil Pellerine Award
The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to a individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.
Ryan Feron

Payment Deadline Moved
League and Club Payments
The originally scheduled October 16 payment deadline has been extended to Oct 21st.
The following options are available for payments:
• For electronic payments of player registration to the WHFC, email money transfers can be directed to .
• For electronic payments of league payments, email money transfers can be directed to
• If you wish to drop off a cheque for either the MSMSL (league) or the WHFC (club), there will be an opportunity to do so between 7PM and 9:15 PM on Wednesday October 21st. Cheques should be placed in an envelope clearly marked MSMSL or WHFC to the SNS downstairs office between those hours.
• Contact either of the two email addresses to get an address for postage or make arrangements for drop off.
All other deadlines remain unchanged.
Winter 2015-2016

There will be four (4) open (18+) divisions and an over 45 division this season:

There will be an Elite, Upper, Middle and Lower division.

The Elite, Upper, and Middle will be a triple round robin for a total of 30 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top eight teams. Maximum games (30 regular, 3 playoffs (33)).

The Lower will be a triple round robin for a total of 27 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top eight teams. Maximum games (27 regular, 3 playoffs (30)).

The divisions will look like this:

Elite Upper Middle Lower
Athens Too Masters Of Hellas Heart N Soul Rangers
Athens United Darkside City Alumitech Halifax Town AFC
Chester Barons Clippers Loong FC
Mariners Bedford Titans Eastern Passage Assante
Concertia Hurricanes Marauders HCU Balding Eagles
Hellas All Blacks Formation Halifax Convoy
DVC DU Strong Heat Headshoppe
Albion City Celtic Wolves Fusliers FC
Halifax Sahara Sacktown Molson FC HCU Masters
Lutraki FC FC County FC Citco CB Electric
Golden Goal Cole Harbour Darkside United


This will be a triple round robin for a total of 21 regular season games. Playoffs will consist of top six teams. Maximum games (21 regular, 3 playoffs (24)).

The division will look like this:
Sporting Rangers
Sporting Futures
DU Classics
Storm SC
FC Bedford
Old Scotia


Player Costs
SNS player registration will be $17.00 per player. District fees will be $0.00 per player (for Halifax District teams). $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total of $20.00 per player for WHFC teams (Please see WHFC player registration documentation attached for the WHFC teams.

Referee Costs

Referee cost will be $28.00 ($14.00 per team) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets.

League Fees

The league fees will be :
Elite $2,730.00
Upper $2,730.00
Middle $2,730.00
Lower $2,505.00
O45 $2,055.00

This covers all administration and field costs.


First payment of $2000.00 will be due in full, along with any outstanding league fees on October 16, 2015. (There will be a league meeting to facilitate the collection. Teams with their accounts not paid in full by this date may lose their spot in the winter, as we have a waiting list. No postdated cheques will be permitted.

The remaining fees will be due November 2, 2015. No postdated cheques will be permitted

Teams may also contact the league treasurer to arrange for online payments.


Preliminary schedule set to be released October 17, 2015. Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the season are to submit times to no later than October 10, 2015. The league will guarantee only two nights off per team; more if possible.

October 21, 2015 will be the opening game night.

Please note no games will be played between December 23, 2015 to January 1, 2016. Also Superbowl Sunday, no games will be played.

Game Nights/Times
The regular league game nights will be mostly Wednesdays (9PM, 10PM, 11PM) Fridays, (9PM,10PM, 11PM), Saturdays (10PM, 11PM) and Sundays (7PM, 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, 11PM). We also will have some sporadic times throughout the week. In mid-March and April, game frequencies will increase as more field time opens up.


WHFC Teams

Teams are reminded that initial player registration (14 players) and waiver forms were to be submitted ASAP to Tim Murgatroyd ( no later than October 17, 2015 @ 5PM.

The electronic forms must be filled out completely and sent back electronically. The form can be found here.

Also, all players registering via the league's own club, Western Halifax Football Club (WHFC), must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

Waiver forms can be found here:

Team reps must also fill out the WHFC team agreement form found here.

Other Club Teams
The club teams (non-WHFC) are to have their SNS player registration as generated by Goalline to Tim Murgatroyd ( by October 17, 2015.


All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by October 30, 2015. All player pictures must follow guidelines as set out on the website.

December 31, 2015.

There are three budget tools on the MSMSL website for team use. Changing text that is in red will allow you budget for number of players, and additional needs of you individual teams.
The MSMSL is also recommending that all teams have team accounts with two signatures. Many financial institutions have loss/zero cost accounts for teams. The MSMSL or WHFC will write a letter for you to establish such an account if needed. TD and Atlantic Credit Union seem to have the best options in regards to community accounts.

Team sheets will be available at the October 8, 2015. Games sheets in 25 game packages will be given to every team. This will be enough sheets for the entire season. There will be no game sheets at the facility this year.
Should you lose or misplace your game sheet packages, replacements can be purchased at a cost of $20.00.
Team reps will be responsible for filling out the team/league agreement form. Forms will be sent out before the first game and must be returned by October 30, 2015.
Top 4 teams from the Elite division after the first round of play will participate in the Ardmore Cup with the top 4 HSL teams. Teams that think that they will be in the Ardmore should budget an additional funds to cover this.
Teams needing jerseys can contact the local Inaria representative and take advantage of MSMSL pricing. Contact Jay Robinson

October 5, 2015 Nominations for Awards due.
October 8, 2015 Online award voting begins.
October 8, 2015 Winter League Kickoff Meeting
October 8, 2015 Game sheet pickup
October 10, 2015 Deadline for time off requests.
October 12, 2015 Online award voting ends (9PM).
October 16, 2015 Initial payment and all outstanding fees due to MSMSL.
October 17, 2015 MSMSL Award Banquet
October 17, 2015 Initial Schedule release.
October 17, 2015 WHFC initial registration due
October 17, 2015 Club team SNS player initial registrations submittal due.
October 21, 2015 First games
October 30, 2015 Player Pictures deadline (initial)
October 30, 2015 Team agreement due.
November 2, 2015 Final Payments Due
December 31, 2015 SNS Player registration deadline.

Cards carry over to Playoffs
This is a general reminder that all cards carry over into the play-offs.
This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 17, 2015 at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

This years entertainment by Yuk Yuks on Tour.
Price for the tickets is $40. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.
Contact your team rep for tickets.
Ticket sales dates and more details will be announced early next week.
Each team has 3 tickets as part of their summer registration.

The MSMSL has negotiated a room rate deal for those whom wish to stay at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront on the night of the banquet. The MSMSL will have the regular rate of $197 per night reduced to $159.00 per night. If you are thinking about renting a room, please consider it earlier than later as we have been informed that it is booking quickly.

Please note the league will not be responsible for any damages incurred in rented room.
New Teams for Winter 2015-2016
Anyone looking to put a new team into the league, must apply at the next league meeting (September 24) being held at 7:00PM at the SNS classroom. Existing teams looking to put an additional team in the league must send separate representatives to the meeting to present the new team to the league.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $300.00 deposit (in the form of a cheque) and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 15 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers.

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
•Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
•There are no call ups to the MSMSL
•Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to
the league before participating.
•No Slide tackles
There are limited spots so there is no guarantee of getting a team in the league
Intial Winter Meeting

An initial Winter meeting to take place September 24, 2015 , (Thursday) at 7PM at Soccer NS Classroom. Any team wanting to have a winter team must be present with a rep.

Any team wanting to submit a second team must apply at this meeting. (See posting regarding new teams entering the league for this winter)

Please note all club and league fees must be paid in full by this meeting to guarantee your spot in the winter league
2015 MSMSL Award Banquet
This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 17, 2015 at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.
Price for the tickets is $40. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.
Contact your team rep for tickets.
Ticket sales dates and more details will be announced early next week.
Each team has 3 tickets as part of their summer registration.

The MSMSL has negotiated a room rate deal for those whom wish to stay at the Halifax Marriot Harbourfront on the night of the banquet. The MSMSL will have the regular rate of $197 per night reduced to $159.00 per night. If you are thinking about renting a room, please consider it earlier than later as we have been informed that it is booking quickly.

Please note the league will not be responsible for any damages incurred in rented room.
2015 Playoffs
All playoff games will be held at Weir field due to shortage of fields due to the resurfacing of Mainland Common.

1st Pool A 1st Pool B Lower Champ 22/09/2015 20:00:00 Tue
1st Pool A 1st Pool B Middle Champ 22/09/2015 21:45:00 Tue

1st O45 8th O45 O45 QF 23/09/2015 20:00:00 Wed
2nd O45 7th O45 O45 QF 23/09/2015 21:45:00 Wed

3rd O45 6th O45 O45 QF 25/09/2015 20:00:00 Fri
4th O45 5TH O45 O45 QF 25/09/2015 21:45:00 Fri

1st Middle 8th Middle Middle QF 27/09/2015 14:00:00 Sun
2nd Middle 7th Middle Middle QF 27/09/2015 16:00:00 Sun
3rd Middle 6th Middle Middle QF 27/09/2015 18:00:00 Sun
4th Middle 5th Middle Middle QF 27/09/2015 20:00:00 Sun

1st Lower 8th Lower Lower QF 30/09/2015 20:00:00 Wed
2nd Lower 7th Lower Lower QF 30/09/2015 21:45:00 Wed

3rd Lower 6th Lower Lower QF 02/10/2015 20:00:00 Fri
4th Lower 5th Lower Lower QF 02/10/2015 21:45:00 Fri

1st Upper 8th Upper Upper QF 03/10/2015 15:00:00 Sat
2nd Upper 7th Upper Upper QF 03/10/2015 17:00:00 Sat
3rd Upper 6th Upper Upper QF 03/10/2015 19:00:00 Sat
4th Upper 5th Upper Upper QF 03/10/2015 21:00:00 Sat

Highest Seed Lowest Seed O45 SF 04/10/2015 15:00:00 Sun
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed O45 SF 04/10/2015 17:00:00 Sun
Highest Seed Lowest Seed Middle SF 04/10/2015 19:00:00 Sun
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed Middle SF 04/10/2015 21:00:00 Sun

Highest Seed Lowest Seed Lower SF 05/10/2015 20:00:00 Mon
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed Lower SF 05/10/2015 21:45:00 Mon

Highest Seed Lowest Seed Upper SF 07/10/2015 20:00:00 Wed
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed Upper SF 07/10/2015 21:45:00 Wed

O45 Final 10/10/2015 15:00:00 Sat
Lower Final 10/10/2015 17:00:00 Sat
Middle Final 10/10/2015 19:00:00 Sat
Upper Final 10/10/2015 21:00:00 Sat
Deadline Extended
Player picture and payements have been extended until May 26, 2015. Drop location to be announced soon.
Revised Summer Info
Summer 2015 Information
Player registration will be $35.00 per player. District fees will be $1.25 per player (for Halifax District teams). $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total of $39.25 per player for WHFC teams. New this year, a separate cheque for player registration must be made out to the WHFC for those teams registering with the WHFC.
Referee cost will be $57.50 (notice price increase) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Breakdown is ref $24.50 ($49.00), line $16.50 ($33.00).
League fee will be $550.00; (reduced since last season) see budget in upload section for further details.
Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times in Bridgewater.
There will be three open divisions this season.
Lower Division
The lower division will consist of two pools of seven. Teams will play a triple round robin (3 x6) within their pool and a single round robin with the other pool (1 x7) for a total of 25 games.
Top teams in each pool will play a single game to determine division league. Championship.
Pool A will consist of Looong FC Marauders, Clippers, Asante Hydrostone, Darkside United, Headshoppe FC, HCU Masters
Pool B will consist of mostly over 35 teams of Wolves FC, Eastern Passage, Alumitech Masters, and Masters of Hellas, and HCU Balding Eagles, Halifax Heat, and Halifax Convoy.
Playoffs will consist of top 4 teams in each pool. Teams will be ranked for playoff positions based on points.
Maximum games (25 regular; 1 league championship and 3playoffs (29)).
Middle Division
The middle division will consist of two pools of six. Teams will play a triple round robin within their pool (3x 5) and a double round robin with the other pools (2 x6) for a total of 27 games.
Top teams in each pools will play a single game to determine Division Championship.
Pool A will consist of Cole Harbour, Citco FC, Halifax Hurricanes, Sacktown AC, Halifax Celtic, and DU Strong
Pool B will consist of Barons FC, FC County, Darkside City, Heart N Soul, Molson FC, and Bedford Titans,
Playoffs will consist of top 4 teams in each pool. Teams will be ranked for playoff positions based on points.
Maximum games (27 regular; 1 league championship and 3 playoffs (31)).
Upper Division
The upper division will consist of Athens United, Albion, Hellas FC, Metro Mariners, DVC FC, ProEdge Sports, Stewiake FC, Schooner and Halifax All Blacks.
This will be a triple round robin within the division for a total of 24 regular season games
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams
Maximum games (24 regular; 3 playoffs (27)).

O45 Division
Consisting of Sporting Rangers, Old Scotia, Genieknows, Basin Insurance, Sackville Tire, Celtic Masters, Bluenose United, FC Bedford, DU Classics, and Bridgewater.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams
Maximum games (18 regular; 3 playoffs (21)).

Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer are to submit times to by May 10, 2015 to the scheduler. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible. We may have to get teams to play on one long weekend during the season.

Player Pictures
All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 20, 2015. We will be releasing new guidelines in regards to player pictures.
O35 Provincials
As per SNS Competitions committee, any team wanting to participate in the O35 Masters provincials must have a complete roster of players that are 35 or older.
Teams wanting to participate should also use their weekend off for the provincial weekend. Teams are expected to meet all league commitments in attending both league and playoff games.
Summer Kick-Off Meeting (May 4)
Summer kick off meeting to be held at St. Andrews Community Centre, 3380,Barnsted Lane, Halifax, NS May 4 at 7PM start. Each team participating in the summer shall have a representative at this meeting. Important summer information to be discussed at this meeting.

Teams shall bring their initial payment of $550.00 as described in previous mail out. Outstanding fees are due at this meeting.

Any WHFC teams still owing shall bring their payments for these fees to this meeting.
Cards Carryover to Playoffs
This is a general reminder that all cards carryover into the playoffs.
Playoff Schedule
Viet FC versus HCU Balding Eagles Lower 29/04/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
DU Rangers versus Marauders Lower 29/04/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Bluenose United versus Storm O45 29/04/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 3
DU Classics versus Celtic Masters O45 29/04/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
Sacktown versus Halifax Convoy Lower 29/04/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
HCU Masters versus Darkside United Lower 29/04/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 3
Halifax All Blacks versus Bedford Titans Middle 29/04/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 4
DU Strong versus Alumitech Middle 29/04/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
Athens Too versus DVC FC Upper 29/04/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Athens United versus Albion Upper 29/04/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 3
Masters of Hellas versus Barons Middle 29/04/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 4
Darkside City versus Molson FC Middle 29/04/2015 22:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
Chester Merchants versus Hellas Upper 29/04/2015 22:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Metro Mariners versus Concertia Stars Upper 29/04/2015 22:00:00 SNS Indoor 3

DU Futures versus Lowest Seed O45 01/05/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
DU Rangers versus Highest Seed O45 01/05/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Highest Seed versus Lowest Seed Lower 01/05/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
2nd Highest Seed versus 2nd Lowest Seed Lower 01/05/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Highest Seed versus Lowest Seed Middle 01/05/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
2nd Highest Seed versus 2nd Lowest Seed Middle 01/05/2015 21:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Highest Seed versus Lowest Seed Upper 01/05/2015 22:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
2nd Highest Seed versus 2nd Lowest Seed Upper 01/05/2015 22:00:00 SNS Indoor 2

SF Winner versus SF Winner O45 03/05/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
SF Winner versus SF Winner Lower 03/05/2015 19:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
SF Winner versus SF Winner Middle 03/05/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 1
SF Winner versus SF Winner Upper 03/05/2015 20:00:00 SNS Indoor 2
Game Summary Reports and Discipline
Due to the upcoming end of year schedule, the MSMSL is requesting all game summary reports be submitted to the league website no more then 24 hours after the end of the game by the winning team. This is also a reminder to submit all cards and goals. If either team notices a discrepancy, you must notify the league. Any winning team that fails to report a completed game summary report as per their official game sheet will be sanctioned by the league. If we do not have the correct data, we can not deal with issues in a timely manner.
Secondly, this is a reminder to read the rule book (included as attachment) . Team executives need to read rules 7 and 9. These sections cover your responsibilities as executives and how discipline is handled. Team executives are responsible to track cards and know the length of suspensions for discipline of players. If the suspension length is defined in our rules, you will not be notified by the league. The league will only notify if the minimum penalty is increased or you have been charged with another violation or offense of league rules. We have also had reports of players playing while suspended. This league is sanctioned under Soccer Nova Scotia. Soccer Nova Scotia penalties for fielding an ineligible player are very severe. See penalties below for player and team executives offenses. These are Soccer Nova Scotia rules and are defined punishments. If you have questions about the length of suspensions, please email me directly.

Player Misconduct

Section Offense First Offense

1.17 Played as an ineligible player. Remaining games of competition.

Team Executive Misconduct

2.9 Played an ineligible player in a sanctioned game 6-month suspension
New Teams/New Players
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting on April 9,2013. This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this summer season (slated to start in early May.

New teams should indicate their desired play level at which they wish to play.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
O35 Lower Division
The MSMSL is pleased to reintroduce the over 35 lower (non- provincial). Teams participating in this division will not be eligible to participate in the O35 Masters provincials. For the initial two seasons, teams will be allowed to use up to eight (8) underage players of the ages of 33(born 1983) and 34 (born 1983) in the first year (2015), and eight (8) underage players of the ages of 34 (born 1982) in the second year (2016). By the 2017, only players that are 35 (born 1982) will be permitted in the division.
We hope to have six (6) teams to start the 2015 summer season in this division.
The O35 lower division will also take place in the winter seasons.
Any teams that are interested in this division should contact the league right away.
Any players interested in this division should contact the league to be placed on a list to distribute to interested teams. If the list is large, the league may contact players in effort to form a new team(s).
Mar 18 Games Cancelled
All of the scheduled March 18 games have been cancelled for tonight due to the weather and road conditions.
MSMSL AGM Rescheduled
The MSMSL is having AGM Thursday February 12, 2015 at 7PM. Hopefully the weather will hold out for us.
Admore Cup Semi Finals Tonight
The Admore Cup semifinals are tonight at SNS Field #4 starting at 7pm.
Metro Mariners vs Halifax OGZ @ 7pm
Athens United vs Athens Too @ 8pm
Soccer Nova Scotia Closed January 27,2015
The game tonight of Sacktown AC vs Viet FC will be rescheduled.
MSMSL Annual General Meeting
The AGM has postponed until February 5, 2014 due to scheduling conflicts. AGM will take place at 7PM at the SNSTC classroom.
Website Rosters Now Loaded
All team rosters have now been loaded on the website for the 2014-15 Winter Season with information that has been received up to Oct.24.

Please review your team's page:

For WHFC Club teams - if you notice any players missing or other updates required please send an email to Tim Murgatroyd at to advise.

For teams that have registered through other clubs (DU, HCU, Hfx City, etc) if you see players missing then you must contact your club admin person and have them send the correct official roster from the Goalline registration system to Tim at
Banquet Ticket Sales
We will be selling banquet tickets for next Saturday's banquet tomorrow (Monday) Sept 29, 2014 at East Side Mario's in Bayer Lake (in the bar area). From 8PM to 10PM. Teams that have not picked up their tickets can do so at this time.

Teams not able to make the ticket sale may contact Don Hailstone to arrange for door pick up.
New Teams for Winter

Anyone looking to put a new team into the league, must apply at the next league meeting (September 25) being held at 8:00PM at the SNS classroom. Existing teams looking to put an additional team in the league must send separate representatives to the meeting to present the new team to the league.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $200.00 deposit and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 12 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers.

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
•Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
•There are no call ups to the MSMSL
•Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to
the league before participating.
•No Slide tackles
There are limited spots so there is no guarantee of getting a team in the league.
MSMSL to Remember Michael Fowlie
All this weekends playoff games will have a minute of silence at the start of each match to honour the memory of Michael Fowlie, a long time player and referee that passed away suddenly on the weekend.
The referees have been instructed to talk with the teams before the game and have the teams line up on the touch line and do the walk out to center as done during NSSL playoffs. The moment of silence will take place at mid-field after a professional walk-out. Teams are asked to shake hands at the beginning of the games to honor Michael’s commitment and comradeship to the game.
Playoff Matchups Set
First round matchups are set.

HCU Masters (3) Assante (6) Lower QF 19/09/2014 20:00:00 Fri Mainland North 1 Full Field
Alumitech (4) Convoy (5) Lower QF 19/09/2014 20:00:00 Fri Mainland North 2 Full Field
Sporting (1) Sackville Tire (8) O45 QF 19/09/2014 21:45:00 Fri Mainland North 1 Full Field
Bluenose (2) FC Bedford (7) O45 QF 19/09/2014 21:45:00 Fri Mainland North 2 Full Field
Citco (1) Wolves (8) Middle QF 19/09/2014 20:00:00 Fri Harbour East 2 Full Field
Molson (2) Heat (7) Middle QF 19/09/2014 20:00:00 Fri Harbour East 1 Full Field
Barons (3) All Blacks (6) Middle QF 19/09/2014 21:45:00 Fri Harbour East 2 Full Field
City Celtic (4) Sacktown AC (5) Middle QF 19/09/2014 21:45:00 Fri Harbour East 1 Full Field

Old Scotia (3) Celtic Masters (6) O45 QF 20/09/2014 17:00:00 Sat Weir
Basin (4) DU Classics (5) O45 QF 20/09/2014 19:00:00 Sat Weir

1st Athens 8th HB Thunder Upper QF 21/09/2014 19:00:00 Sun Harbour East 2 Full Field
2nd Albion 7th International Upper QF 21/09/2014 19:00:00 Sun Harbour East 1 Full Field
3rd Schooner 6th Hellas Upper QF 21/09/2014 21:00:00 Sun Harbour East 2 Full Field
4th Mariners 5th Concertia Upper QF 21/09/2014 21:00:00 Sun Harbour East 1 Full Field
Week 22
Highest Seed Lowest Seed Middle QF 24/09/2014 21:00:00 Wed Mainland North 1 Full Field
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed Middle QF 24/09/2014 21:00:00 Wed Mainland North 2 Full Field
1st Bedford Lowest Seed Lower SF 24/09/2014 20:00:00 Wed Harbour East 2 Full Field
2nd DU Strong Highest Seed Lower SF 24/09/2014 20:00:00 Wed Harbour East 1 Full Field
Highest Seed Lowest Seed Upper SF 24/09/2014 21:45:00 Wed Harbour East 1 Full Field
Remaining Seed Remaining Seed Upper SF 24/09/2014 21:45:00 Wed Harbour East 2 Full Field
1st Lowest Seed O45 SF 24/09/2014 20:00:00 Wed Bedford All Weather Turf
2nd Highest Seed O45 SF 24/09/2014 20:00:00 Wed Weir

O45 Final 27/09/2014 18:00:00 Sat Harbour East 2 Full Field
Lower Final 27/09/2014 16:00:00 Sat Bedford All Weather Turf
Middle Final 27/09/2014 18:00:00 Sat Bedford All Weather Turf
Upper Final 27/09/2014 20:00:00 Sat Bedford All Weather Turf
Michael Fowlie
It is with profound sadness we announce the sudden passing of Michael Fowlie, age 28, on September 13, 2014. A well-known player across the league and refereeing community; he was a member of the MSMSL from 2010, playing for FC Citco. Our hearts go out to his family and many close friends during this difficult time. Not only was he an integral part of the FC Citco team making dashes up and down the wing and ensuring top spot for the team during the 2014 summer season, he was firstly a friend. His natural charisma and zest for life will be missed on and off of the pitch.
The MSMSL is asking that all teams involved in the first round of the MSMSL playoffs participate in a minute of silence before each first round playoff games in memory of our friend Michael.
Playoff Schedule
Here is the 2014 Summer playoff schedule:

SEPT 19 (FRI):

3rd HCU Masters Vs 6th Assante Lower QF 8:00PM Mainland North 1

4th Alumitech Vs 5th Convoy Lower QF 8:00PM Mainland North 2

1st TBD Vs 8th TBD O45 QF 9:45PM Mainland North 1

2nd TBD Vs 7th TBD O45 QF 9:45PM Mainland North 2

1st Citco Vs 8th TBD Middle QF 8:00PM Harbour East 2

2nd Molson Vs 7th TBD Middle QF 8:00PM Harbour East 1

3rd TBD Vs 6th TBD Middle QF 9:45PM Harbour East 2

4th TBD Vs 5th TBD Middle QF 9:45PM Harbour East 1

SEPT 20 (SAT):

3rd TBD Vs 6th Celtic Masters O45 QF 5:00PM Weir

4th TBD Vs 5th TBD O45 QF 7:00PM Weir

SEPT 21 (SUN):

1st Athens Vs 8th TBD Upper QF 7:00PM Harbour East 2

2nd Albion Vs 7th International Upper QF 7:00PM Harbour East 1

3rd Schooner Vs 6th Hellas Upper QF 9:00PM Harbour East 2

4th Mariners Vs 5th Concertia Upper QF 9:00PM Harbour East 1

SEPT 24 (WED):

Highest Seed Vs Lowest Seed Middle SEMI 9:00PM Wed Mainland North 1

Remaining Seed Vs Remaining Seed Middle SEMI 9:00PM Mainland North 2

1st Bedford Vs Lowest Seed Lower SF 8:00PM Harbour East 2

2nd DU Strong Vs Highest Seed Lower SF 8:00PM Harbour East 1

Highest Seed Vs Lowest Seed Upper SF 9:45PM Harbour East 1

Remaining Seed Vs Remaining Seed Upper SF 9:45PM Harbour East 2

1st Vs Lowest Seed O45 SF 8:00PM Bedford All Weather Turf

2nd Vs Highest Seed O45 SF 8:00PM Weir

SEPT 27 (SAT):

O45 Final 6:00PM Harbour East 2

Lower Final 4:00PM Bedford All Weather Turf

Middle Final 6:00PM Bedford All Weather Turf

Upper Final 8:00PM Bedford All Weather Turf
MSMSL Award Banquet
This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 4, 2014 at the Delta Halifax. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.
Price for the tickets is $30. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.
Contact your team rep for tickets.
Ticket sales dates and more details will be announced early next week.
Each team has 3 tickets as part of their summer registration.

The MSMSL has negotiated a room rate deal for those whom wish to stay at the Delta Halifax on the night of the banquet. The MSMSL will have the regular rate of $149 per night reduced to $99.00 per night. If you are thinking about renting a room, please consider it earlier than later as we have been informed that it is booking quickly.
Please find below the Delta Weblink for you to easily make your guestroom reservations at the Delta Halifax
Please note the league will not be responsible for any damages incurred in rented room.
Player Pictures
A reminder to all teams that the second deadline for player pictures is July 24, 2014. Teams still without the player pictures will be fined again.
Outstanding Fees
Several accounts with the MSMSL are overdue. Please contact Patrick Matthews for your outstanding balance.

All payments are now past due. You can settle your account via email money transfer. (Contact Pat for direction or inquiries). Alternatively, you may pay in person on July 24, 2014 at East Side Mario's in Bayer's Lake from 8PM to 10PM.

All outstanding bills are due on July 24, 2014. Payments after this date will be subject to a 10% late fee, and possible cancellation of games.
Notice-Player Benches
This is the second notice regarding the player benches and spectators.
Spectators, children, or other guests are not permitted to watch from the players benches. Only registered players and team officials may sit on the player’s benches or be on the field of play during the game. All names must appear on the game sheet.
Teams are also reminded that they are responsible for their spectators. Teams will be sanctioned for the actions of their spectators. The league recently had an incident where a team had spectators on the bench that verbally abused the officials. The team will be facing sanctions in regards to this incident. This is unacceptable behavior and it should be condone by teams in the MSMSL.
Player Pictures
Teams not having all there player pictures uploaded to the site were issued fines against their account today. Original deadline was in May. Teams that are not in compliance have until July 23, 2014 to get their player pictures up or face further sanctions
Spectators, children, or other guests are not permitted to watch from the players benches. Only registered players, and team officials may sit on the player’s benches or be on the field of play during the game.
All Weather Field Code of Conduct

The MSMSL would like to take this time to remind all players and teams of the all weather field’s Code of Conduct which forms part of our rental agreement with the HRM for field use.

We have highlighted the following items to be brought to your attention.

• No motorized or large vehicles permitted within the fenced area of the all weather complexes

• All Emergency Exits are to remain clear of any and all vehicular traffic. Parking regulations will be strictly enforced.

• NO SMOKING permitted on or around the facilities as per the Smoke Free Places Act (Bill 125).

• No pets (except with a visually impaired individual) are permitted within the facility.

• The following items that may cause damage to the all weather surfaces or present a risk to other people are prohibited:
o Hair clips and bobby pins
o Sunflower seeds, shelled nuts, and peanut products
o Chewing tobacco
o Glass bottles or similar products
o Spitting on the playing surface
o Golfing within the facilities
o Chewing gum being thrown on the all weather surfaces
o Swinging or hanging on netting, goal posts or crossbars
o Metal cleats/studs that can damage the All Weather surfaces
o Tape being attached to the all weather surfaces or site amenities
o High heels or lawn chairs on the all weather surfaces.

• No foul, abusive or derogatory language is permitted.

• The scheduled client (in our case the MSMSL and in turn its respective teams) will be held responsible for:

o Signing the Daily Confirmation of Use Form upon arrival for each use of each facility.
o Behavior of participants/spectators.
o No spectators permitted on the All Weather surface, especially in the player bench areas.
o Damages caused to the facility/equipment due to your participants/spectators negligence.
o Assisting in keeping the facility clean (especially in the player bench areas) during and immediately following usage. Failure to adhere will result in a charge for any cleaning services performed by the facility staff.

• If the client causes damage to the facility, that client will be accountable for and charged for the restoration costs that are required to bring the facility back to its original playing status or condition.
• Any accidents and/or injuries must be reported immediately to the Facility Monitor.
• HRM is not responsible for lost or stolen articles of any participant or spectator while at the HRM facilities, in the parking lots or on the HRM property.

• HRM reserves the right to:

o Cancel usage due to inclement weather and/or circumstances beyond HRM control.
o Cancel a client from the facility for any reason. Where possible, rental time will be rescheduled immediately or lost time will be credited towards future use.

• Failure to adhere to the conditions of this contract and/or regulations will result in the immediate loss of the contract and/or future booking privileges.
Rodolfe (Roddy) Adikpeto
It is with great regret and heavy hearts that Molson FC would like to let MSMSL league members know we have lost teammate and friend Rodolfe (Roddy) Adikpeto after a short battle with Leukemia. Roddy played with Molson FC for 2 seasons and played with DU prior to this. He was a great teammate, a great friend to many and he will be greatly missed. Roddy originally was from Contonou Benin, Western Africa and came to Canada to study at Univesite Sainte Anne where he graduated in Business Administration. After graduation he worked as a project manager for Programme Francophone Immigration Nova Scotia Acadian Federation, where he helped many new francophone immigrants get their lives started in Nova Scotia. Roddy recently left his position with the Acadian Federation to start his on business. Roddy helped and supported many people in his short time he had on this earth.

Roddy's family would like to bring him back to Africa to lay him to rest and his friends and teammates are trying raise $$ to help his family with this expensive endeavor. Donations can be made at, every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. If you have questions or would like further information please contact Dave at

Plans are in the works for a fundraising event at the Oasis Pub and Eatery, stay tuned for details
Where are YOU watching the World Cup?

Soccer Nova Scotia invites you to watch the World Cup Final on the big screen here at the indoor facility. Doors will open at 3:00pm for the 4:00pm final on Sunday, July 13th, and Kicks Café will be serving liquor as well as a Brazil-themed menu. Tickets are $10 for Adults, and $5 for Youth (ages 8-18).

Tickets are available by calling SNS at 445-0265 or emailing us at

Net proceeds will support the Soccer Nova Scotia Endowment Fund.
MSMSL Partners with Inaria
The MSMSL, in conjunction with the Western Halifax Football Club, is pleased to announce Inaria as its official apparel and equipment partner. This partnership will see MSMSL and WHFC teams benefit from Inaria’s superior quality and fairly priced apparel and equipment from a Canadian based manufacturer.
Inaria, in association with the MSMSL, will be holding a drop in night at the SNS classroom on June 5, 2014 from 7PM to 9PM. Teams will be able to drop by, see the merchandise, and talk to the local Inaria rep, Jay Robinson. There will be several valuable MSMSL/WHFC deals available on the night, and going forward.
Inaria is a division of Bauer Sports and designs and manufactures a full-line of team sports and active apparel, including pro-style soccer jerseys, practice jerseys, socks, warm-up suits and training apparel. The company offers full finishing, embellishment and unique customization services at its Canadian headquarters in Toronto. By providing superior quality, value and quick turnaround time, Inaria's goal is to continue to develop strong relationships with its soccer customers and loyal sports enthusiasts

For those interested in equipment before the June 5, 2014 Inaria drop in night, please contact Jay Robinson directly at
Website Rosters Update...
All rosters except Cole Harbour have been updated on the website. Please review your team's roster and if you see any required revisions send an email to Tim at
Player Registration
The first version of the WHFC player registration form has been uploaded to the MSMSL website ( ). WHFC teams are asked to fill out the form in its entirety and send it back in an Excel or .CSV format for upload to the registration site. Please send the registrations to both Tim ( and Don ( ) as soon as possible.
It is very important that the date format (YYYY-MM-DD) is complete in this way, as well as correct spellings of first and last names.
For example, a May 3, 1972 birthdate must be inputted as 1972-05-03. The format must be 4 digit for the year, and two digit for both the day and month. 1972-3-5 will not allow for upload.

For teams not registering through the WHFC should send their proof of registration from the SNS system to r both Tim ( and Don ( ) as soon as possible
Summer 2014 Information- Revised

Player registration will be $34.00 per player. District fees will be $1.25 per player (for Halifax District teams). $3.00 for WHFC fees. Total of $38.25 per player for WHFC teams. New this year, a separate cheque for player registration must be made out to the WHFC for those teams registering with the WHFC.
Referee cost will be $55.50 (notice price increase) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Breakdown is ref $24.50 ($49.00), line $15.50 ($31.00).
League fee will be $575.00; see budget in upload section for further details.
Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times in Bridgewater.
Payments and Dates
There will be three open divisions this season. Depending on new teams and existing teams, the format has yet to be set.
Lower Division
The lower division will consist of Halifax Convoy, Bedford Titans, HCU Masters, HCU Balding Eagles, HCU Marauders, Assante Hydrostone, Darkside United, DU Strong and Alumitech Masters.
This will be a triple round robin for a total of 24 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams
Maximum games (24 regular; 3 playoffs (27)).
Middle Division
The middle division will consist of Halifax Celtic, Landsharks, Molson FC, Wolves FC, Barons FC, Halifax Heat, Cole Harbour, FC County, Sacktown AC, Darkside City, Halifax All Blacks, Halifax Hurricanes, and Clippers.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 24 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams
Maximum games (24 regular; 3 playoffs (27)).

Upper Division
The upper division will consist of Albion, Hellas FC, Metro Mariners, International FC, HCU Camillos, Concertia Stars, Heart N Soul, and Schooner.
This will be a triple round robin within the division for a total of 21 regular season games. In addition, teams will also play a single round robin with the Upper O35 division for 4 games.
Please note four teams will travel to Bridgewater to take on HB Thunder in the crossovers. All games will count in over all standings.
Playoffs will consist of top 6 teams
Maximum games (21 regular; 4 crossover, 3 playoffs (31)).

Upper O35 Division
The upper O35 division will consist of Hellas Masters, DU Masters, HB Studios Thunder, and Athens United.
This will be a quadruple round robin within the division for a total of 12regular season games. In addition, teams will also play a single round robin with the Upper O35 division for 8 games.
Please note teams will travel to Bridgewater twice to take on HB Thunder. All games will count in overall standings . Provincial placement will be based on overall league standings.
Playoffs will consist of all 4 teams
Maximum games (12 regular; 8 crossover, 2 playoffs (22)).

O45 Division
Consisting of Sporting Rangers, Old Scotia, Genieknows, Basin Insurance, Sackville Tire, Celtic Masters, Bluenose United, FC Bedford, DU Classics, and Bridgewater.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top 8 teams
Maximum games (18 regular; 3 playoffs (21)).

Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer are to submit times to by May 1st, 2014 to the scheduler. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible. We may have to get teams to play on one long weekend during the season.

Player Pictures
All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 20, 2014. We will be releasing new guidelines in regards to player pictures.

Important League Dates
06-May-14 A first payment of $575.00 is due. (Money drop to be established)
06-May-14 First two weeks of the schedule released.
8-May-14 Initial rosters due into clubs/league.
16-May-14 Remainder of schedule to be released.
20-May-14 Initial player pictures due.
20-May-14 Initial registration fees due to WHFC ($38.25 per player).
20-May-14 A second payment of $700.00 of your field fee cost is due
03-Jun-14 Final payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due. Failure to pay after this day will lead to game cancellations.
15-Jul-14 Player Registration Deadline
Transfer Deadline
Playoff Start Tonight
Playoffs start tonight. Teams involved are asked to upload the scores within 12 hours of game completion to allow for schedule update.
Summer Meeting
The summer kickoff meeting will be held April 29,2014 starting at 7:00PM sharp in the SNS classroom. Space is limited so please only send one rep per team.
New Teams/New Players
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting on April 29,2014. This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this summer season (slated to start in early May.
New teams should indicate their desired play level at which they wish to play.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level. Cutoff for new players is June 30, 2014.
2014 Winter Playoff Schedule
Winter Playoff Schedule
MSMSL Winter playoffs will begin 25 April 2014

The Upper, Middle, Lower Divisions will have a single elimination knockout format with the top eight teams.

1 vs 8
2 vs 7
3 vs 6
4 vs 5

The O45 Division, will have a single elimination knockout format will consist of the top 6 teams, with 1st and 2nd place teams having a bye in the first round.
3 vs 6
4 vs 5


25-04-2014 20:00:00 1st Place 8th Place Lower QF
25-04-2014 20:00:00 1st Place 8th Place Middle QF
25-04-2014 20:00:00 1st Place 8th Place Upper QF
25-04-2014 20:00:00 3rd Place 6th Place O45 QF
25-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Place 7th Place Lower QF
25-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Place 7th Place Middle QF
25-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Place 7th Place Upper QF
25-04-2014 21:00:00 4th Place 5th Place O45 QF
25-04-2014 22:00:00 3rd Place 6th Place Lower QF
25-04-2014 22:00:00 3rd Place 6th Place Middle QF
25-04-2014 22:00:00 3rd Place 6th Place Upper QF
25-04-2014 23:00:00 4th Place 5th Place Lower QF
25-04-2014 23:00:00 4th Place 5th Place Middle QF
25-04-2014 23:00:00 4th Place 5th Place Upper QF

27-04-2014 20:00:00 Highest Seed Remaining Lowest Seed Remaining Lower SF
27-04-2014 20:00:00 Highest Seed Remaining Lowest Seed Remaining Middle SF
27-04-2014 20:00:00 Highest Seed Remaining Lowest Seed Remaining Upper SF
27-04-2014 20:00:00 1st Place Lowest Seed Remaining O45 SF
27-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed Lower SF
27-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed Middle SF
27-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed Upper SF
27-04-2014 21:00:00 2nd Place 2nd Lowest Seed O45 SF

30-04-2014 21:00:00 SF Winner SF Winner O45 Final
30-04-2014 22:00:00 SF Winner SF Winner Lower Final
30-04-2014 20:00:00 SF Winner SF Winner Middle Final
30-04-2014 21:00:00 SF Winner SF Winner Upper Final

Downloadable here

Winter Registration Deadline
A reminder to everyone that the winter registration deadline is fast approaching: December 31. Please keep in mind that we are running into a very busy holiday season so please send your final registration requests in to your club's registrar as early as possible to ensure it can be done before the system is shut down.

For those teams registering with the WHFC, please get your final registration requests in to me at your earliest opportunity, waiting until the last day or so does not give you a guarentee of the request going through but I will do my best to help you. Please send them to
Banquet Hotel Rooms
The MSMSL has negotiated a room rate deal for those whom wish to stay at the Delta Halifax on the night of the banquet. The MSMSL will have the regular rate of $149 per night reduced to $99.00 per night.

Please find below the Delta Weblink for you to easily make your guestroom reservations at the Delta Halifax

Please note the league will not be responsible for any damages incurred in rented room.
Banquet Ticket Pickup
Banquet ticket pick up will be held Thursday October 10, 2013 from 8PM to 10PM at Eastside Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake. Teams may purchases tickets at this time.
Any new teams are reminded that all fees are due at this drop off. New teams not providing funds (in the form of cheque or money order) will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list.
All other teams still owing from summer or wishing to settle up for winter are encouraged to do so at this time.
New Teams for Winter
Anyone looking to put a new team into the league, must apply at tonight’s meeting (October 2) being held at 8:00PM at the SNS classroom. Existing teams looking to put an additional team in the league must send separate representatives to the meeting to present the new team to the league.

New teams must have a refundable deposit of $200.00 deposit and submit the following paper work at this meeting.

-The team's proposed budget for their first season.
-A list of at least 12 players
- A letter from the external club (non WHFC) stating that the club will support the new team both logistically and financially. (only applicable should the team not go thru the league affiliated club).
- Four team contacts including email and phone numbers.

The team during their presentation will have to deliver the following.
-A brief history of the team's recent competitive level and successes of play
-A description of their preferred home and away jerseys.
-The preferred division to which they wish to play.

Notes to new Teams:
Teams should review latest editions of MSMSL Constitution and Rules to ensure they are informed on what is expected from them as a member of the league.

Highlights Include:
•Team must have four contacts with a named manager and treasurer
•There are no call ups to the MSMSL
•Any players in not good standing with the league shall make restitution to
the league before participating.
•No Slide tackles
There are limited spots so there is no guarantee of getting a team in the league.
Award Banquet
This year’s annual award banquet will be Saturday October 19, 2013 at the Delta Halifax. The meal will be a hip of beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $30. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. This will be a business casual event. Spouses are more than welcome.

Contact your league rep for tickets.

Ticket sales dates will be October 10 and 14,2013.
More details to be announced.
Winter Meeting
The winter kick off meeting will be at the SNS classroom, Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at 8PM.

More Details to follow.
Playoff Schedule
The MSMSL 2013 Summer Playoff Schedule can be found here:

Winter Update
The winter season is scheduled to start mid October. All existing MSMSL teams should contact the league ( in regards to their willingness to participate in the upcoming season to help with the planning. There will be an upper, middle, and lower open division (split based on last seasons standings), and an over 45 division.

Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming winter season should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting in September.(Date to be set) This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this winter.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
MSMSL Charity Event
The MSMSL is having a special event this weekend to coincide with the weekend games that are taking place indoors at the SNS indoor field. We will be looking for all teams support and participation in this event.
As part as this event, the MSMSL has partnered with Kicks Cafe to provide a licensed bar area where players can watch the game and have a beverage and snack. Licensed hours are from noon until 11PM on both Saturday and Sunday. The MSMSL encourages all teams to stick around and watch a match our two. Kicks Cafe will have food specials all weekend. In addition, we have chosen two great local charities FeedNS and the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia and hope that all teams will support them.
For FeedNS, we are asking teams to bring a non perishable food donation. There will be a donation box setup all weekend. FEED NOVA SCOTIA is a charitable organization that helps feed hungry people by collecting and distributing food to more than 150 member agency food banks and meal programs, while at the same time striving to eliminate chronic hunger and poverty through research, awareness and support programs.
For Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia, we will be having a spare change/cash donation jar at Kicks Cafe, as well as, an opportunity for teams to adopt-a- duck for the Alzheimer Duck Derby, which supports Nova Scotian families living with Alzheimer disease or other dementias. By adopting a duck, YOU will help provide support and education for families in your community. Your duck will be entered in the race on September 21, 2013 for a chance to win great prizes including a 2013 Hyundai Accent! For more information check out the Alzheimer Duck Derby. Adopt one or maybe a team flock.
We hope that all teams will support both of these great charities, and this great event.
Game Sheets
Game sheet packages are available for pickup at SNS indoor office. All packages all labelled with your team name. Please pick them up as soon as possible. As of June 10, 2013, these will be the only game sheets considered official.
The game sheets are single sheets for both teams, the same as winter. It is the home team’s responsibility to fill the game sheet out, and handed to the visiting team before kickoff. Visiting team must have the game sheet filled out and passed to the referee at half time.
Please fill out player names completely and legibly (first and last names).
At the end of the game, each team is to collect a copy of the game sheet.
Player Notice
On the cusp of a new season, we want to remind all MSMSL members of the following.

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. We need to better respect our opponents, referees and facilities. In the past season, the levels of dissent, referee abuse and violent conducts has increased to an alarming level. The lack of respect shown to the game, league and match officials, opponents, coaches, managers, field staff, team mates, and the facilities that we all play in can be considered disturbing at best. Everyone involved with the MSMSL must improve if we want this league to continue to be successful.

We require referees to do our matches, yet the pool of referees that are qualified or those that want to do our league matches is dwindling. Every season officials either drop out of the system or refuse to take league assignments due to the abuse and intimidation that they receive on and off the pitch. In regard to officials, we as teams, players and coaches must learn to;

• Respect the officials on field calls no matter our personal opinion of the validity of the call.
• Never engage in public criticism of the match officials including the insinuation of reporting the official.
• Never engage in offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour towards the official.
• Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment.
• If ejected, leave the field in a calm and non confrontational manner, and not return to the field to engage the official or other player.

As players, we all are guilty at times at allowing our emotions, due to the inherent competiveness and passion of the game, over take our good sense. We need to learn to control both our emotions and anger a lot better than we have done in the past. Soccer is a passionate game that can be played competitively while at the same time respecting all others involved and preserving the enjoyment of the game.

We as players, managers, and teams need to:

• Adhere to the Laws of the Game
• Display and promote high standards of behaviour
• Promote Fair Play
• Always respect the match officials’ decisions
• Speak to team-mates, officials, the opposition, coaches and managers with respect
• Win or lose with dignity. Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end of every game
• Ensure that fans associated with our teams also display and promote high standards of behaviour.
• If dismissed from a match, leave the facility, and do not return.

We are very lucky to play in an area that has so many great soccer facilities, but at times players have forgotten this fact. Such things as spitting on the indoor or outdoor turf, facility damage, not adhering to the rules of the facility, sunflower seeds on the turf, and other acts are not acceptable.
The MSMSL is implementing a program to promote, monitor, and improve high standards of behavior in its membership. The program will simply be called RESPECT.

RESPECT is the collective responsibility of everyone involved in soccer and the MSMSL, in all divisions, to create a fair, safe and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place through positive behavior.

What does the MSMSL hope to achieve with Respect?

• Help to ensure, that will be a sufficient base of registered referees for now and in the future, that will officiate our matches.
• Reduce the number of incidents of dissent, referee abuse and violent conduct.
• See a significant improvement in on-field player behavior.
• Ensure league growth through positive behaviors on and off the field.
• See MSMSL involvement in the soccer and general community.

What will the MSMSL do to ensure the success of the RESPECT program?
• Promotion of positive play and respect within the league.
• Establishment of a Fair Play team award.
• Zero tolerance on referee abuse and stricter punishments.
• Creation of codes of conduct for players and managers.
• Work with governing bodies to ensure program success.

The MSMSL hopes that all its membership will embrace the program and we wish you all success in the upcoming season.

Summer 2013 Information

Player registration will be $34.00 per player. District fees will be $1.20 per player (for Halifax District teams). $1.00 for WHFC fees. Total of 36.20 per player for WHFC teams.

Referee cost will be $54.50 (notice price increase) per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets. Breakdown is ref $23.50, line $15.50.
League fee will be $550; see budget for further details.

Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times in Bridgewater.

A first payment of $500.00, is due April 22, 2013.
A second payment of $700.00 of your field fee cost, plus minimum 18 player registration fees (includes SNS and District fees ($36.20) (if registering through the WHFC) is due by May 13, 2012. (Money drop to be set up). Teams not having the money in by that due date will charge a $200.00 late fee.

Final payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due June 4, 2013. Failure to pay after this day will lead to game cancellations.


There will be three open divisions, an over 35 division, and an over 45 division this season:

Consisting of Albion, Metro Mariners, Masters of Hellas, Camillos, Hellas, Heart & Soul, Raiders, and Concertia.
This will be a triple round robin for a total of 21 regular season games plus 3 games with the O35 Division.
Playoffs will consist of top six with 1 & 2 getting a bye to the semi-finals.
Maximum games (21 regular; 3 cross overs, 3 playoffs (27)).

Consisting of Sacktown, Barons, Halifax Heat, Cole Harbour, Halifax City Celtic, DU Strong, FC County, Landsharks, Wolves FC, Hurricanes, Citco, and Molson.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 22 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top eight.
Maximum games (22 regular; 3 playoffs (25).

Consisting of Alumitech, Clippers, Halifax Convoy, HCU Masters, Darkside, Bedford Titans, HCU Balding Eagles, Soccer Pandas, Halifax All Blacks, and Dunbrack.

This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of a double pool round robin, followed by a 4 team playoff.
Maximum games (18 regular; 4 round robin, 2 playoffs (21)).

Only teams competing in this division will be eligible for competing for the O35 Provincials. This division will compete all league play by Aug 31st to allow for preparation for provincials.
Consisting of Athens, HB Studios Thunder, and DU Masters.

This will be a quadruple round robin for a total of 8 regular season games. Teams will also play a round through the Upper Open Division.
Playoffs will consist of top two teams.
Maximum games (8 regular; 8 cross overs, playoffs 1(1)).

Consisting of Sporting Rangers, Old Scotia, Genieknows, Basin Insurance, Sackville Tire, Celtic Masters, Bluenose United, FC Bedford, DU Classics, and Bridgewater.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of a double pool round robin, followed by a 4 team playoff.
Maximum games (18 regular; 4 pool games; 2 playoffs (24)).


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms were to be submitted ASAP to Tim Murgatroyd ( no later than May 1, 2013 @ 5PM. These are now extremely late. The club teams were to have their player registration to Tim Murgatroyd ( by May 3, 2013. These are also now late. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Registration form can be found here:

Also, all players registering via the league's own club, Western Halifax Football Club (WHFC), must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here:


Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer were to submit times to by April 26, 2013. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible.


All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 20, 2013.


The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2013.

The player transfer deadline for summer is July 15, 2013.
Winter Playoff Schedule (with teams)
MSMSL Winter playoffs will begin this coming Tuesday, April 23rd.

The Upper & Lower Divisions will have a group stage round robin format consisting of 4 groups of 4 teams. The top 2 teams in each group will continue on to sudden death rounds.

Top 16 teams will be put into the following groups:
Group A: 1st, 8th, 12th, 16th
Group B: 2nd, 7th, 11th, 15th
Group C: 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th
Group D: 4th, 5th, 9th, 13th

For the O45 Division, playoffs begin Tuesday April 30th, and will consist of the top 6 teams competing in sudden death playoff rounds, with 1st and 2nd place teams having a bye in the first round.


Tuesday April 23rd:
8:00pm Field 1 BARONS v HCU
8:00pm Field 2 OLYMPICS v SACKTOWN
8:00pm Field 3 DU STRONG v CLIPPERS
9:00pm Field 1 DARKSIDE v PANDAS
9:00pm Field 2 DUNBRACK v ALL BLACKS
9:00pm Field 3 HURRICANES v MOLSON
10:00pm Field 2 CITCO v HEAT

Wednesday April 24th:
8:00pm Field 1 ATHENS v ALUMITECH
8:00pm Field 3 CHESTER v WOLVES
9:00pm Field 1 CONCERTIA v 15th
9:00pm Field 2 HELLAS v THISTLE
9:00pm Field 3 ALBION v CITY CELTIC
10:00pm Field 2 POGUE FADO v CP SPURS
10:00pm Field 3 CAMILLOS v MARINERS

Friday April 26th:
8:00pm Field 1 DU STRONG v PANDAS
8:00pm Field 2 DARKSIDE v CLIPPERS
8:00pm Field 3 DUNBRACK v MOLSON
9:00pm Field 2 ALUMITECH v HEAT
9:00pm Field 3 CITCO v NEW BEDFORD
10:00pm Field 1 BARONS v SACKTOWN
10:00pm Field 2 OLYMPICS v HCU

Sunday April 28th:
8:00pm Field 1 CONCERTIA v THISTLE
8:00pm Field 2 HELLAS v RAIDERS
8:00pm Field 3 ALBION v LANDSHARKS
9:00pm Field 2 POGUE FADO v MARINERS
9:00pm Field 3 CAMILLOS v CP SPURS
10:00pm Field 1 Upper Group A ATHENS v WOLVES
10:00pm Field 2 Upper Group A CHESTER v ALUMITECH

Tuesday April 30th:
7:00pm Field 1 O45 3rd v 6th
8:00pm Field 1 O45 4th v 5th
8:00pm Field 3 MOLSON v ALL BLACKS
9:00pm Field 1 ALUMITECH v CITCO
9:00pm Field 2 HEAT v NEW BEDFORD
9:00pm Field 3 BARONS v OLYMPICS
10:00pm Field 1 SACKTOWN v HCU
10:00pm Field 2 DU STRONG v DARKSIDE
10:00pm Field 3 PANDAS v CLIPPERS

Wednesday May 1st:
9:00pm Field 3 POGUE FADO v CAMILLOS
9:00pm Field 4 MARINERS v CP SPURS
10:00pm Field 1 ATHENS v CHESTER
10:00pm Field 2 WOLVES v ALUMITECH
10:00pm Field 3 CONCERTIA v HELLAS
10:00pm Field 4 THISTLE v RAIDERS

Friday May 3rd:
7:00pm Field 3 O45 1st v Low. Seed
8:00pm Field 3 O45 2nd v High. Seed
9:00pm Field 1 Lower QF1 1st Group A v 2nd Group D
9:00pm Field 2 Lower QF2 2nd Group A v 1st Group D
9:00pm Field 3 Lower QF3 1st Group B v 2nd Group C
9:00pm Field 4 Lower QF4 2nd Group B v 1st Group C
10:00pm Field 1 Upper QF1 1st Group A v 2nd Group D
10:00pm Field 2 Upper QF2 2nd Group A v 1st Group D
10:00pm Field 3 Upper QF3 1st Group B v 2nd Group C
10:00pm Field 4 Upper QF4 2nd Group B v 1st Group C

Monday May 6th:
9:00pm Field 1 Upper SF1 Winner QF1 v Winner QF2
9:00pm Field 3 Upper SF2 Winner QF3 v Winner QF4
10:00pm Field 2 Lower SF1 Winner QF1 v Winner QF2
10:00pm Field 3 Lower SF2 Winner QF3 v Winner QF4

Wednesday May 8th:
9:00pm Field 1 Lower Final: Winner SF1 v Winner SF2
10:00pm Field 1 Upper Final: Winner SF1 v Winner SF2
10:00pm Field 2 O45 Final: Winner SF1 v Winner SF2
AGM Tonight
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting is tonight April 16 , 2013 at 6:00PM sharp. Meeting will be held at Soccer Nova Scotia classroom. The SNS classroom is located upstairs at the new indoor facility. All teams participating in summer competitions must have a representative in attendance.

We will be accepting applications for new and reapplying teams at this meeting. Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for spring and summer seasons should refer to the admission of new teams document found in our download section of the website ( )for more details and new team application processes. New teams should also review our rules ( and constitution( ). New teams should indicate their desire to which the level at which they wish to play.
New Teams/ Players Looking
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting on April 11,2013. This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this summer season (slated to start in early May.

New teams should indicate their desired play level at which they wish to play.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
It has come to our attention that some players /teams are not abiding by our rules, rules of the facilty, and rules of the game.
Every player is to wear shin pads. Referees have been instructed to send off anyone that is not wearing them, and not allowing back in the field of play until they obtain the shin pads.
The Soccer Nova Scotia Training Centre has a strict policy regarding wearing footwear that was worn into the building on the turf. Salt, slush and automotive chemicals tracked into the building and on to the turf has a potential of damaging or shorting the life of the product. The indoor turf does not get refreshed by weather like the outdoor turfs do. Facility staff has the right to prevent any person from entering the field of play without changing their footwear.
Some teams/players are showing up in inappropriate attire. There are reports of player playing in t-shirts, mismatched jerseys, mismatch socks, jean shorts and pyjama bottoms. The MSMSL has asked the referee assign to inform the referees assigned to our matches, that this is not acceptable. It will be up to the referee’s discretion to allow players with inappropriate attire contrary to our rules to participate in the match.
Please refresh your team and team mates with rule 4G.
G Uniforms
i Each team participating in the MSMSL shall have two sets of shirts and socks in two distinct colours.
ii Teams will declare their home colours and will wear these colours at all home games.
iii Prior to the commencement of the game, if both teams are wearing the same or similar colors, the “away” team must change. Pinnies are acceptable.
iv All players of a team, with the exception of the goalkeeper, shall wear the same distinct combination of jersey, shorts and sock colors. Each player’s jersey shall have a unique number on the back. Swapping of jersey’s is not permitted.
Sergio Sani Fundraiser Tournament
As many of you know former MSMSL player Sergio Sani suffered an accident in December and was severely injured, having to fight for his life. He is, however, recovering amazingly well for someone with a head injury of that degree. He also is now a father. His little girl Olivia was born late December.

His friends are organizing a fundraiser to help Sergio go through this difficult stage in his life. There will be a soccer tournament on the 19th of January. Here are the details:
-Teams of 4 playing 3 on 3 - You can sign up as a team or as individuals.
-$25.00 per player -
-It will be held January 19 (Saturday) – They need to ASAP if you are interested in order to organize everything.
-It will be held at the Agridome in Truro (there will be at least 5. 20-25min games for each team
with 3 games going on simultaneously. (cross field)
-There will be a male and a co-ed division. (If you are male and you are signing up as an
individual you will likely be placed in the co-ed division)

Try to come out and help a friend in great need. And what better way to do that than having fun?
If you have any questions about the tournament, please send an email to Keith Partridge
( or to Craig MacEachern (
There was an error in uploading some games to the website; all games are scheduled as per master schedule that was emailed to team reps on November 7, 2012. The complete schedule is located here.
All games have been uploaded until Jan 6, 2013. Remainder of schedule will be uploaded by January 1st.
Game Sheets
It has come to our attention that some teams are having problems with the new game sheet process. The home team must get the game sheet from the SNSTC office on the ground level and fill it out completely with all players that are scheduled to play. The home team must have this information filled out and then present the game sheet to the visiting no later than 5 minutes before the scheduled game time. The visiting team must present the game sheet to the referee at game time. No games will commence until the game sheets have be filled out and presented to the referee. Teams may add late or unexpected players at half time.
At the end of the game, teams are responsible to pick up a copy of the game sheet. The winning team (or in the event of a tie, the home team) will receive the white copy of the game sheet and be responsible to input the score within 48 hours into the league website. The referee will keep the yellow copy and place it in the designated folder at the SNSTC office. The losing team (or visiting team, in the event of a tie) will receive the red copy.
Please note; should the referee accidently give the yellow copy to either team, politely remind him that it is his responsibility to pass the copy into the league.
Yellow copies will be picked up weekly and reviewed by the league. Both teams are still responsible to indicate to the league any errors input on the website.

Soccer Nova Scotia will be hosting the 2013 National Men's and Women's Championships in October 2013, at the Mainland Commons. Sylvain Allaire has been appointed as the chair of the Championships.
Soccer Nova Scotia is extending an invitation to people interested in assisting with the championships either as volunteers at the event or as member of the organizing committee.
Interested people can e-mail expressing their interest
League Meeting
League Meeting

Winter meeting has been moved to November 8, 2012 at 7:30PM at SNS. All winter teams must have a representative at this meeting. Teams not sending a representative will be fined.

The final winter payment is due at this meeting, as well as, any outstanding summer fees. No post dated cheques will be accepted.

Initial player registrations costs for WHFC teams are also due at this meeting.
Awards Banquet
The MSMSL Banquet was held on Oct 20 ,2012. The food and entertainment were both great. A special thanks to our MC Carl Goodwin and entertainment the Saunder’s Brothers Show . The crowd of two hundred that attended saw the following awards distributed.
Individual Awards
Lower Div MVP
Alex Fenton-Darkside

Lower Div Defender
Dan Currie -Barons

Lower Div Keeper
David Dibb- Alumitech

Middle Div MVP
Adam Lardner -Molson

Middle Div Defender
Dan Kavanagh-Citco

Middle Div Keeper
Zachary Langlois-Cole Harbour

Upper Div MVP
Douglas Vieira- Mariners

Upper Div Defender
Geoff Power-Mariners

Upper Div Keeper
JP Angelopoulos-Hellas

O35 Div MVP
Jaques Boudreau- Athen United

O35 Div Defender
Dean McDow- Thunder

O35 Div Keeper
Jean Marc Pernier-Old Scotia

O45 Div MVP
Dominic Amorim-Sporting Rangers

O45 Div Defender
Mark Scott-Basin

O45 Div Keeper
Wade Scott-Genieknows

Basil Pellerine
Don Chard

Team MVP’s
Albion- Ivan Crnogorac
All Blacks- Ryan Dobbin
Alumitech -Serge Toghlajian
Athens- Jaques Boudreau
Barons -Travis Lefebvre
Basin Insurance -Steve Ellis
Bluenose -David Liem
Camillos- Pat Busby
Celtic Masters- Darryl Cormier
Citco- Dan Cavanagh
City Celtic- Patrick Davis
Clippers- Matt Swinkels
Concertia- Alex Gomez
Convoy- Devon Willows
DU Classics- Jamal Hamude
FC Bedford- Zoran Jokic
Genieknows -Wade Scott
Hellas -JP Angelopoulos
Hurricanes -Stephane Jonchere
Landsharks -Ryan Munden
Mariners- Geoff Power
Masters of Hellas -George Theoharopoulos
Molson- Adam Lardner
Old Scotia- Sheldon Musseau
Sacktown -Jay Matheson
Sackville Masters- Jerry Porter
Sporting Rangers- Dominic Amorim
Wolves FC -Lorne Timmons

Golden Boot s
Upper –
Douglas Vieira, Metro Mariners 19 goals
Adam Lardner, Molson , 17 Goals
Richard Hausman, Alumitech ,25 goals
Travis Lefebre- Barons, 25 goals
Francis Kangata, 17 goals
O45 ,
David Liem-Bluenose United 29 Goals

Winter League Champion
Halifax Elite
Winter playoff Champion
Halifax Elite
Winter O45 League Champion
Sporting Rangers
Winter O45 playoff Champion
Sporting Rangers

League Championships
Barons FC (14-0-1) Undefeated Season
Middle Division
Halifax City Celtic (13-1-4)
Upper Division
Raider FC (11-2-5) record,
Athens (13-2-0)
Basin Insurance (12-1-3)

Playoff Champions
Barons FC
Middle Division
Halifax City Celtic
Upper Division
HCU Camillos
Master Division
Sporting Rangers
Award Nominees Announced
The following is a list of the nominees for the upcoming awards ceremonies to be held Oct 20,2012. Nominees were voted upon at the last league meeting held on October 11, 2012. Tickets still available.
Lower Div MVP
Alex Fenton-Darkside
Travis Lefebvre - Barons

Lower Div Defender
Dan Currie -Barons
Serge Toghlajian-Alumitech

Lower Div Keeper
Shawn Gilligan-Barons
David Dibb- Alumitech

Middle Div MVP
Patrick Davis-City Celtic
Adam Lardner -Molson

Middle Div Defender
Dan Kavanagh-Citco
Andrew Chow-Molson

Middle Div Keeper
Zachary Langlois-Cole Harbour
Saif Shaker-Citco

Upper Div MVP
Ivan Crnogorac-Albion
Douglas Vieira- Mariners
Stephane Jonchere-Hurricanes
Jonathon Nordine-Camillos

Upper Div Defender
Geoff Power-Mariners
Andrew Botas-Hellas
Craig Colgan-Camillos
Scott Thieu-Mariners

Upper Div Keeper
Matt Andrea-Pogue Fado
JP Angelopoulos-Hellas
Mike Gniewek-Hurricanes

O35 Div MVP
Sheldon Musseau- Old Scotia
Jaques Boudreau- Athen United
Francis Kangata-Thunder
George Theropolus- Masters Of Hellas

O35 Div Defender
Rob Adams- Athens United
Lorne Timmons-Wolves FC
Dean McDow- Thunder
Len Boudreau-Old Scotia

O35 Div Keeper
Jean Marc Pernier-Old Scotia
Gary Shaw- DU Masters
Kent Worsnop-Wolves

O45 Div MVP
Dominic Amorim-Sporting Rangers
David Liem-Bluenose

O45 Div Defender
Dragan Toprek-Sporting Rangers
Mark Scott-Basin
Greg Fougere-Bridgewater
Umberto Catalano-Celtic

O45 Div Keeper
Len DePalma-Sporting Rangers
Robert Younker-Bridgewater
Paul Peace-Sackville
Cameron Brown-Bluenose
Carl Goodwin-Basin
Wade Scott-Genieknows

Basil Pellerine
Don Chard
Sheldon Musseau

Banquet Tickets
Tickets sales for the banquet will be held tonight at East Side Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake at 9PM til 10PM. Team not able to make this will be able to reserve tickets by emailing the quantity required to not later Tuesday Oct 16, 2012 at 5PM.

The banquet will be Saturday October 20, 2012 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be a buffet style meal and includes choice of dessert.Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Contact your league rep for tickets.

Featured entertainment this year will be The Saunders Brothers Show. This ECMA nominated for fans choice award act includes unique, audience interactive versions of East Coast classics, plus a number of salty originals, sprinkled with a generous dose of comedy. You may end up playing the spoons, grunting like a pirate, scratching a wooden toad, pounding a drum or singing along with the fun!
Winter Schedule
The winter schedule is available here:
This will be uploaded to the website along with player’s rosters as soon as possible. Teams are asked to keep their game sheets for the first two weeks.
League Meeting
Winter Kick off meeting has been moved to Oct 11th, 2012 at 7PM at SNS. All winter teams must have their first payment of $1500.00 at this meeting.

All summer teams are asked to send a representative to allow for voting on upcoming league award for the MSMSL Awards Banquet being held on Oct 20, 2012.
Team banquet tickets will be available for pickup. Tickets will be able to be purchased at this meeting.
Award Banquet
The banquet will be Saturday October 20, 2012 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert.. Doors will open at 6:30pm with food being served at 7 pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Contact your league rep for tickets.

Ticket sales dates will be October 11,2012 and October 15, 2012.

Featured entertainment this year will be The Saunders Brothers Show. This ECMA nominated for fans choice award act includes unique, audience interactive versions of East Coast classics, plus a number of salty originals, sprinkled with a generous dose of comedy. You may end up playing the spoons, grunting like a pirate, scratching a wooden toad, pounding a drum or singing along with the fun!
League Meeting
MSMSL Winter Season will commence October 13, 2012. To facilitate the season, as well as to wrap up the summer season, we are holding a meeting September 26,2012, at the Soccer NS board room.@ 7:00PM sharp. All teams must have a team rep at this meeting.
The league will be accepting any additional teams for the winter season at the meeting. New teams must present a deposit of $500.00 to be considered.
Street Soccer Tournament
Halifax Street Soccer is looking for teams (5 to a squad - 4 players on the field at any one time) to play in a street soccer tournament the weekend of the 29th - 30th September. This event is an integral element of the CBC and True Sport sponsored "Sports Day In Canada".

The purpose of the 16 team tournament is to raise funds to send a disenfranchised Nova Scotian to the Homeless World Cup in Mexico City this October as a member of Team Canada. Street Soccer Canada will be taking at least one player from each province. This is the perfect opportunity to give back to the community and to those who have not had the breaks in life that we often take for granted.

The entry fee is $150 per team. You don't have to be a great soccer player - just keen to play and have fun. So it can be a Corporate team, work team or just a group of like-minded friends. You can call yourselves whatever you want.

If you are interested in taking part as a team, or as an individual who would like to be placed on a team, please get back to either myself or Luke asap. Thanks.

Here are a few links that provide additional information:
Summer Playoffs
O45 Division
4-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM Basin vs FC Bedford Dart 1
4-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Bluenose vs Celtic Mast Dart 2
4-Sep-12 7:00:00 PM Sporting vs DU Classics Main 1
4-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM Genieknows vs Bridgewater Main 2
8-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Basin vs DU Classics Main 1
8-Sep-12 4:00:00 PM Sporting vs FC Bedford Main 2
8-Sep-12 6:00:00 PM Bluenose vs Bridgewater Main 2
8-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Genieknows vs Celtic Mast Main 2
11-Sep-12 10:00:00 PM Bluenose vs Genieknows Main 2
12-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Basin vs Sporting Main 1
12-Sep-12 9:45:00 PM Bridgewater vs Celtic Mast Main 1
12-Sep-12 10:00:00 PM DU Classics vs FC Bedford Main 2
16-Sep-12 1:00:00 PM 1A vs 2B Dart 2
16-Sep-12 1:00:00 PM 1B vs 2A Dart 1
23-Sep-12 3:00:00 PM Winner vs Winner Main2

Upper Division
8-Sep-12 4:00:00 PM Camillos vs Thistle Dart 2
8-Sep-12 6:00:00 PM Concertia vs Mariners Dart 2
11-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Raiders vs Low Seed Dart 1
11-Sep-12 10:00:00 PM Albion vs High Seed Dart 1
16-Sep-12 7:00:00 PM Winner vs Winner Dart2

Middle Division
8-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Citco vs Molson Dart 2
7-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM Sacktown vs All Blacks Dart 2
11-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Celtic vs Low Seed Dart 2
11-Sep-12 10:00:00 PM Cole Harbour vs High Seed Dart 2
16-Sep-12 5:00:00 PM Winner vs Winner Dart 2

Lower Division
8-Sep-12 4:00:00 PM Alumitech vs HCU Main 1
8-Sep-12 6:00:00 PM Dunbrack vs Clippers Main 1
11-Sep-12 8:00:00 PM Barons vs Low Seed Main 1
11-Sep-12 10:00:00 PM Darkside vs High Seed Main 1
16-Sep-12 3:00:00 PM Winner vs Winner Dart 2

9-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM 1 vs Wolves Main 1
9-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM 2 vs DU Masters Main 2
16-Sep-12 9:00:00 PM Winner vs Winner Dart2
2012 Winter Season
The winter season is scheduled to start mid October. All existing MSMSL teams should contact the league ( in regards to their willingness to participate in the upcoming season to help with the planning. There will be an upper and lower open division (split based on last seasons standings), and an over 45 division.
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming winter season should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting in September.(Date to be set) This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this winter.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
Master Provincials
The MSMSL will be well represented in this year’s Master provincials being hosted by the Harbour East District. All six MSMSL teams will compete in this year’s tournament. Masters of Hellas defeated Valley United in a play down to secure the final spot in this year’s tournament.

The tournament starts this Thursday at 8:00PM at the Harbour East fields. Complete schedule can be found here.

The pools are as follows:
Pool A
HB Studio Thunder
West Hants United
Wolves FC
Old Scotia

Pool B
New Ross
Athen’s United
DU Neighbours Masters
Masters of Hellas

The top two teams in each pool will compete for the gold medal and the chance to represent Nova Scotia in the Eastern Nationals being held in Newfoundland.
BMO Soccer
A local youth team qualifies for the final spot of BMO Team of The Week. Storm Soccer are the only team to make the 15 finalists from Atlantic Canada. A win for the Storm will benefit all players in the Halifax region as the first prize is $125,000.00 to be directed at field maintenance.
Voting starts here on August 13th -
For more details on the team:
Schedule Changes
Please review the schedule changes for this week; complete June schedule can be found here;
Parking at Dal and SMU
Due to construction at both universities this summer parking may be limited.

Saint Mary's University's main parking lot is closed for construction. Parking can be found south of the Tower, far end of field as well as the main lot off Robie and walking through campus.

Dalhousie University is pulling down the arena adjacent to the field. The main entrance to the field will now be at the north west side of the field next to the tennis courts. We ask that people avoid parking in the Dal parking lot and try the adjacent side roads and parking behind Dal at the foot of University Avenue, you can get to that parking from Coburg Avenue.

Please also note that there is no drinking allowed at either facility.
Weir Field
Although slated to open a week ago, the resurfacing of Weir field has run into some delays. All games scheduled for Weir field have be postponed. The league is looking for other field options until the field is ready for use. Teams will be notified as soon as possible as to the reschedules.

Picture Deadline Extended
Due to the number of late registrations we have extended the player picture deadline to the 25th of May.
Players Looking For Teams
Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level
Summer Info Update
Due to the Halifax Connection team dropping out at the last moment, there are a few divisional changes.

Summer 2012 Information

Player registration will be $32.00 per player. District fees will be $1.58 per player (for Halifax District teams).

Referee cost will be $52.50 per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at the start of the game along with the game sheets.
League fee will be $500; see budget for further details.

Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times in Bridgewater.

A first payment of $1200.00 (complete league fee ($500) and $700.00 of your field fee cost), plus minimum 18 player registration fees (includes SNS and District fees ($33.58) (if registering through the WHFC) is due by May 8, 2012. Teams not having the money in by that due date will charge a $100.00 late fee.

Second payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due June 5, 2012.


There will be three open divisions this season.

Upper Division
Consisting of Albion, Metro Mariners, Halifax Huricanes, Landsharks, Camillos, Hellas, Pogue Fado, Raiders, Concertia, and Thistle
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals
Maximum games (18 regular; 3 playoffs (21)).

Middle Division
Consisting of Sacktown, Halifax Heat, Cole Harbour, Soccer Pandas, Halifax All Blacks, Halifax City, Du Strong, DU Blues, Citco, and Molson.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals
Maximum games (18 regular; 3 playoffs (21)).

Lower Division.
Consisting of Alumitech, Clippers, Halifax Convoy, HCU, Dunbrack, Darkside, and Barons
This will be a double round robin for a total of 18 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals
Maximum games (18 regular; 3 playoffs (21)).

Upper O35 Division
Consisting of Athens, HB Studios Thunder, DU Masters, Master of Hellas, Wolves FC, and Old Scotia
This will be a triple round robin for a total of 15 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top four teams.
Maximum games (15 regular; playoffs 2(17)).

O45 Division
Consisting of Sporting Rangers, Genieknows, Basin Insurance, Sackville Tire, Celtic Masters, Bluenose United, FC Bedford, DU Classics, and Bridgewater.
This will be a double round robin for a total of 16 regular season games.
Playoffs will consist of top eight. We will be using the round robin format as last season
Maximum games (16 regular; pool 3; playoffs 2(21)).


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms were to be submitted ASAP to Tim Mugratroyd ( and no later than May 8, 2012 @ 5PM. The club teams were to have their player registration to Don Hailstone ( by May 12, 2012. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Registration form can be found here.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here.

Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer were to submit times to Shawn Langille( ) by May 1, 2012. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible.

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 20, 2012.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2012.
Transfer Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is July 15, 2012.
Winter Champions
Halifax Elite have won the open division playoffs by defeating Concertia Stars in over time.

Sporting Rangers defeated Genieknows to capture the first O45 winter playoffs.
Winter Finals

Final matchups this Tuesday.

Open Final
5/1/2012 20:00:00 SNS 4 Elite (1) vs Concertia (3)

O45 Final
5/1 /2012 19:00:00 Sporting Rangers (1) vs Genieknows (3)
Winter Semi Finals
Semifinal matchups this Sunday.

Sun 04/29/2012 19:00:00 SNS 4 Elite (1) vs Mariners (5)
Sun 04/29/2012 20:00:00 SNS 4 Athens (2) Concertia (3)
Sun 04/29/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 4 Sporting Rangers (1) vs Sackville Tire (4)
Sun 04/29/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 4 Bluenose(2) vs Genieknows (3)
Second Round of Playoffs on Friday April 27, 2012
The next round of playoffs is slated to start this Friday. Game sheets are available at SNS in office.

Fri 04/27/2012 19:00:00 Elite (1) vs Albion (10)
Fri 04/27/2012 20:00:00 Athens (2) vs Hellas (8)
Fri 04/27/2012 21:00:00 Concertia (3) vs Pogue Fado (7)
Fri 04/27/2012 22:00:00 Alumitech (4) vs Metro Mariners (5)
Preliminary Summer 2012 Information
MSMSL Summer Season will commence mid May 2012.


Player registration will be $32.00 per player. District fees will be $1.58 per player (for Halifax District teams).

Referee cost will be $52.50 per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at no later than half.
League fee will be $500; see budget for further details.

Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is that the O45 teams have agreed to pay for Bridgewater Master’s metro field costs, and Bridgewater will cover costs for the field times in Bridgewater.

A first payment of $1200.00 (complete league fee ($500) and $700.00 of your field fee cost), plus minimum 18 player registration fees (includes SNS and District fees ($33.58) (if registering through the WHFC) is due by May 8, 2012. Teams not having the money in by that due date will charge a $100.00 late fee.

Second payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due June 5, 2012.


There will be three open divisions this season.

Upper Division
Middle Division
Lower Division
Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Upper O35 Division

Playoffs will consist of top four teams.

O45 Division
Playoffs will consist of top eight. We will be using the round robin format as last season.


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms must be submitted ASAP to Tim Mugratroyd ( and no later than May 8, 2012 @ 5PM. The club teams must have their player registration to Don Hailstone ( by May 12, 2012. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Registration form can be found here.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here.

Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer must submit times to Shawn Langille( ) by May 1, 2012. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible.

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 20, 2012.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2012.
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting is tonight Tuesday April 24, 2011 at 7PM sharp. Meeting will be held at Soccer Nova Scotia classroom. The SNS classroom is located upstairs at the new indoor facility. All teams participating in summer competitions must have a representative in attendance.

Executive positions up for election this year are; Treasurer, and Member at Large (registrar). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

We will be accepting applications for new teams at this meeting. Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for spring and summer seasons should refer to the admission of new teams document found in our download section of the website ( )for more details and new team application processes. New teams should also review our rules ( and constitution( ). New teams should indicate their desire to which the level at which they wish to play.
Halifax Elite wins Winter League
Halifax Elite has won the open division winter league. Monday night’s match up saw Masters of Hellas be the spoilers for Athen’s quest for the number one position tying the game 2-2.

Rankings are as follows:

1 Elite
2 Athens
3 Concertia
4 Alumitech (*1)
5 Metro Mariners
6 Pogue Fado (*2)
7 HCU Camillos
8 Hellas
9 Master of Hellas
10 Albion (*3)
11 Wolves FC
12 Molson FC
13 Halifax City Celtic
14 Citco
15 Thistle (*4)
16 Landsharks

(*1) Alumitech/Mariner’s tied; (head to head) (ALU defeated MMFC) Alumitech wins 4th place.

(*2) Pogue Fado/HCU Camillos tied (head to head) (PF defeated HCU)Pogue Fado wins 6th place.

(*3) Wolves FC, Albion tied; (Head to Head) AWC def WFC (AWC wins 10th place)

(*4) Thistle/Landshark tied; (head to head) (THS def LSK) Thistle wins 15th place.

O45 Division is ranked as follows:

1) Sporting Rangers
2) Bluenose United
3) Genieknows
4) Sackville Tire


Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 1 Elite vs Landsharks
Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 2 Athens vs Thistle
Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Concertia Stars vs Citco
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 1 Alumitech vs Halifax City Celtic
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 2 Mariners vs Molson
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Pogue Fadoe vs Wolves FC
Wed 04/25/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 1 HCU Camillos vs Albion
Wed 04/25/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 2 Open Hellas vs Masters of Hellas

Fri 04/27/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 4 Open Highest Seed Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 3rd Highest Seed 3rd Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 4th Highest Seed 4th Lowest Seed QF

Sun 04/29/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 4 Open Highest Seed Lowest Seed SF
Sun 04/29/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed SF
Sun 04/29/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 4 Sporting Rangers vs Sackville Tire SF
Sun 04/29/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 4 Bluenose vs Genieknows SF

Tue 05/01/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 1 O45 Playoffs Final F
Tue 05/01/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 1 Open Playoffs Final F

Over 40 World Cup
Group 1





Group 2





Friday Apr. 20th

19:00 Greece vs Holland field 2

19:00 AmericAsia vs England field 3

20:00 Croatia vs France field 2

20:00 Scotland vs Canada field 3

Saturday Apr. 21

09:00 Greece vs France field 2

09:00 AmericAsia vs Canada field 3

10:00 Croatia vs Holland field 2

10:00 Scotland vs England field 3

11:30 Greece vs Croatia field 2

11:30 AmericAsia vs Scotland field 3

12:30 France vs Holland field 2

12:30 Canada vs England field 3

Sunday Apr. 22

09:00 1st Place group 1 vs 2nd place group 2 field 2

09:00 1st Place group 2 vs 2nd place group 1 field 3

Final @ 12:00.

Anyone interested should contact Marcel Hinz
Athen's Captures Ardmore
Athens captured the Ardmore Cup with a 3-1 victory over the HSL's Halifax City Metros.
Over 40 World Cup Exhibition Tournament

There will be a over 40 World Cup exhibition tournament open to players registered in this winter season who are or turn 40 in 2012. The tentative dates for the tournament are the weekend of April 20th.

Format will be as follows: teams will be formed based on country/area of birth/origin. Organizers are looking to have two groups of four teams with each team being guaranteed three games.

Thus far organisers have the following as potential teams

Asia, Canada ,Croatia, England, France, Germany/Scandinavia, Greece, Holland, Ireland/N.Ireland, Middle East, South America, Scotland

Anyone interested should contact Marcel Hinz .

More details on the costs to follow.
New Teams/ Players Looking

Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting in April.(Date to be set) This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this summer season (slated to start in early May.

New teams should indicate their desired play level at which they wish to play.

Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
Ardmore Cup-Four MSMSL Teams Advance

Four MSMSL teams are still in contention for the Armore Cup. Athens United, Halifax Elite, Hellas and Concertia have defeated the HSL opponents and have advanced to the quarter finals.

Quarter Final Schedule is as follows:

Tue 03/13/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax Elite vs Hellas QF 1
Tue 03/13/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax United vs Athens QF 2
Tue 03/13/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax Celtic vs DUSC QF 3
Tue 03/13/2012 22:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Concertia vs Armview 2
Team Withdraws from Ardmore
Ardmore Cup
The Master of Hellas squad has withdrawn from the Ardmore Cup. There spot will be filled by Athen’s United.

1 Halifax Elite
2 Concertia
3 Athens (replacing) Masters of Hellas
4 Alumitech
5 Hellas
6 Molson
7 Albion
8 Mariners

HSL Ranking
1 Halifax Celtic
2 Halifax United
3 Armview 2
4 Halifax City Young Gunz
6 Armview
7 blueocean
8 DU-Chard

The Ardmore Cup was not included in this year’s winter budget due to the uncertainty of the event taking place. Teams agreeing to participate will charge a $100.00 entry fee to cover the costs of the turf. Teams will be responsible for referee fees for games. It will be a single elimination tournament.


Tue 03/06/2012 18:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax Elite vs DU-Chard Game 1
Tue 03/06/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Young Gunz vs Hellas Game 2
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup Halifax United vs Albion Game 3
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup Athens vs Armview 1 Game 4
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax Celtic vs Mariners Game 5
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup Alumitech vs DUSC Game 6
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup Concertia vs blueocean Game 7
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Armview 2 vs Molson Game 8

Tue 03/13/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 1 Winner Game 2 QF 1
Tue 03/13/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 3 Winner Game 4 QF 2
Tue 03/13/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 5 Winner Game 6 QF 3
Tue 03/13/2012 22:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 7 Winner Game 8 QF 4

Tue 03/20/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF1 Winner QF 2 SF 1
Tue 03/20/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF 3 Winner QF 4 SF 2

Thu 03/22/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner SF1 Winner SF 2 Final
Ardmore Cup Teams Set
Ardmore Cup
The MSMSL, along with the HSL is pleased to announce that the Ardmore Cup will take place this year starting March 6, 2012. It was unsure that the event could take place due to field scheduling in the new facility.
Eight teams of the top fourteen responded before the 23 February deadline and will participate in the tournament.
Tournament Ranking League Ranking Team Participating
1 1 Halifax Elite
2 3 Concertia
3 4 Masters of Hellas
4 5 Alumitech
5 7 Hellas
6 10 Molson
7 12 Albion
8 13 Mariners

MSMSL teams tournament ranking will be based on the league standings after the first 16 games
The Ardmore Cup was not included in this year’s winter budget due to the uncertainty of the event taking place. Teams agreeing to participate will charge a $100.00 entry fee to cover the costs of the turf. Teams will be responsible for referee fees for games. It will be a single elimination tournament.


Tue 03/06/2012 18:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Halifax Elite HSL 8 Game 1
Tue 03/06/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 4 Hellas Game 2
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup HSL 2 Albion Game 3
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup Masters of Hellas HSL 6 Game 4
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 1 Mariners Game 5
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup Alumitech HSL 5 Game 6
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup Concertia HSL 7 Game 7
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 3 Molson Game 8

Tue 03/13/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 1 Winner Game 2 QF 1
Tue 03/13/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 3 Winner Game 4 QF 2
Tue 03/13/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 5 Winner Game 6 QF 3
Tue 03/13/2012 22:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 7 Winner Game 8 QF 4

Tue 03/20/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF1 Winner QF 2 SF 1
Tue 03/20/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF 3 Winner QF 4 SF 2

Thu 03/22/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner SF1 Winner SF 2 Final

Ardmore Cup
Ardmore Cup
The MSMSL, along with the HSL is pleased to announce that the Ardmore Cup will take place this year starting March 6, 2012. It was unsure that the event could take place due to field scheduling in the new facility.
MSMSL teams will be based on the league standings after the first 16 games. Teams not wanting to participate will give up their spot to the next highest ranking until we have a total of eight teams.
The Ardmore Cup was not included in this year’s winter budget due to the uncertainty of the event taking place. Teams agreeing to participate will charge a $100.00 entry fee to cover the costs of the turf. Teams will be responsible for referee fees for games. It will be a single elimination tournament.
We will need confirmation from the top 14 teams by the 23 February to whether or not they wish to participate in this annual tournament; teams responding positively will be chosen by league ranking. If we are unable to obtain 8 teams from the top 14, we will then asked teams below the top twelve if they wish to be involved.

Standings after the first 16 games Top 14.
1 Halifax Elite
2 Athens
3 Concertia
4 Masters of Hellas
5 Alumitech
6 Camillos
7 Hellas
8 Pogue Fado
9 Wolves
10 Molson
11 Thistle
12 Albion
13 Mariners
14 DU Strong


Tue 03/06/2012 18:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup MSMSL 1 HSL 8 Game 1
Tue 03/06/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 4 MSMSL 5 Game 2
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup HSL 2 MSMSL 7 Game 3
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup MSMSL 3 HSL 6 Game 4
Tue 03/06/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 1 MSMSL 8 Game 5
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 2 Cup MSMSL 4 HSL 5 Game 6
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 3 Cup MSMSL 2 HSL 7 Game 7
Tue 03/06/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup HSL 3 MSMSL 6 Game 8

Tue 03/13/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 1 Winner Game 2 QF 1
Tue 03/13/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 3 Winner Game 4 QF 2
Tue 03/13/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 5 Winner Game 6 QF 3
Tue 03/13/2012 22:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner Game 7 Winner Game 8 QF 4

Tue 03/20/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF1 Winner QF 2 SF 1
Tue 03/20/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner QF 3 Winner QF 4 SF 2

Thu 03/22/2012 19:00:00 Old SNS 4 Cup Winner SF1 Winner SF 2 Final

The complete season schedule has now been uploaded; the league apologises for the delay, but we were waiting to obtain better times for March and April. We are pleased to announce that there will be no 11PM games in March and August.

The Playoff schedule is as follows:
Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 1 Open 1st 16th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 2 Open 2nd 15th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 20:00:00 Old SNS 4 Open 3rd 14th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 1 Open 4th 13th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 2 Open 5th 12th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 21:00:00 Old SNS 4 Open 6th 11th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 1 Open 7th 10th 1st Round
Wed 04/25/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 2 Open 8th 9th 1st Round

Fri 04/27/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 4 Open Highest Seed Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 3rd Highest Seed 3rd Lowest Seed QF
Fri 04/27/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 4th Highest Seed 4th Lowest Seed QF

Sun 04/29/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 4 Open Highest Seed Lowest Seed SF
Sun 04/29/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 4 Open 2nd Highest Seed 2nd Lowest Seed SF
Sun 04/29/2012 21:00:00 New SNS 4 O45 1st 4th SF
Sun 04/29/2012 22:00:00 New SNS 4 O45 2nd 3rd SF

Tue 05/01/2012 19:00:00 New SNS 1 O45 Playoffs Final F
Tue 05/01/2012 20:00:00 New SNS 1 Open Playoffs Final F
Player Registration.
The registration deadline for winter is today , January 31, 2012. Any WHFC teams wishing to make final changes has until 8PM to email Tim in order to get the changes into the SNS system.

Any non WHFC teams should notify the league of any changes to there rosters.

Billing for the registration will be sent out in the next two weeks.
November 23 2011
The SNS facilty is open for play this evening.

See SNS webpost.
Player Info
The website is now ready with complete team rosters and is ready for inputting of scores for the winter season. It is ultimately the winner’s responsibility to input the score, however, both teams must review the game report to ensure accuracy in scoring and discipline as the website is the leagues official record for the winter season.

Please note; games that did not have goal scorers or cards inputted have been reset. It is the responsibility of those teams to update this information.

Passwords and team ID’s and the same as last season, and teams are encouraged to complete team information. Team reps not remembering their information should contact the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Team managers should ensure that all players registered with their team appear on the 2011 Winter roster on the team page. Incorrect players or missing players should be reported to the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Teams MUST input player pictures for those players appearing on the website as of November 10, 2011 by November 22 using the correct format as stated in the website file. Teams not meeting this date will be subject to fines and/or sanctions. Pictures shall be as stated in the guide in regards to file size and content. Inappropriate pictures as defined in the guide will be removed; teams will be warned for the first offence, than fines and sanctions will follow for additional offences.
Remainder of schedule to be uploaded in the next week.
Facilty Opening Delayed
Due to a delay in opening the new facility, we have adjusted our winter schedule slightly. The first two weeks have been posted upon the website. Teams should enter the scorers and card info in the text for these games until we have all player info uploaded.

Games start tomorrow, October 26,2011.

If you have not registered your players, please do so by Wednesday. Club teams please forward player registration to Tim and Don ASAP.

Games sheets will be left at the caretakers office in the old facilty; (this will be done by Wednesday at 8PM) each team will have an envelope with their team name on it. There will be 25 game sheets in each package; in January teams will receive another package of game sheets. Teams are encourage to pick these up in the next couple of days.

Field 4 is the old facility; the old facility has the new turf as well, I would not suggest indoor soccer shoes, but rather turfs or cleats.

Field 1 is the left most field in the new facility as you enter the field of play.

Field 2 is the middle field.

Field 3 is the right most field in the new facility as you enter the field of play (closest to the outdoor fields).

The facility is not 100% ready, so expect areas not 100% complete.

Anyone still owing money contact Pat ASAP.
The winter season is scheduled to start Oct 26, 2011. The first week of the schedule has been posted. O45 season to start the following week.

Please ensure that all registrations have been sent in to the league or your club. No players are permited to play unless registered. More details coming
Over 45 Players Needed
FC Bedford is still looking for a few over 45 players for winter; please contact Andrew Mott if you are interested
The annual awards banquet held on October 22, 2011 was a success with around one hundred eighty attendees.

The following awards were presented:

Winter League Champion
Concertia Star

Winter playoff Champion

The League Cup Champion
Concertia Stars

Team MVP’s
Albion Chris Ayotte
All Blacks Karol Gorski
Alumitech Richard Hausman
Athens Masters Jaques Boudreau
Barons FC Cory Sanford
Basin Insurance Graham Alderman
Celtic Masters Soccer Club Umberto Catalano
Citco Khalid Abdelwahed
Clippers Andrew Pile
Concertia Stars Mark Tyler
Darkside United Alex Fenton
Dartmouth United Masters Scott Collins
DU - Chard Justin Melnyk
DU Blues Brett clements
DU Classics Jamal Hamude
FC Bedford Rafeal Guardino John Miller
Halifax City Celtics Steve Vermeulun
Halifax Convoy FC John Willows
Halifax Heat Ferenc Barna
HCU - Camillos Sandy Gracie
HCU - Camillos Masters Chris Bevis
Hellas Football Club Alex Kalogeropoulos
Hellas Masters George Theoharopoluos
Hurricanes Stephane Jonchere
Landsharks Ryan Munden
Metro Mariners Geoff Power
Old Scotia Sheldon Musseau
Raiders FC Dan Mason
Sacktown AC Ben Colford
Thistle Scott Kerr
Tirecraft Mike Boyce
Wolves FC Kent Worsnop

Golden Boot

Upper Division
Douglas Vieira, Metro Mariners 31 goals

Middle Division
Stephane Jonchere, Huricanes, 24 Goals

Lower Division
Richard Hausman, Alumitech ,26 goals

Masters Division,
Chris Bevis, HCU Camillos Masters 13 goals

O45 Division
Ray Smith, Sackville Tire masters, 14 Goals

Defender of the Year

Lower Division
Andrew Chow (Clippers)

Middle Division
Mike Harrington (Celtic)

Upper Division
Geoff Power ( Mariners)

Masters Division
Rob Adams (Athens)

O45 Division
Steve Boudreau (Genieknows)

Keeper of the Year
Lower Division
Shawn Gilligan (Barons)

Middle Division
Jeff Salterio (Camillos)

Upper Division
JP Angelolpoulos (Hellas)

Masters Division
Jean Marc Pernier ( Old Scotia)

O45 Division
Robert Morash (Celtic)

Divisional MVP
Lower Division
Richard Hausman (Alumitech)

Middle Division
Sandy Gracie (Camillos)

Upper Division
Regis Simons (Concertia)

Masters Division
Jacques Boudreau (Athens)

O45 Division
Graham Alderman (Basin)

Summer League Champions

Lower Division
Sacktown AC (15-5-1)

Middle Division
HCU Camillos (15-7-0)

Upper Division
Albion (16-1-4)

Master Division
Athens (12-2-1)
O45 Division
Genieknows (8-3-3)

Summer Playoff Champions
Lower Division
Sacktown AC

Middle Division
HCU Camillos

Upper Division

Master Division

O45 Division
Basin Insurance

Basil Pellerine
Jon Griggs (Genieknows)

Winter 2011-2012
1) Winter
a) New facility was set to open Oct 15; opening date has been revised to Oct 24., but it looks like that time could slide to the 31st.
b) We have 16-18 game times per week, and accommodate up to 32-36 teams based on a minimum one game per a week for each team. Teams may on occasion play two games a week. In late March and April all teams will play two games a week. This is due to the amount of teams, and the compressed schedule due to late opening.
c) Our time slots look like this at present:
i) Wednesday nights (10PM, and 11PM) (four fields)
ii) Sundays nights 2 fields (8, 9 ,10, and 11 PM)
iii) Sunday nights 1 field (10, 11PM)
iv) Depending on scheduling and actually facility opening date we may have a few scattered games on different nights if needed.
d) We are looking to run a single open division (for the first year) and an O45 division.
e) Open Division
i) Single open division will have 25-28 teams and will play 24-27 games in the regular season.
ii) Top 16 teams will playoff.
f) O45 division
i) Single O45 division will have 5-6 teams and will play a 25 game schedule
ii) Top 4 will playoff.
g) Costs will be :
i) League fee $2300.00
ii) Registration fee ( for WHFC teams) $13.00 per player.
iii) Referee fee $12.50 per team per game ($25.00 total)
h) Payment Plan
i) October 11, 2011 First Payment of $1000.00 for league fees.
ii) October 18, 2011 Remainder of league fees $1300.00; initial 14 players registration (WHFC only).
iii) Jan 15, 2012 remaining player registration WHFC.
i) Registration
i) Initial registration can start right away using the form on the website.
ii) Initial player registration minimum of 12 players to be into Tim by Oct21st
Awards Banquet
The banquet will be Saturday October 22, 2011 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Contact your league rep for tickets.
Masters Provincials
The MSMSL will be well represented this year in the SNS O35 Masters provincials. All six of our O35 teams will compete along with two teams from the valley.
Group 1 will have Athens, Valley United, Wolves FC and Masters of Hellas.
Group 2 will have New Ross, DU Masters, Old Scotia and HCU Camillos
The schedule can be found here:
Teams involved are reminded of the 7PM pretournament meetings at the respective venues.
Next League Meeting

Next League Meeting will be held Sept 12,2011 at 6:30 PM at the Bloomfield Centre. All teams are asked to send a representative.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer of June 30, 2011 is fast approaching; please ensure that all your players appear on your official SNS roster (to be sent shortly) and the MSMSL website by that time. No players may be added after this date.
If you think there is a problem or player missing contact both Don Hailstone ( and Tim Murgatroyd (​t).

Transfer deadline is July 15, 2011.

Referee Fee Increase
Although previously stated at $48.00 per team per game referee fee; there was an increase at the SNS level that was not relayed to the league. The new cost is $51.50 per team per game. This breaks down as follow; Centre $45.00 ($22.50), and linesmen $29.00 ($14.50).
Players Looking for Teams
Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals must include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.

You can also post the information to our Facebook page.
Summer kicks off June 1st, 2011.

Teams are reminded of the following:


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms are past due and must be submitted ASAP to Tim Mugratroyd ( The club teams were to have their player registration to Don Hailstone ( by May 22, 2011; these forms are now past due. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Registration form can be found here.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here.

Schedule to the end of June has been uploaded to the website. It can be found here:

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by June 6, 2011.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2011
Concertia Cup Champions
Concertia captured the League Cup on Monday, May 23, 2011 with a win over Citco FC. A highly contested affair that saw Concertia hold and build on an early lead for a 3-1 victory despite a late game comeback by Citco.
Spring Cup Playoffs
Spring cup playoffs kick off May 18, 2011 at Weir Field. Albion, Athens, Citco, Concertia, DU Masters, Metro Mariners, Thistle and Wolves FC all finished at the top of their pools and will vie for the league cup.

Consolation rounds start Saturday.

Wednesday May 18 2011 7:00 PM Concertia Wolves FC Weir
Wednesday May 18 2011 8:30 PM Mariners DU Masters Weir
Thursday May 19 2011 8:00 PM Albion Athens Weir
Thursday May 19 2011 9:30 PM Thistle Citco Weir
Saturday May 21 2011 5:00 PM WINNER GAME 1 WINNER GAME 2 Weir
Saturday May 21 2011 6:30 PM WINNER GAME 3 WINNER GAME 4 Weir
Saturday May 21 2011 8:00 PM Old Scotia Molson Weir
Saturday May 21 2011 9:30 PM Landsharks Hurricanes Weir
Sunday May 22 2011 7:30 PM Sacktown All Blacks Mainland2
Sunday May 22 2011 9:00 PM Convoy Barons Mainland1
Monday May 23 2011 10:00 AM Halifax Celtic Halifax heat Weir
Monday May 23 2011 11:30 AM Alumitech Hellas Weir
Monday May 23 2011 1:00 PM DU A&H Darkside United Weir
Monday May 23 2011 2:30 PM Celtic Masters Camillos Weir
Monday May 23 2011 4:00 PM Cole Harbour Sackville Tire Weir
Monday May 23 2011 8:00 PM Final Weir
Monday May 23 2011 9:30 PM Master Hellas Camillos Masters Weir
Summer 2011
MSMSL Summer Season will commence late May 2011. To facilitate the season, we are holding a meeting May 17, 2011 at Bloomfield Centre @ 7:00PM sharp. All teams must have a team rep at this meeting.
The league is full at this time and will not be accepting any additional teams.


Player registration will be $31.00 per player. District fees will be $3.50 per player (for Halifax District teams).

Referee cost will be $48.00 per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at no later than half.

League fee will be $500; see budget for further details. Budget can be found here:
A sample team budget can be found here:

Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $165.00). The following is the breakdown.

Upper (based on 22 games)(14 regular season, 8 crossover) $1815.00
Middle (based on 23 games) (7 regular season, 16 crossover) $1897.50
Lower (based on 22 games) (14 regular season, 8 crossover) $1815.00
Masters (based on 20 games) (20 regular season) $1650.00

Field costs will be based on teams paying for full field cost for home games (field cost average is $165.00). The exception to this is Bridgewater who will secure their own field times. The following is the breakdown:

O45 (based on 11 home games) $1815.00

A first payment of $1200.00 (complete league fee ($500) and $700.00 of your field fee cost), plus minimum 18 player registration fees (includes SNS and Disctrict fees ($34.50) (if registering through the WHFC) is due by May 17, 2011. Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the summer league.

Second payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due June 9, 2011.


There will be three open divisions this season.

Upper Division

1. Hellas
2. Albion
3. Metro Mariners
4. Thistle
5. Concertia
6. Soccafrique
7. Reliant Security
8. DU A&H

This would allow for fourteen (14) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a cross over with the middle division for an additional eight games.
Total regular season games would be twenty two. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty five (Please note maximum is defined as making it to Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Middle Division

1. HCU Camillos
2. Citco FC
3. Molson FC
4. DU-Blues
5. Hurricanes
6. Halifax City Celtic
7. Darkside United
8. Landsharks
This would allow for seven (7) regular season games in a single round robin format.

The division would also participate in a crossover with the lower division and upper divisions for an additional sixteen games.

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Total regular season games would be twenty three. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty six). (Please note maximum is defined as making it to the Playoff final)

Lower Division

1. Alumitech
2. Sacktown
3. MAPP Blue Devils
4. Halifax Convoy Football Club
5. Clippers
6. All Blacks
7. Barons FC
8. Cole Harbour

This would allow for fourteen (14) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a cross over with the middle division for an additional eight games.
Total regular season games would be twenty two. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty five (Please note maximum is defined as making it to Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Upper O35 Division

1. Old Scotia
2. Athens United
3. DU Masters
4. Wolves
5. Master of Hellas
6. Camillos Masters

This would allow for twenty regular season games in a quadruple round robin format.

Total regular season games would be twenty. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty two. (Please note maximum is defined as making it to the Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top four teams. These will most likely be held after the provincial tournament.

O45 Division

1. Celtic Masters
2. Sporting Rangers
3. Bridgewater
4. FC Bedford
5. Masters
6. Tirecraft Sackville Masters
7. Basin Insurance
8. DU Classics

This would allow for twenty one regular season games in a triple round robin format.
Total regular season games would be twenty one. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty four. (Please note maximum is defined as making it to the Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top eight.


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms must be submitted ASAP to Tim Mugratroyd ( and no later than May 20, 2011 @ 5PM. The club teams must have their player registration to Don Hailstone ( by May 22, 2011. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Registration form can be found here.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.
Waiver forms can be found here.

Schedule is in process on being prepared; any teams requiring time off for the summer must submit times to Shawn Langille( ) by May 17, 2011. The league will guarantee only one weekend off per team; more if possible.

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 31, 2011.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2011
Schedule Changes
The following schedule changes have been made:

April 23 5PM DU Masters v Old Scotia at Weir has been moved to April 23 9:30PM at Weir
April 23 9:30PM Hella's v Hurricanes at Weir has been moved to April 23 5PM at Weir
April 30, 8pm Sackville Tire v Heat at Weir has been moved April 28, 8pm at Weir
April 28, 8pm All Blacks v Molson at Weir has been moved April 30, 8pm at Weir
Rosters Uploaded
All rosters have been uploaded to the website based on SNS data as of April 17, 2011. All non WHFC club teams must notify the league of any changes in their rosters.
Some games have been reset to allow for the entering of data.
Spring Cup
Spring Cup starts tonight; all teams must have their registrations in before they take the field.
Spring Cup 2011-update
Spring Cup 2011

MSMSL Spring Cup Season will commence on April 15, 2011. To facilitate the season, we are holding a meeting April 12 at Bloomfield Centre @ 8:00PM sharp. All teams participating must have a team rep at this meeting. At this meeting, we will be collecting the full league fee, plus the initial player registration fee (minimum 18 players) for the WHFC clubs. All outstanding debts to the league are due at this time.
Due to lack of participants in the O45 spring, two of our Classic (O45) teams have agreed to join us in the open pool.
Every team will be guaranteed seven games (6 in the round robin and one in playoff or consolation round)
Round robin:
The games will be full field games with 40 minute halves. The open division breakdown will have four pools of seven. Each team will play round robin within the pool.

The pools were randomly drawn and are as follows

Pool A
Cole harbour
Concertia Stars
Dartmouth United
DU Masters
City Celtics
Old Scotia
Sacktown AC

Pool B
All Blacks
Darkside United
Halifax Heat
Metro Mariners
Molson FC
Sackville Tire Masters
Wolves FC

Pool C
Celtic Masters
Halifax Convoy
Masters of Hellas

Pool D
Barons FC
Camillos Masters
Halifax Hurricanes
HCU Camillos


Top two teams in each pool will advance to a single elimination playoff round. Overall winner of the playoff round will be crowned cup champion.

Bottom placed teams in the pool will get an additional game with a same finish place team in another pool.
Example: 3rd Pool A versus 3rd Pool B

For teams registering through the MSMSL’s Western Halifax Football Club(WHFC) player registration will be $10.00 per player.

Referee cost will be $48.00 per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at no later than half.

League fee will be $675.00; see budget for further details. Field fees are included into the costs.
A sample budget form is available on the website.


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms (minimum 18 players) must be submitted to Tim Mugratroyd ( no later than April 10, 2011 @ 5PM.
The club teams must have their player registration to Don Hailstone ( by no later than April 10, 2011 @ 5PM. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in the spring cup season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

The waiver form is found here :
The registration form is found here:


Schedule has been posted to the website for download, and will be uploaded in the next few days.

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by April 23, 2011

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for spring has been set by the league as May 1, 2011
Important dates
April 10, 2011 WHFC Initial Rosters Due
April 10, 2011 Club Team Initial Roster Due
April 12, 2011 Spring Kick Off Meeting
April 15, 2011 Spring Cup Round robin Begins
April 23, 2011 Player Pictures Due
May 1, 2011 Last registration day
May 18, 2011 Playoffs begin
May 23, 2011 Final Playoff Game.

2011- AGM Held
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting was held Tuesday March 29, 2011 at Bloomfield School. The event was well attended with only two teams not represented.
Executive positions up for election this year were President, Vice President, Annotator, and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions)
Richard McConnell stepped down early in his role as president. McConnell has held several positions in the MSMSL over the last eight years including member at large (Banquet), vice president and president. Richard has been an integral part of the banquet and has contributed greatly to the success of the MSMSL.
Don Hailstone was nominated and acclaimed as President, moving from his present role as Vice President. Newcomer Jay Matheson, a member of Sacktown AC, was nominated and acclaimed in the Vice President’s role. Annotator Justin Gerogiannis and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions) Gary Shaw, were also nominated and acclaimed in their present roles.
The AGM also saw the admission of three new open division teams and one Over 35 division team. Camillos Masters, Reliant Security, Cole Harbour, and Darkside United were welcomed to the league. Three of the teams will see action in the upcoming Spring Cup Season.
Players Looking for Teams
Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals must include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.

You can also post the information to our Facebook page.
Alumitech -Winter Playoff Champions
Alumitech defeated first place Concertia Stars to claim the Winter playoff championship. Alumitech dominated the scoring in the first 25 minutes; entering the second half with a 3-0 lead. An early goal in the second half, gave the Alumitech side a four goal lead. Although Concertia fought back with two goals midway through the second half, they could not overcome the Alumitech lead.
Information Needed For Upcoming Seasons
All divisions will be 11 a-sides 80 minutes (40 minute halves) on turf fields. We are looking at the following divisions:
Open division (open to all age ranges within the league).
Classics (Open to all over 45 teams as per league rules).
From each team we would like to know the following:
1) The division that you would prefer to participate in.

Summer 2011
In the summer, we are looking at the following options for league play:

(We need this information by March 15, 2010 in order to try to pre-plan for the summer season)
All divisions will be 11 a-sides 90 minutes (45 minute halves) on turf fields. We are looking at the following divisions:
Open lower division (open to all age ranges within the league).
Open middle division (open to all age ranges within the league).
Open upper division (open to all age ranges within the league).
Masters Upper (Open to all over 35 teams as per league rules).
Masters Lower (Open to all over 35 teams as per league rules).(need 4 teams to start this divison)
Classics (Over 45) (open to ages 45 (with those grandfathered from last season)
From each team we would like to know the following:
1) The division that you would prefer to participate in. (Please keep in mind that we will fill the open divisions equally, using statistics from the previous seasons). Please indicate your second choice if first choice is not available.
Winter Playoff Finals
Concertia (13-0-2) will look to continue their undefeated winter season in the playoff final versus second place Alumitech (11-3-1) on March 19, 2011 at 8PM.
The consolation final will see Molson FC versus Hellas on March 20th at 6PM
Spring Season No More???
The rumours are true; there will no longer be a Spring Season. Rest assured the freezing cold spring competition in the MSMSL will continue. The Spring Season is getting replaced by the League Cup and Over 45 Cup. With the recent growth of the MSMSL, the League Cup, usually held during the summer season, scheduling has been a huge issue, along with the tracking of cards and discipline. The move also allows some additional field time for acceptance of new teams.
The recent spring competitions have been set up like the League Cup in an open pool based format, so with the exception of the competition name and the trophy awarded, not much else will change. More details to be discussed at the AGM.
AGM and New Team Applications
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 7PM sharp. Meeting will be held at Bloomfield School (room to be announced). All teams participating in upcoming spring and summer competitions must have a representative in attendance.

Executive positions up for election this year are; President, Vice President, Annotator, and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

We will be accepting applications for new teams at this meeting. Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for spring and summer seasons should refer to the admission of new teams document found in our download section of the website ("> ) for more details and new team application processes. New teams should also review our rules ("> ) and constitution ("> ). New teams should indicate their desire to play spring, and or summer, as well as, the level at which they wish to play.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Tues March 29, 2011.

Last Game of Winter - A playoff decider
Places 5 thru 7 comes down to the last game of the season.

A crucial game will take place this Friday between HCU Camillos (25pts and currently 8th) and Athens United (23pts and currently in 9th) . Winner of the game will make the league playoffs and the loser will assume 9th spot for the consolation round.

Team position one thru four have been set in place, as well as, teams in the consolation round in positions ten thru sixteen. Wolves FC (25pts) will be the 8th place team (due to their win versus Camillos early in the month) no matter which teams outright wins or if there is a tie.

Here is how everything will breakdown:

A Camillos(25(+3)pts) win will see them move into 5th, with Thistle(26pts) 6th (due to victory over Albion), and Albion(26pts) 7th.

An Athens (23(+3)pts) win will see Thistle(26pts) (due to wins over Athens and Albion) move into 5th spot, Albion (26pts)(based on goal differential and that Athens would have to win last game by 24 goals) into 6th spot, and Athens 7th.

A tie would see Camillos (25pts (+1)) advance and Athens (23pts (+1) assume 9th spot. The tie would see Camillos take 5th spot ( head to head Albion ((0-1-1)) (1pt)), HCU((1-0-1)(4pts)), Thistle ((1-1-0)(3pts))); Thistle in 6th spot, and Albion in 7th Place

Playoff Format

This year we have enough time to run our normal "Top 8" playoff as well as a "Bottom 8" playoff. Format is the same as past years. 1 v 4, 2 v 7 etc. If you win, you advance, if you lose, your out. All games go straight to penaltyes (5 shooters each)

MSMSL Playoff Schedule

Consolation Playoffs

Friday March 4 11:00pm 10TH (DU) vs 15TH (Sacktown)
Saturday March 5 11:00pm 9TH (TBD) vs 16TH (Convoy)
Sunday March 6 11:00pm 11th(Molson FC) vs 14th (Blue Devils)
Friday March 11 11:00pm 12th (Landsharks) vs 13th (Hellas)

Semi Finals

Sunday March 13 10:00pm Highest Seed vs Lowest Remaining
Sunday March 13 11:00pm 2nd Highest Seed vs 2nd Lowest


Saturday March 19 9:00pm Finalists

Championship Playoff (Top 8 Teams)

Sunday March 6 10:00pm 1st (Concertia) vs 8th (Wolves FC)
Tuesday March 8 10:00pm 2nd (Alumitech) vs 7th
Friday March 11 10:00pm 3rd(Metro Mariners) vs 6th
Saturday March 12 10:00pm 4th(Masters of Hellas) vs 5th

Semi Finals

Monday March 14 10:00pm Highest Seed vs Lowest Remaining
Tuesday March 15 10:00pm 2nd Highest Seed vs 2nd Lowest
Saturday March 19 8:00pm Finalists
Revised Playoff Schedule
This year we have enough time to run our normal "Top 8" playoff as well as a "Bottom 8" playoff. Format is the same as past years. 1 v 4, 2 v 7 etc. If you win, you advance, if you lose, your out. All games go straight to penalties (5 shooters each)
MSMSL Playoff Schedule
Consolation Playoffs
Friday March 4 11:00pm 10TH (DU) vs 15TH (Sacktown)
Saturday March 5 11:00pm 9TH vs 16TH (Convoy)
Sunday March 6 11:00pm 11th vs 14th (Blue Devils)
Friday March 11 11:00pm 12th vs 13th

Semi Finals

Sunday March 13 10:00pm Highest Seed vs Lowest Remaining
Sunday March 13 11:00pm 2nd Highest Seed vs 2nd Lowest

Saturday March 19 9:00pm Finalists

Championship Playoff (Top 8 Teams)

Sunday March 6 10:00pm 1st (Concertia) vs 8th
Tuesday March 8 10:00pm 2nd (Alumitech) vs 7th
Friday March 11 10:00pm 3rd vs 6th
Saturday March 12 10:00pm 4th vs 5th

Semi Finals

Monday March 14 10:00pm Highest Seed vs Lowest Remaining
Tuesday March 15 10:00pm 2nd Highest Seed vs 2nd Lowest
Saturday March 19 8:00pm Finalists
The Ardmore Cup
The Ardmore cup will take place starting January 14, 2011.
The following is the ranking for the MSMSL teams for the Ardmore Cup with the HSL. Teams were chosen by league ranking (minus Athens due to being a new team) after 6 games of play.
1 Concertia
2 Albion
3 Wolves
4 Alumitech
5 Landsharks
6 Mariners
7 Mast. Of Hellas
8 Camillos

The HSL teams ranking is as follows:

1. HC Predators
2. Halifax Celtic Metros
4. DVW Strikers
5. Halifax United
6. DU-Chard
7. Cole Harbour SC
8. Armview Roundabout

Complete Ardmore schedule is available for download on the league website.
All rosters have been uploaded based on the latest SNS rosters. Please check to ensure that all you players apear on the website. Player pictures for those players that were missing are due Dec 31, 2010. Players that were on the site since November are overdue and fines will be issued.
Complete Winter Schedule Upload
The winter schedule has been uploaded to the website.

The master schedule is located in the downloads section. Please compare the two schedules and notify the league with any errors. The master schedule takes precedent over the website schedule.
Banquet a Success
The annual awards banquet was a success with around one hundred seventy attendees.

The following awards were presented:

Team MVP’s
Albion Glenn Aucoin
Alumitech Dwanye Gillis
Athens Jacques Boudreau
Barons Michael Clothier
Basin Trent Coady
Blue Devils James Luther
Celtic Masters Umberto Catalano
Citco Khalid Abdelwahed
Clippers Andrew Chow
Concertia Regis Simons
Convoy Devon Willows
DU Barrington Nick Hatt
DU Blues Matt Andrea
DU Classics Jamal Hamude
DU Porters Ioan Florean
GenieKnows MVP Stewart Clark
Halifax Celtic Spencer Creelman
HCU Camillos Chris Beavis
HCU Masters Ben Manubay
Hellas Dimitri Athanasiou
Hurricanes Stephane Jonchere
Landsharks Robin Walsh
Mariners Matthew Whitty
Master of Hellas George Theoharopoulos
Molson FC Dave Lutwick
Old Scotia Sheldon Musseau
Sacktown Todd MacDonald
Sackville Masters Ray Smith
Soccafrique Delali Motey
Thistle Kyle Coleman
Wolves Lorne Timmons

Winter Season Indoor Champions
• Albion

Winter Season Indoor Playoff Champions
• Albion

Spring Open League Champions
• Wolves FC

Spring Master League Champions
• Sackville Tire Masters

Top Goal Scorers (Golden Boot)
• Lower Division- Todd MacDonald( Sacktown) 9 Goals
• Middle Division- Chris Bevis (HCU Camillos) 18 Goals
• Upper Division- Dimitri Athanasiou(Hellas) 15 Goals
• Masters Division- Ioan Florean (DU Porters)-Zac Amorin(Masters of Hellas) 13 Goals
• O45 Division- Ray Smith (Sackville Tire Masters) 27 Goals

Lower Defender
• Todd Warren (Celtic)

Middle Defender
• Craig Colgan (Camillos)

Upper Defender
• Alex Theoharopoulos (Hellas)

Masters Defender
• Sheldon Musseau (Scotia)

O45 Defender
• Umberto Catalano (Celtic)

Lower Keeper
• Spencer Creelman (Celtic)

Middle Keeper
• Shawn Gilligan (Barons)

Upper Keeper
• Steve Skidmore (Concertia)

Masters Keeper
• Gary Shaw (DU Port)

O45 Keeper
• Robert Morash (Celtic)

Regular Season Team Trophies
• Lower Division- Halifax City Celtics
• Middle Division –Barons FC
• O45 Division- Genieknows
• Upper Division- Soccafrique
• Master Division- Athens United (undefeated season)

Summer Playoff Champions
• Lower Division- Halifax City Celtic
• Middle Division- Thistle Masters
• Upper Division- Soccafrique
• Master Division- Masters Of Hellas
• O45 Division- Basin Insurance

The MSMSL Challenge Cup
• Soccafrique
Lower MVP
• Spencer Creelman (Celtic)

Middle MVP
• Chris Beavis (Camillos)

Upper MVP
• Delali Motey (Soccafrique)

Masters MVP
• Jacques Boudreau (Athens)

• Ray Smith (Sackville)

Basil Pellerine

The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to a individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

• Avery Currie (Convoy)
The banquet is tonight Saturday October 16, 2010 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.
MSMSL Releases List of Award Nominees
The following is the complete list of award nominees for this weekends banquet.

Lower Defender
• Nick Halsey (HCU Mast)
• Todd Warren (Celtic)
• Trevor O'Neil (Sacktown)

Middle Defender
• Thomas McAuley (Barons)
• Craig Colgan (Camillos)

Upper Defender
• Alex Theoharopoulos (Hellas)
• Bernard Addae (Soccafrique)
• Will Burt (Concertia),
• Adam Lardner (Molson)
• Justin Gerogiannis (Concertia)

Masters Defender
• Sheldon Musseau (Scotia)
• Chris Burns ( DU Masters)
• Rob Adams (Athens)

O45 Defender
• Jamal Humude (Classics)
• Umberto Catalano (Celtic)

Lower Keeper
• Alec Murphy (HCU Mast)
• Spencer Creelman (Celtic)
• Matt Andrea (DU Blues)

Middle Keeper
• Shawn Gilligan (Barons)
• Mike Gniewek (Huricanes)

Upper Keeper
• Matt Robinson (Mariners)
• Tola Alabi (Soccafrique)
• Steve Skidmore (Concertia)
• JP Angelolpoulos (Hellas)
Masters Keeper
• Jeff Farquhar (Athens)
• Gary Shaw (DU Port)
• Wade Scott (MOH)

O45 Keeper
• Paul Peace (Sackville)
• Robert Morash (Celtic)

Lower MVP
• Ben Manubay (HCU Mast)
• Spencer Creelman (Celtic)
• Todd MacDonald (Sacktown)

Middle MVP
• Chris Beavis (Camillos)
• Pat Mather (Barons)
• Stephane Jonchere (Huricanes)

Upper MVP
• Regis Simons (Concertia)
• Delali Motey (Soccafrique)
• Dimitri Athanasiou (Hellas)
• Will Burt (Concertia)

Masters MVP
• Lorne Timmons (Wolves)
• Dom Amorin (MOH)
• Ioan Florean (DU Porters)
• Jacques Boudreau (Athens)

• Ray Smith (Sackville)
• Stewart Clark (GK)
• Trent Coady (Basin)

Basil Pellerine
• Avery Currie (Convoy)
• John Robinson (Basin)
• Jon Griggs (Genieknows)

DU Porter's Pub Bronze Medalists
DU Porter's Pub are eastern Masters bronze medalists. DU defeated PEI 5-0 to claim the bronze medal.

Ontario is the gold medal champions.
2010 Eastern Canadian Masters
Soccer Nova Scotia will be hosting the 2010 Eastern Canadian Masters Championships Oct 8-11, 2010 at Mainland North fields in Clayton Park West.

The Championships will be contested by the Masters Champions of Ontario, Quebec, PEI, NB, NFLD and NS. The teams are comprised of players 35 years of age and over.

Nova Scotia will be represented by DU Porter's Masters, who defeated the 2009 champion Athens 2-1 in extra time at the 2010 Nova Scotia Masters Championships concluded Sunday, Sept 19.

Friday, October 8th
6:30 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game #1 – ON vs NL
8:30 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game #2 – PE vs NB
Saturday, October 9th
3:00 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game #3 – NS vs NL
...3:00 pm Mainland Commons #2 Game #4 – QC vs NB
Sunday, October 10th
1:00 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game #5 – ON vs NS
3:00 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game #6 – PE vs QC
Monday, October 11th
9:00 am Mainland Commons #2 Game 9
3rd Place Group 1 v. 3rd Place Group 2
9:00 am Mainland Commons #1 Game 8 - Bronze
2nd Place Group 1 v. 2nd Place Group 2
11:00 pm Mainland Commons #1 Game 7 - Gold
1st place Group 1 v. 1st Place Group 2
Open spot for this year’s winter season.

Due to the withdrawal of one of the existing winter teams, there is now space for one team. Any MSMSL teams interested in this spot must do the following:

• Contact both Don Hailstone ( and Kevin Boutlier ( via email no later than noon on Friday, October 8, 2010. (no exceptions or extensions)
• Be prepared to play in a qualification tournament the week of October 11, 2010. Notification to go out on the 11th.
• Have a minimum of twelve (12) (18 max) players that registered by Oct 12, 2010. No players are to be added to the roster for the remainder of the tournament after this date. To prevent team stacking, all players must remain on your winter roster for the entire season; removal of any players from the tournament roster will result in a fine of $300 per player.
• Have the current outstanding balance with the MSMSL at zero. (Contact Pat Matthews for current balances).
• Have a cheque /money order in the amount of $400.00 to cover tournament costs for collection at the first game.
• Have a cheque /money order in the amount of $10 per player for registration for collection at the first game. (Non WHFC teams need only have SNS proof of registration).
• Winner of the tournament must present a cheque for complete winter fees ($1300.00) within seven (7) days of tournament completion or by Oct 25, 2010 (which ever date comes first).
Banquet Ticket Sales Tonight Wednesday Oct 6

Tickets for the league banquet will be on sale tonight at East Side Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake.
The banquet will be Saturday October 16, 2010 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Players should contact their team representative for ticket info.

Tickets will be available for sale at the following locations and times:

October 6, 2010 7:30PM-9:30 PM Eastside Mario’s Bayer’s Lake
October 13, 2010 7:30PM-9:30 PM Eastside Mario’s Bayer’s Lake

Please note October 13, 2010 is the last chance to purchase ticket.

Teams that have yet to pick up their four (4) tickets included in the league fee are encourage to do so at one of these times
Next League Meeting
We will be having an awards nomination and voting meeting on October 4 , 2010 at 6 PM (note the time change) at the Bloomifield School. To expedite the process, teams are asked to submit the following via email to by October 3, 2010.

1- Their team MVP
2- Nominations for Divisional MVP in the division in which the team participates.
3- Nominations for Divisional Best Defender in the division in which the team participates.
4- Nominations for Divisional Best Keeper in the division in which the team participates.

Teams must bring all trophies to this meeting. Teams are also encouraged to discuss amongst team mates a worthy nomination for the Basil Pellerine award.

The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to a individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

We will be accepting nominations for the Basil Pellerine award at this meeting. Nominator should be prepared to speak to the nominee’s contribution to soccer and the MSMSL.

The banquet will be Saturday October 16, 2010 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.
League Banquet and Ticket Sales
The banquet will be Saturday October 16, 2010 at the Greek Community Centre at 38 Purcell’s Cove Road. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets is $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Players should contact their team representative for ticket info.
Tickets will be available for sale at the following locations and times:
September 28, 2010 8PM-10PM Eastside Mario’s Bayer’s Lake
October 4, 2010 6PM (League Meeting) Bloomfield School
October 6, 2010 7:30PM-9:30 PM Eastside Mario’s Bayer’s Lake
October 13, 2010 7:30PM-9:30 PM Eastside Mario’s Bayer’s Lake
Please note October 13, 2010 is the last chance to purchase ticket.
Teams that have yet to pick up their four (4) tickets included in the league fee are encourage to do so at one of these times.
Master's Provincial Champs
The MSMSL’s DU Porter’s Pub team has captured the provincial championship with a 2-1 extra time victory over defending champs Athen’s United.
Old Scotia captured the bronze.
League Meeting
We will be having a league meeting this Wednesday, September 15,2010 at 7PM at Bloomfield school to discuss playoffs, banquet and other matters. Please ensure that you send a rep to this meeting.
Award Banquet
The 2010 MSMSL awards banquet will be held October 16, 2010. More details to follow.

Teams should start voting on their team's MVP.
Game Results
Due to the compressed schedule; the league is requesting that teams input the games scores, scorers and discipline through the league website within 24 hours. This is ultimately the responsibility of the winning team. In the event of a tie, that of the home team. The inputted scores must be reviewed by both teams to ensure that no errors or omissions have been made. Failure to submit scores or discipline shall result in sanctions as per Rule 10C. Errors on game results shall be reported within 72 hours of input onto the league website
Suspended & Ejected Players
Players that have been suspended are not allowed on the player’s benches or playing field until the suspensions have been served. This is still the case if you are the manager or team official of the team.

Suspended individuals may watch from the spectator stands.

Players that are ejected during a match must leave the facility immediately and may not return during the match. The MSMSL definition of the facility is all grounds associated with the soccer facility, this includes the spectator area, just outside the fences, and the parking lot.
The Rescheduling of Games

With several teams requesting games to be rescheduled on an already full schedule, here is the process for rescheduling matches.

The team that wants to reschedule a game must contact both the league and the other team concerning the reschedule.
Both the league and the other team must agree to have the game rescheduled. Either party may refuse to do so without question. If the parties do not agree, the game will take place on the originally scheduled time.

If both the league and the other team agree to have the game rescheduled, the game will be slotted into the schedule at a later date in the season. Please keep in mind that this may mean that either may have to play in three games over a five day period (the league will try not to do this, but with time restrictions, it may not be possible)

The team wishing to reschedule shall be assessed an administration fee of $40.00 for the schedule change and will have to pay for all field fees ($160.00) required for the schedule move.
Suspensions Now Posted
A current list of suspensions handed out by the league is now available in the download section of the website. This will be updated on a semi weekly basis.
2010 League Cup
The 2010 League Cup brackets is now loaded to the site. It can be found in the download section of the website.
Next League Meeting
Next League Meeting will be held June 28 at 7:00PM at the Bloomfield Centre. All teams are asked to send a representative.

Game sheets will be available at this meeting.
Lightning Strikes
Four games were cancelled due to lightning on Sunday. Should this happen again, please ensure that the referees are paid in full.

Regular season games must make the 75 minute mark to count, anything less will be replayed.

Games will be rescheduled at a later date.
Picture Deadline Looming
Please ensure that you input your scores within 48 hours. It is ultimately the winner’s responsibility to input the score, however, both teams must review the game report to ensure accuracy in scoring and discipline as the website is the leagues official record for the winter season.

Please note; games that did not have goal scorers or cards inputted will be reset on Sunday. It is the responsibility of those teams to update this information.

Passwords and team ID’s and the same as last season, and teams are encouraged to complete team information. Team reps not remembering their information should contact the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Team managers should ensure that all players registered with their team appear on the 2010 Summer roster on the team page. Incorrect players or missing players should be reported to the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Teams MUST input player pictures by June 20, 2010 or late registration players (within three days of website notification) using the correct format as stated in the website file. Teams not meeting this date will be subject to fines and/or sanctions. Pictures shall be as stated in the guide in regards to file size and content. Inappropriate pictures as defined in the guide will be removed; teams will be warned for the first offence, than fines and sanctions will follow for additional offences.
The schedule to July 13, 2010 is available for download. It will be upload to the site by this Friday June 18,2010. Remainder of the summer schedule should be released next week.
Facility Funding Announced
At a press conference held at Soccer Nova Scotia today, Premier Darrell Dexter announced a provincial contribution of $3.0 million towards construction of the Soccer Nova Scotia Multisport Facility slated to begin construction within 30 days.

The provincial contribution brings the total assistance from all government levels to 5.0 million dollars.

The three field facility will assist in alleviating the severe shortage of indoor facilities for HRM based soccer players.
MSMSL Team Makes National News
The MSMSL team Soccafrique recently made the CBC national news as part of the CBC's World Cup coverage. Check out the video here:
Money Collection Night
We are having a payment collection date on Tuesday Mat 25, 2010 at East Side Mario's in Bayers Lake from 7:30- 8:30PM. If your account is in arrears, you must either show up at this meeting or contact Pat Matthews to make other arrangements. Cheques or Money orders only.
Summer 2010
MSMSL Summer Season will commence late May 2010. To facilitate the season, we are holding a meeting May 17, 2010 at Bloomfield Centre @ 7:00PM sharp. All teams must have a team rep at this meeting.


Player registration will be $30.00 per player.

Referee cost will be $48.00 per game. Fees will be brought to the game and given to the referee at no later than half.

League fee will be $455.00; see budget for further details.

Field costs will be based on teams paying for ½ of field cost (field cost average is $160.00). The following is the breakdown.

Upper (based on 21 games)(14 regular season, 6 crossover, 1 cup) $1680.00
Middle (based on 22 games) (14 regular season, 7 crossover, 1 cup) $1760.00
Lower (based on 21 games) (12 regular season, 8 crossover, 1 cup) $1680.00
Masters (based on 19 games) (10 regular season, 8 crossover, 1 cup) $1520.00

Field costs will be based on teams paying for full field cost for home games (field cost average is $160.00). The exception to this is Bridgewater who will secure their own field times. The following is the breakdown.

O45 (based on 8 home games) $1280.00

A first payment of $1455.00) (complete league fee ($455) and $1000.00 of your field fee cost), plus minimum 18 player registration fees (if registering through the WHFC) is due by May 25, 2010. Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the summer league.

Second payment (the remainder of field fees) will be due June 9, 2010.


Due to the number of open division teams, we are adding an additional division. There will be three open divisions this season.

Upper Division

1. Hellas
2. Albion
3. Metro Mariners
4. Landsharks
5. Scotia Stars
6. Soccafrique
7. Halifax Garrison
8. DU Barrington

This would allow for fourteen (14) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a cross over with the lower division for an additional six (five*) games.
Total regular season games would be twenty (nineteen*) plus one League Cup games. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty nine (twenty eight*)). (Please note maximum is defined as making it to both the Cup final and Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

*Number based on the new DU O35 being able to be formed.

Middle Division

1. HCU Camillos
2. Citco FC
3. Barons FC
4. DU-Maxwell Plum
5. Hurricanes
6. Halifax City Celtic
7. Formation Halifax
8. Thistle

This would allow for fourteen (14) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a crossover with the lower division for an additional seven games.

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Total regular season games would be twenty one plus two League Cup games. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be thirty). (Please note maximum is defined as making it to both the Cup final and Playoff final)

Lower Division

1. Alumitech
2. Sacktown
3. MAPP Blue Devils
4. Halifax Convoy Football Club
5. Clippers
6. HCU Masters
7. DU New

This would allow for twelve (12) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a crossover with the lower division for an additional eight games.

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals.

Total regular season games would be nineteen plus one League Cup games. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty nine). (Please note maximum is defined as making it to both the Cup final and Playoff final)


Upper O35 Division
1. Old Scotia
2. Athens United
3. DU Masters
4. Wolves
5. Master of Hellas
6. Potential DU Team*

This would allow for ten (eight*) regular season games in a double round robin format.

The division would also participate in a crossover with the upper division for an additional eight games. Crossover games will count towards league standings but not provincial standings.

Total regular season games would be eighteen (sixteen*) plus one League Cup games. (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be twenty five (twenty three*)). (Please note maximum is defined as making it to both the Cup final and Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top six with 1&2 getting a bye to the semifinals. These will most likely be held after the provincial tournament.

*Number based on the new DU O35 being able to be formed.

O45 Division

1. Celtic Masters
2. Sporting Rangers
3. Bridgewater
4. FC Bedford (with stipulations)
5. Masters
6. Tirecraft Sackville Masters
7. Spanglish United
8. Basin Insurance
9. DU Classics

This would allow for sixteen regular season games in a double round robin format.
Total regular season games would be sixteen (Maximum number of games played for a team in this division would be nineteen.) (Please note maximum is defined as making it to the Playoff final)

Playoffs will consist of top eight.

O45 Fall Tournament

We will discuss this tournament in June in order to extend play into October.


Teams are reminded that initial player registration and waiver forms must be submitted to Tim Mugratroyd ( no later than May 19, 2010 @ 5PM. The club teams must have their player registration to Don by May 21, 2010. Teams must use the registration forms available on the league website.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any summer season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.


Schedule is in process on being prepared

Player Pictures

All teams must have their initial player pictures posted to the website by May 31, 2010.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for summer is June 30, 2010

New Teams/ Players Looking
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for upcoming summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting April 26, 2010. This will be the only opportunity to enter the league for this summer season.

New teams should indicate their desired play level at which they wish to play.
Individuals looking for teams should contact the league at to be placed on a circulation list to all teams. Individuals should include contact email, phone number, age, player position and skill level.
Summer Meeting
MSMSL Summer Season will commence the third week of May , 2010. To facilitate the season scheduling and commitment, we are holding a meeting April 26, 2010 at the Bloomfield centre at 7PM sharp. All teams MUST have a team rep at this meeting.
We will be accepting new team applications at this meeting.
All outstanding fees must be paid at this meeting for consideration for summer 2010.
Player Rosters/Pictures
The website is now completely ready with complete team rosters and is ready for inputting of scores for our spring season. It is ultimately the winner’s responsibility to input the score, however, both teams must review the game report to ensure accuracy in scoring and discipline as the website is the leagues official record for the winter season.

Please note; games that did not have goal scorers or cards inputted have been reset. It is the responsibility of those teams to update this information.

Passwords and team ID’s and the same as last season, and teams are encouraged to complete team information. Team reps not remembering their information should contact the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Team managers should ensure that all players registered with their team appear on the 2010 Spring roster on the team page. Incorrect players or missing players should be reported to the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Teams MUST input player pictures by April 23 or late registration players(registered after April 20) within three days of website notification ) using the correct format as stated in the website file. Teams not meeting this date will be subject to fines and/or sanctions. Pictures shall be as stated in the guide in regards to file size and content. Inappropriate pictures as defined in the guide will be removed; teams will be warned for the first offence, than fines and sanctions will follow for additional offences.

Player Registration and Fees now past due.

Several teams have yet to register with their clubs. No team shall take the team until they are registered.

For those registering through the league run club, the initial roster registration was to be sent to Tim Murgatroyd ( by April 7, 2010. Using the registration form found on the website.
Players are to be registered 48 hours before they play unless notified by email from a league official.

All players registering with the MSMSL-WHFC must sign the waiver forms and fax or email them to the league using this form found on the website.

Registration cost will be $10.00 per player.

Non WHFC team were to have their initial rosters to the league by April 10, 2010.


The league fee of $625.00 plus the initial registration (for WHFC teams) of $10.00 per player is past due. Teams still owing for this spring or past seasons should contact Patrick Matthews or Don Hailstone to arrange for payment right away.
Albion Wins Winter Playoffs
First place Albion won the winter playoffs defeating Thistle Master 3-0.
Spring 2010
Spring 2010 will be the largest spring league the MSMSL has put on, the participation of twenty eight teams with four open divisions and one Masters Division.

The games will be full field games with 40 minute halves.
The open division breakdown will look like this:
Athens United
Thistle Masters
City Celtics
Sacktown AC
DU Masters
Dartmouth United

Wolves FC
HCU Camillos
Old Scotia
Blue Devils
Barons FC
HCU Masters

Masters of Hellas
Metro Mariners
Scotia Stars
Halifax Garrison
Halifax Convoy

The Master Division (O35) will look like this:
Tirecraft Sackville Masters
FC Bedford

Guaranteed Games
Open division
All teams are guaranteed 6 games (a 5 game round robin within division, plus either a playoff or consolation match).
Masters Division
All teams are guaranteed 6 games (6 game double round robin).
Open Division
Top team in each division will participate in a single elimination playoff tournament.
Master Division
Top two teams will playoff for a winner.
The schedule has be uploaded to the website; the official schedule can be found here:
Please review and compare the schedule to what has been posted to the website and report immediately any errors or omissions found to .

For those registering through the league run club, the initial roster registration shall be sent to Tim Murgatroyd ( by April 7, 2010. Using the registration form found on the website.
All players registering with the MSMSL-WHFC must sign the waiver forms and fax or email them to the league using this form found on the website.
Registration cost will be $10.00 per player.
Non WHFC team shall have their initial rosters to the league by April 10, 2010.

The league fee will be $625.00. This is based on the leagues budget which can be found here:
Referees will be $46 per game played.
For a sample budget that teams may use for their team costs:

Important Dates
March 29, 2010 AGM
April 7, 2010 Initial Registration Due to MSMSL Registrar
April 8, 2010 Fees are due to the league (Drop off location to be sent out)

April 10, 2010 Non WHFC to submit initial roster to league.
April 15, 2010 Player picture deadline for all player registered to date.
Rescheduled Games and Playoffs
Due to the power outage on Feb 26, the MSMSL lost 4 games. To enable the League to re-schedule these games, the Playoff schedule will be the following.
Friday March 5
8:00 PM Camillo’s v Wolve’s Regular Season
9:00 PM DU v Sacktown Regular Season
10:00 PM Albion v Alumitech Regular Season
11:00 PM Blue Devil’s v Hella’s Regular Season
Saturday March 6
11:00 PM 15th v 16th Consolation Round
Sunday March 7
9:00 PM Mariner’s v Celtic Metro’s Ardmore Cup
10:00 PM 11th v 12th Consolation Round
11:00 PM 13th v 14th Consolation Round
Monday March 8
10:00 PM 9th v 10th Consolation Round
Friday March 12
8:00 PM 1st v 8th Playoff QF
9:00 PM 2nd v 7th Playoff QF
Tuesday March 16
6:00 PM 3rd v 6th Playoff QF
7:00 PM 4th v 5th Playoff QF
Saturday March 27
9:00 PM Highest Seed v Lowest Playoff SF
10:00 PM Remaining Seed v Remaining Playoff SF
Sunday March 28
7:30 PM MSMSL Final Playoff Final
Next League Meeting
The next league meeting will be March 3, 2010 @ 7PM at Bloomfield Centre. Only teams that are involved with the winter or those with outstanding balances from the summer need to attend. We will only be going over the winter 2009-2010 season items.
Please make note that all team balances must be at zero after this meeting or the team owing will not take place in playoffs or consolation rounds. Teams still owing will also forfeit their spot in next year’s winter season.
All teams involved with the winter 2009-2010 must have a rep at this meeting complete with the following:
Rescheduled Games
Games Cancelled
All games for Friday February 26, 2010 have been cancelled due to a power outage at Soccer NS. Games will be rescheduled.
Money Collection Night
We are having a payment collection date on Monday February 8, 2010 at East Side Mario's in Bayers Lake from 7:30- 9:00PM. If your account is in arrears, you must either show up at this meeting or contact Pat Matthews to make other arrangements.
Winter 2009
The next league meeting will be October 28 @ 7PM at Bloomfield Centre room 208. Only teams that are involved with the winter or winter qualification tournament need to attend. We will only be going over the winter 2009-2010 season items.
All teams involved with the winter 2009-2010 must have a rep at this meeting complete with the following:
· A list of four contacts with 4 valid emails.
· A cheque/money order as detailed below to cover both league fee first payment ($1000.00) and player registration fees (if registering through the WHFC).
· A cheque/money order to clear off any outstanding balance to the team account (contact Pat Matthews to verify monies owing).
· A cheque/money order (if they participated in the winter 2009 preseason tournament or qualifying tournament) in the amount of $450.00 to cover tournament costs.
Winter Info
The MSMSL has room for only sixteen teams and preference was given to the teams from last winter season that responded to the response deadline. Due to the great response within the league, the MSMSL regrets that it cannot take on any additional or new teams at this time from outside the MSMSL.
Teams that have responded and confirmed to participate are Albion, Alumitech, Mariners, HCU Camillos, Dartmouth United (Chard), MAPP Blue Devils, Scotia Stars, Old Scotia, Landsharks, Garrison, Convoy, Thistle, Hellas, Sacktown, and Wolves.
There is currently one open spot. This was competed for in last week’s qualifying tournament. Should an additional spot open up, the second, then third place teams will have an opportunity to participate.
The MSMSL winter season is slated to start November 3, 2009. Games will be mostly Tuesdays 6PM, Fridays 7-11PM, Saturday 11PM and Sundays 10-11 PM.
All teams must have their account balances at zero by October 26, 2008. There will be no further deadline extension. If teams fail to clear their accounts by this time, teams will lose their confirmed and potential spots in the winter season.
The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment. Payment checks must be dated October 28, 2009 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.
League costs shall be $1250.00 per team as per budget.

Teams should budget for league costs $1250.00 per team; player registration of $10 per player; referee costs of $11.00 per game. Teams will play a minimum of 16 games (teams involved in Ardmore cup and playoffs should make allowance for an extra eight games if successful).
The first payment will be $1000.00. The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment past the October 28, 2009 date. Payment checks must be dated October 28, 2009 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place excluded from winter competition.
Teams participating in the preseason or qualifying tournament must have their $450.00 tournament fee by this October 28, 2009 meeting.
Teams are reminded that their initial 12 player registration must be submitted to Tim Murgatroyd no later than October 30, 2009 @ 5PM to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Murgatroyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742. Those that have registered for the preseason or qualifying tournament are already registered, and only changes need be sent by this date.
The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club. These forms are due Oct 30, 2009 via email or fax. All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Murgatroyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.
Final registration date is December 15, 2009
Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 9, 2009

Awards Presented
The annual awards banquet was a success with around one hundred sixty attendees.

The following awards were presented.

Team MVP’s

Albion-Colin Devlin
Soccafrique- Delai Motey
Hellas-Dimo Panagiotakos
Metro Mariners- Kent Stevens
Scotia Stars- Mark Tyler
Halifax Garrison- Shawn Parnell
Landsharks- Ryan Munden
Barons FC- Shawn Gilligan
HCU Camilos- Sandy Gracie

DU Barrington- Justin Melnyk
DU Max Plum- Brendan Chard
Halifax Convoy- Douglas Vierra
Halifax City Celtic- Chris Young
Clippers- Ivan Rapchuck
Citco FC-
Sacktown AC-
MAPP Blue Devils-
HCU Masters- Andrew Park
Alumitech- Serge Toghlan

Athens- Jeff Farquar
DU Masters- Jason Meuse
Masters of Hellas- Zac Amorin
Wolves FC- Gary Bolt
Old Scotia- Lenny Boudreau
Thistle Masters- Richard McConnel

Basin-Scott McRinner Holmes
Sporting Rangers- Elias Mutale
Tirecraft Sackville Masters- Carl Goodwin
DU Classics- Howard Pryor
Spanglish United- Rafael Garduano
FC Bedford- 
Winter Season Indoor Champions
•Mexicali Rosas

Winter Season Indoor Playoff Champions
• Old Scotia

Spring Open League Champions
• DU Masters

Spring Master League Champions
• Masters of Hellas

Summer Regular Season Champions
• Lower Division- DU Barrington
• O45 Division-
• Upper Division- Albion
• Master Upper Division- Athens United

The MSMSL Challenge Cup
• DU Master’s

Summer Playoff Champions
• Lower Division- DU Barrington
• Master Division- TBA
• Upper Division- Soccafrique

Top Goal Scorers (Golden Boot)
• Lower Division- Justin Melnyk (DU Barrington) ,Douglas Vierra (Halifax Convoy) 26Goals
• O45 Division- Scott McRinner (Basin Insurance) 24Goals
• Upper Division- Kent Stevens (Mariners) 17 Goals
• Masters Upper Division- Zac Amorin(Masters of Hellas) 17 Goals

Upper MVP
Colin Devlin (Albion)

Lower MVP
Justin Melnyk (DU Barrington)

Masters MVP
Tunde Oduntan (Wolves FC)50%

Scott McRinner (Basin)75%

Upper Keeper
J.P. Angelopoulos(Hellas)

Lower Keeper
Alex Chiasson (DU Max Plum)

Masters Keeper
Gary Shaw (DU Masters)

O45 Keeper
Robert Younkers (BW)

Upper Defender
Chris Ayotte (Albion)

Lower Defender
Andrew Chow (Clippers)

Masters Defender
Gary Bolt (Wolves FC)

O45 Defender
Carl Goodwin(Tirecraft)

Basil Pellerin
The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to an individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

Charles Williamson
Award Nominees
The MSMSL has released the list of award nominees for the upcoming banquet to be held October 3, 2009.

Upper MVP
Kent Stevens (Mariners)
Dimo Panagiotakos (Hellas)
Colin Devlin (Albion)
Delali Motey(Soccafrique)

Lower MVP
Douglas Vieira (Hfx Convoy)
Justin Melnyk (DU Barrington)
Ivan Rapchuk(Clippers)
Brendan Chard (DU Max Plum)

Masters MVP
Gary Bolt (Wolves FC)
Zac Amorin (M of Hellas)
Jason Meuse (DU Masters)
Tunde Oduntan (Wolves FC)
Jeff Farquar (Athens)

Scott McRinner (Basin)
Stewart Clark (GenieKnows)
Howard Prior (DU Classics)
Elias Mutale (Sporting Rangers)

Upper Keeper
Peter Hoyt (Albion)
Mark Tyler(Scotia Stars)
J.P. Angelopoulos(Hellas)
Tola Alabi (Soccafrique)

Lower Keeper
Steve Beaton (Convoy FC)
Alex Chiasson (DU Max Plum)
Anthony Fielding (HCU Masters)

Masters Keeper
Kent Wornsop (Wolves FC)
Richard McConnell (Thistle)
Jeff Farquhar (Athens)
Gary Shaw (DU Masters)

O45 Keeper
Brian Wells (GenieKnows )
Robert Younkers (BW)

Upper Defender
Chris Ayotte (Albion)
Dimo Panagiotakos (Hellas)
Jason King (Albion)
Michael Fisher (Soccafrique)
Adam Lardner (Garrison)

Lower Defender
Andrew Chow (Clippers)
John Willows (Convoy)
Ben Manubay (HCU Masters)
Scott Howell (DU Max)

Masters Defender
Gary Bolt (Wolves FC)
Chris Burns ( DU Masters)
Rob Adams (Athens United)

O45 Defender
Steve Boudreau (GenieKnows)
Carl Goodwin(Tirecraft)
David Allen (Spanglish)
Dragon Tropek (Sproting rangers)
Howard Prior (DU Classics)

Basil Pellerine Award
Don McHanon
Eric McIntyre
Chalres Williamson
Next League Meeting
We will be having an awards nomination and voting meeting on September 14, 2009 at 7PM at the Bloomifield School, room 208. To expedite the process, teams are asked to submit the following via email to this email address by September 13, 2009. Teams must bring all trophies to this meeting.

1- Their team MVP
2- Nominations for Divisional MVP in the division in which the team participates.
3- Nominations for Divisional Best Defender in the division in which the team participates.
4- Nominations for Divisional Best Keeper in the division in which the team participates.

Teams are also encouraged to discuss amongst team mates a worthy nomination for the Basil Pellerine award.

The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to a individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

We will be accepting nominations for the Basil Pellerine award at this meeting. Nominator should be prepared to speak to the nominee’s contribution to soccer and the MSMSL.

Team reps should also talk to team players in regards to the Awards banquet. Tickets will be on sale at this meeting.

The banquet will be Saturday October 3, 2009 at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Players should contact their team representative for ticket info.
2009 Award Banquet
Year End Awards Banquet

The banquet will be Saturday October 3, 2009 at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. The meal will be gourmet chicken dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Players should contact their team representative for ticket info.

Teams should start thinking about their selection for team MVP.
2009 League Cup
DU Masters won a hard fought game over Wolves FC with a score of 2-1 to retain the league cup.
2009 Playoffs
In the upper divison, Landsharks and Garrison were tied for points at 19 each. Tie breaker of head to head has (1-1-0) records for both. Goal differential in the two games favored Garrison thus giving them sixth spot and Landsharks seventh spot.

In the lower division, Citco and Clipper were tied for points at 24 each. Tie breaker of head to head has Citco (1-0-1) in fifth spot with Clippers (0-1-1) in sixth.

Here is the Play-off schedule:

Dart2 7pm Soccafrique v Landsharks
Dart2 9pm DU Barrington v Blue Devils
Main1 7pm Hellas v Garrison
Main1 9pm Convoy v Clippers
Main2 7pm Halifax City Celtic v Citco
Main2 9pm Masters of Hellas v Thistle

Dart2 7:30pm Mariners v Scotia Stars
Dart2 9:30pm DU Max Plum v Sacktown
Main1 9pm Wolves FC v Old Scotia
Main2 9pm Albion v HCU Master

Main1 7pm Highest Upper v Lowest Upper
Main1 9pm Remaining Upper v Remaining Upper
Main2 7pm Highest Lower v Lowest Lower
Main2 9pm Remaining Lower v Remaining Lower

Dart1 9pm Upper Final
Dart2 9pm Lower Final

Main1 7pm Athens v Lowest seed
Main2 9pm DU Masters v Highest seed

TBA Masters Final

The O45 Division should be sorted in the next day or so.
MSMSL on Facebook
MSMSL creates Facebook page to promote the league and encourage growth in O35 and other divisions
Cup Quarter Finals
The following are the times for the quarter finals.

Aug-23 Sun 10:00 Weir Soccafrique vs DU Masters Quarter1
Aug-23 Sun 20:00 Weir Albion vs Athens Quarter2
Aug-23 Sun 12:00 Main2 Wolves vs FC Citco FC Quarter3
Aug-23 Sun 14:00 Main2 Mariners vs Old Scotia Quarter4

Semi finals will be as follows:

Aug-30 Sun 21:00 Main1 Winner1 Winner2
Aug-30 Sun 21:00 Main2 Winner3 Winner4
All Weather Field Code of Conduct
The MSMSL would like to take this time to remind all players and teams of the all weather field’s Code of Conduct which forms part of our rental agreement with the HRM for field use.

We have highlighted the following items to be brought to your attention.

• No motorized or large vehicles permitted within the fenced area of the all weather complexes

• All Emergency Exits are to remain clear of any and all vehicular traffic. Parking regulations will be strictly enforced.

• NO SMOKING permitted on or around the facilities as per the Smoke Free Places Act (Bill 125).

• No pets (except with a visually impaired individual) are permitted within the facility.

• The following items that may cause damage to the all weather surfaces or present a risk to other people are prohibited:
o Hair clips and bobby pins
o Sunflower seeds, shelled nuts, and peanut products
o Chewing tobacco
o Glass bottles or similar products
o Spitting on the playing surface
o Golfing within the facilities
o Chewing gum being thrown on the all weather surfaces
o Swinging or hanging on netting, goal posts or crossbars
o Metal cleats/studs that can damage the All Weather surfaces
o Tape being attached to the all weather surfaces or site amenities
o High heels or lawn chairs on the all weather surfaces.

• No foul, abusive or derogatory language is permitted.

• The scheduled client (in our case the MSMSL and in turn its respective teams) will be held responsible for:

o Signing the Daily Confirmation of Use Form upon arrival for each use of each facility.
o Behavior of participants/spectators.
o No spectators permitted on the All Weather surface, especially in the player bench areas.
o Damages caused to the facility/equipment due to your participants/spectators negligence.
o Assisting in keeping the facility clean (especially in the player bench areas) during and immediately following usage. Failure to adhere will result in a charge for any cleaning services performed by the facility staff.

• If the client causes damage to the facility, that client will be accountable for and charged for the restoration costs that are required to bring the facility back to its original playing status or condition.
• Any accidents and/or injuries must be reported immediately to the Facility Monitor.
• HRM is not responsible for lost or stolen articles of any participant or spectator while at the HRM facilities, in the parking lots or on the HRM property.

• HRM reserves the right to:

o Cancel usage due to inclement weather and/or circumstances beyond HRM control.
o Cancel a client from the facility for any reason. Where possible, rental time will be rescheduled immediately or lost time will be credited towards future use.

• Failure to adhere to the conditions of this contract and/or regulations will result in the immediate loss of the contract and/or future booking privileges.
2009 Cup
2009 Cup
The round robin portion of the MSMSL Summer Cup has been completed.

A draw was held on August 23, 2009. Draw was done by a member of Basin Insurance at the game sheet pickup night.
The cup playoff draw is as follows:
Aug-16 Sun 10:00 Weir Soccafrique Clippers Rnd2 A
Aug-16 Sun 20:00 Weir DU Masters DU-Maxwell Plum Rnd2 B
Aug-16 Sun 19:00 Dart1 Albion Hellas Rnd2 C
Aug-16 Sun 19:00 Dart2 Athens United Landsharks Rnd2 D
Aug-16 Sun 21:00 Dart1 Wolves FC HCU Masters Rnd2 E
Aug-16 Sun 21:00 Dart2 Halifax Garrison Citco FC Rnd2 F
Aug-16 Sun 21:00 Main1 Barons FC Metro Mariners Rnd2 G
Aug-16 Sun 21:00 Main2 Old Scotia Masters of Hellas Rnd2 H

Playoff format is a single round elimination.
RND 3 A Winner A versus Winner B
RND 3 B Winner C versus Winner D
RND 3 C Winner E versus Winner F
RND 3 D Winner G versus Winner G

Semi A Winner A versus Winner B
Semi B Winner C versus Winner D

Final Winner A versus Winner B
Game Sheets
Game sheets will be available for pickup at East Side Mario's in Bayer's Lake between 7:30 PM and 9PM on Thursday July 23, 2009.
Dedication Ceremony for Romano R. Janc Memorial Park,
On Saturday, June 20 at 2PM, there will be a ceremony to dedicate the Brookside Junior High School Field in honour of Romano Janc. Romano was founder of the Brookside Tigers Soccer Club and a leader in the development of youth soccer in Halifax. The field will become known as the "Romano R. Janc Memorial Park". The Janc family will be there and all are welcome. The ceremony is taking place at 2pm during the annual HCU Mini Brookside Tournament.
Arno Van Heyningen
It is with great sadness that we have to relay the following.
Arno Van Heyningen passed away suddenly this week. Arno was actively involved within the MSMSL and entire soccer community as a player, coach, and referee. Arno played within this league with the Dartmouth United Masters and most recently with the Halifax Clippers. Arno also refereed a great many games within our many divisions.
Arno has touched many lives as a player, coach, referee, and friend. His passion for the game will be sorely missed.
The MSMSL, its teams and players sends its condolences to the Van Heyningen family.
Donations may be made, in memory of Arno, to the ICU at the VG Site, QEII, in Halifax or to the Canadian Cancer Society. Messages to the family can be posted to the Facebook website, by typing into the search box "Arno van Heyningen Memorial Group."
Bullying / Racism Has No Place in the MSMSL
Bullying / Racism Has No Place in the MSMSL

The MSMSL prides itself on providing a tolerant and welcoming environment for all to enjoy. With the 2009 summer season kicking off, we would like to remind all players and coaches that there is to be absolutely no bullying or racism. Discrimination of any kind against a player for any reason is strictly prohibited and is punishable by suspension or expulsion.
Summer Kickoff Meeting
Summer 2009

MSMSL Summer Season will commence May 19, 2009. To facilitate the season, we are holding a meeting May 18, 2009 at Dalplex Room 206 @ 5:30PM sharp. All teams are asked to have a team rep at this meeting.


Player registration will be $30.00 per player.

Referee cost will be $45.00 per game. Fees to be brought to the game and given to the referee at no later than half.

League costs will be $550.00

Home field costs (budget around $155.00 per game)

(See attached sample budget)

A first payment of $1300.00 ($550 in league fees plus a prepayment of $750.00 in field fees) plus registration fees is due by May 18, 2009. Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the summer league.

Spring Playoffs
Everyone needs to update all of their scores to ensure that the standings are correct.
Playoffs (Open Divisions)
Open divisions will be broken into three tiers. Tier one will consist of teams placing first or second in their division. Tier two will consist of teams placing third or fourth in their division. Tier three will consist of teams finishing fifth or sixth in their division.
All tiers will be seated in positions 1 thru six based on points, then goal differential. First and 2nd place in each, of the tiers receive a bye to the Semi's. 3rd plays 6th (in each tier) in one Quarter final, 4th plays 5th (in each tier) in the other Quarter Final. Winner's play Semi Final against top 2 seeds. Winners of the Semi Final play each other for the Championship.
Tier 1 winner will be crowned Spring Open Champion
Playoffs (Master Division)
All teams will be seated in positions 1 thru six based on points in division play. First and 2nd place in each, of the division receive a bye to the Semi's. 3rd plays 6th in one Quarter final, 4th plays 5th in the other Quarter Final. Winner's play Semi Final against top 2 seeds. Winners of the Semi Final play each other for the Championship.
Winner will be crowned Spring Masters Champion


09-May__Sat__1830__Weir__3rd in Tier 3__6th in Tier 3__Tier 3 QF
09-May__Sat__2000__Weir__4th in Tier 3__5th in Tier 3__Tier 3 QF
09-May__Sat__2130__Weir__3rd in Tier 2__6th in tier 2__Tier 2 QF
10-May__Sun__2000__Dal__4th in Tier 2__5th in Tier 2__Tier 2 QF
10-May__Sun__2130__Dal__3rd in Tier 1__6th in Tier 1__Tier 1 QF
12-May__Tue__2100__Burnside 2__3rd in Tier 1__6th in tier 1__Tier 1 QF
13-May__Wed__1900__Weir__3rd in Master's__6th in Master's__Master's QF
13-May__Wed__2030__Weir__4th in Master's__5th in Master's__Master's QF
14-May__Thur__2000__Weir__1st in Tier 3__Lowest Seed Tier 3__Tier 3 SF
14-May__Thur__2130__Weir__2nd seed in Tier 3__Highest Seed Tier 3__Tier 3 SF
15-May__Fri__2000__Dal__1st in Tier 2__Lowest Seed Tier 2__Tier 2 SF
15-May__Fri__2130__Dal__2nd seed in Tier 2__Highest Seed Tier 2__Tier 2 SF
15-May__Fri__1900__Burnside 2__1st in Tier 1__Lowest Seed Tier 1__Tier 1 SF
15-May__Fri__2030__Burnside 2__2nd seed in Tier 1__Highest Seed Tier 1__Tier 1 SF
16-May__Sat__1700__Weir__1st in Master's__Lowest Seed Master's__Master's SF
16-May__Sat__1830__Weir__2nd in Master's__Highest Seed Master's__Master's SF
17-May__Sun__2000__Dal__Semi Winner Tier 3__Semi Winner Tier 3__Tier 3 Final
17-May__Sun__2130__Dal__Semi Winner Tier 2__Semi Winner Tier 2__Tier 2 Final
18-May__Mon__2000__Weir__Semi Winner Tier 1__Semi Winner Tier 1__Tier 1 Final
18-May__Mon__2130__Weir__Semi Winner Master's__Semi Winner Master's__Master's Final
Spring 2009
There will be league fee drop off held at the East Side Mario’s Bayer’s Lake location Wednesday April 8 ,2009 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Teams are reminded that fees for spring are now due. Please contact Patrick Matthews if you have any questions concerning your accounts.

Teams are reminded that player registration and waiver forms must be submitted to Tim Mugratroyd no later than April 9, 2009 @ 5PM for the all teams. The club teams must have their player registration to Don by April 10, 2009. Registration forms are available on the league website.

Also, all players registering via the league's, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any Spring season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

Full schedule and player rosters will not be uploaded to the league website until after the long weekend due to late rosters and schedule changes.
A few schedule changes have been made due to some team changes and time off requests, and the new schedule will be released later this evening

Over 45 Division Created
The MSMSL Summer 2009 season will see the creation of the first over 45 division in Atlantic Canada. The division presently has six very committed teams, with the possibility of three more teams looking to join the division. The inaugural season in this division should see some great competition as well as the return of many past MSMSL players. Any players interested in the O45 division, or any other divisions offered by the MSMSL should contact the MSMSL at to get placed on a distribution list for new players.
The AGM will be held tonight, Tuesday March 31, 2009 7 PM to 9PM at Dalplex in room 223.
The AGM is being postponed from this Wednesday, March 25, 2009 to Tuesday March 31, 2009. The reasons for the postponement are:
1) A critical crash in our accounting spreadsheets, that needs a bit of time to correct. Spreadsheets crashed and the closest backup (not corrupted) was November. Patrick is working on rectifying the problem, but needs a bit of time.

2) Not all teams have responded to their interest in the upcoming spring and summer seasons. If your team has not please do so, as we need to figure out both budgets and scheduling, which we want to present at the AGM.

We are keeping the time slot, and asking all Masters Teams (and anyone else that wants more information) to attend a meeting concerning the creation of the unnamed over 45 division on Wednesday at 7PM at Dalplex Room 206.
Also we need to update contacts, if you haven’t please do so, this will be one of the last time that we will be using the existing contact data base. We had asked for this information for March 21st so that we could do a budget as start to have an idea of the scheduling and division. As of March 25, 2009, we will begin to use the new database and contacts that have been sent to us by 13 of the 30 teams from last year. Please include names of four (4) contacts, their email addresses, and their phone numbers, as well as what you are wanting to do for spring and summer.

Teams that have responded are with complete information are:( 3 others have partial information provided).

Barons FC
Celtic Masters
City Celtics
Halifax Convoy

HCU Camillos

Metro Mariners
Sacktown AC
Scotia Stars
Wolves FC
League Info
In an attempt to update our records for the upcoming seasons, we are
requesting that all teams submit four (4) team contacts complete with
email addresses, and phone numbers. Please submit this information
March 21st 2009.

We are also gauging the interest for summer and spring seasons. From
team we would like to know the following:

*Spring 2009*

In the spring, we are looking at the following options for league

All divisions will be 11 a-sides 80 minutes (40 minute halves) on turf
fields. We are looking at the following divisions:

Open division (open to all age ranges within the league).

Masters (Open to all over 35 teams as per league rules).

Veterans (Over 45 ) (open to ages 45 and over with exception as to be
detailed at AGM).

We would require a minimum of 4 teams in each of the Master’s or
divisions to make these viable options. If only 2-3 teams from each
would most likely have to combine these divisions.

From each team we would like to know the following:

1) The division that you would prefer to participate in.

2) If veteran or masters is your first choice, but there are not
teams to make those divisions viable, would your team participate in a
combined masters/veteran division or would your preference be to go to
open division.

*Summer 2009*

In the summer, we are looking at the following options for league

All divisions will be 11 a-sides 90 minutes (45 minute halves) on turf
fields. We are looking at the following divisions:

Open lower division (open to all age ranges within the league).

Open upper division (open to all age ranges within the league).

Masters (Open to all over 35 teams as per league rules).

Veterans (Over 45) (open to ages 45 and over with exception as to be
detailed at AGM).

We would require a minimum of 5 teams in each of the Master’s or
divisions to make these viable options.

There most likely will be only a single master’s division due to the
formation of the Veterans (over 45) division.

From each team we would like to know the following:

1) The division that you would prefer to participate in. (Please
keep in
mind that we will fill both upper and lower open divisions equally,
statistics from the previous seasons).
Playoff Schedule
Here is the following schedule for both the consolation and playoff match ups. Games will be added to the schedule as soon as team positions are confirmed.

Sun Mar 8 10 PM 11th versus 12th
Sun Mar 8 11 PM 13th versus 14th
Tue Mar 10 6 PM 9th versus 10th
Sat Mar 14 8 PM 15th versus 16th
Note: No player data will be added to the consolation rosters.

Fri Mar 13 8PM 1st versus 8th
Fri Mar 13 9PM 2nd versus 7th
Fri Mar 13 10PM 3rd versus 6th
Fri Mar 13 11PM 4th versus 5th
Sun Mar 15 10PM Highest Seed versus Lowest Seed
Sun Mar 15 11PM Remaining Team versus Remaining Team
Sat Mar 21 9:15PM Championship Game Final
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday March 25, 2009 at 7PM sharp. Meeting will be held at Dalhousie University (room to be announced).

Executive positions up for election this year are; Vice President, Annotator, and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for spring and summer seasons should contact the league regarding entry requirements.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Wednesday March 25, 2009.
Ardmore Cup
Hella's is the only remaining MSMSL team left in the Ardmore cup. They defeated their opponents the HSL Hurricanes 3-1
The complete schedule (minus rescheduled games) is now uploaded to the site.
Winter 2008
The next league meeting will be October 16 @ 6PM at Dalplex. Only teams that are involved with the winter or winter qualification tournament need to attend.

All team participating in the winter season shall provide a list of four contacts complete with email addresses and phone number.

The MSMSL winter season is slated to start the last week of October. Games will be mostly Tuesdays 6PM, Fridays 7-11PM, and Sundays 9-11 PM.

The MSMSL has room for only sixteen teams and preference was given to the teams from last winter season that responded to the response deadline. Due to the great response within the league, the MSMSL regrets that it cannot take on any additional or new teams at this time from outside the MSMSL.

Teams that have responded and confirmed to participate are Albion, Alumitech, Mariners, HCU Camillos, Dartmouth United (Chard), MAPP Blue Devils, Scotia Stars, Landsharks, Garrison, Convoy, Thistle, Hellas, Sacktown, Mexi’s, and Wolves.

This means that there are a minimum of one spot is up for grabs; teams that have expressed interest in these three spots by the deadline set are: Halifax City Celtic, Old Scotia and Clippers

Teams that want the vacant spot shall compete in an indoor tournament to be held on the weekend of October 25th to compete for the spots. Teams participating in the tournament will be expected to pay for the costs of the tournament; the MSMSL will endeavour to keep costs as low as possible. Tournament format and details will be confirmed on the meeting on October 16, 2008. Teams wanting to compete in the tournament will have to produce a deposit of $300.00 at this meeting. Successful teams will have the money minus the tournament expenses credited to their winter account. Unsuccessful teams will have their deposit minus their tournament expenses returned to them by November 1st.

In order to prevent team stacking for the tournament teams must submit a list of a minimum of 14 players, which will be registered for the winter season at the October 16, 2008 meeting. No changes to this roster will be allowed going into the winter season.

Successful teams are expected to have the remainder of their first payment ($1000.00) paid in full by November 1st.

After the tournament, we will confirm the teams that will participate in the 2008 season.

All teams must have their account balances at zero by October 16, 2008. There will be no further deadline extension. If teams fail to clear their accounts by this time, teams will lose their confirmed and potential spots in the winter season.

The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment. Payment checks must be dated October 16, 2008 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.

Teams should budget for league costs between $1300-$1500 per team; player registration of $10 per player; referee costs of $11.00 per game. Teams will play a minimum of 16 games (teams involved in Ardmore cup and playoffs should make allowance for an extra eight games if successful).

The first of two payments for Winter Fees will be due in full, October 16, 2008.
The first payment will be $1000.00. The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment past the October 16, 2008 date. Payment checks must be dated October 16, 2008 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place excluded from winter competition.

Teams participating in the preseason tournament must have their $360.00 tournament fee by this October 16, 2008 meeting.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Tim Murgatroyd no later than October 17, 2008 @ 5PM if participating in either tournament to guarantee entry into the system. October 22, 2008 if not in the tournaments. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Murgatroyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742

The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Murgatroyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.

Final registration date is December 15, 2008

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 9, 2008.
Awards Banquet
The annual awards banquet was a success with around two hundred attendees.

The following awards were presented.

Winter Season Indoor Champions
• Hellas

Winter Season Indoor Playoff Champions
• Alumitech

Spring Open League Champions
• DU Masters

Spring Master League Champions
• Old Scotia

Regular Season Team Trophies
• Lower Division- HCU Camillos
• Master Lower Division- Bridgewater
• Upper Division- Albion
• Master Upper Division- Athens United

The MSMSL Challenge Cup
• DU Master’s

Top Goal Scorers (Golden Boot)
• Lower Division- Jules Laraque (Blue Devils)Regis Simons (Scotia Stars) 19 Goals
• Masters Lower Division- Scott Neill (FC Bedford) 7 Goals
• Upper Division- Kent Stevens (Mariners) 21 Goals
• Masters Upper Division- Dom Amorin(Masters of Hellas) 20 Goals

Playoff Champions
• Lower Division- Halifax Garrison
• Master Lower Division-
• Upper Division- Mariners
• Master Upper Division- Dartmouth United

Team MVP’s

Lower Open
HCU Camillos
Chris Bevis
Scotia Stars
Regis Simons
Barons FC
Pat Whitty
Halifax City Celtic
Chris Lavell
Halifax Garrison
Adam Lardner
MAPP Blue Devils
Jules Laraque
Serge Toghlajian
Halifax Convoy Football Club
Steve Beaton
Jeremy Wilkin'

Lower Master
Celtic Masters
Bill Fleming Masters
Brian Wells
Spanglish United
Gord MacKenzie

Upper Master
Athens United
Rob Adams
DU Masters
Mike Ewalde
Old Scotia
Jason White
Wolves FC
Mark Dunlevy
Thistle Masters
Jon Philips
Basin Insurance
Steve Ellis

Upper Open
Jason King
Metro Mariners
Matt Robinson
Ryan Munden
Richard Hausman
Delai Motey
Mexicali Rosas
Glenn Herbert

Most Valuable Players
Upper Masters
Dom Amorin (MOH)

Most Valuable Players
Lower Master
Stewart Clark (

Most Valuable Players
Lower Open
Jules Laraque (Blue Devils)

Most Valuable Players
Upper Open
Kent Stevens (Mariners)

Defensive Player of the Year
Upper Masters
Sean Burke (Athens)

Defensive Player of the Year
Lower Master
Jerry Porter (Tirecraft)

Defensive Player of the Year
Lower Open
Danny Slaunwhite (HCU)

Defensive Player of the Year
Upper Open
Jason King (Albion)

Keeper of the Year
Upper Masters
Gary Shaw (DU Masters)

Keeper of the Year
Lower Master
Gord MacKenzie (Spanglish)

Keeper of the Year
Lower Open
Shawn Gilliagan (Barons)

Keeper of the Year
Upper Open
Matt Robinson (Mariners)

Basil Pellerine Award
The Basil Pellerine Award, established in 1994, is presented to a individual associated with the MSMSL, who, has contribute significant time and service without any remuneration or compensation for their efforts and has made a significant contribution to the MSMSL and demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism. This award is dedicated in memory of Basil Pellerine, a player, coach, referee and friend, who passed away suddenly in a tragic motor vehicle accident.

Mike Dauphinee
Awards Banquet Nominees
The MSMSL has released the list of award nominees for the upcoming banquet to be held Sept 27 2008.

Most Valuable Players Nominees
Upper Masters
Lorne Timmons (Wolves)
Jason Muese(DU Masters)
Rob Adams (Athens)
Dom Amorin (MOH)
Ricki Reid (Old Scotia)
Allan Langois (Athens)

Lower Master
Ray Smith (Tirecraft)
Scott Neil (FC BED)
James MacNeil (Celtic)
Jim Young (BW)
Stewart Clark (

Lower Open
Pat Mather (Barons)
Jules Laraque (Blue Devils)
Regis Simmons (Scotia Stars)
Nathan Brooks (Hfx City)
Craig Colgan (HCU)
Adam Lardner (Garrison)

Upper Open
Kent Stevens (Mariners)
Delai Motey (Sacktown)
Ryan Munden (Landsharks)
Jordan Quinn (Albion)

Defensive Player of the Year
Upper Masters
Tim Murgatroyd (Wolves)
Eric MacIntyre (DU Masters)
Sean Burke (Athens)
Mike Ewalde (DU Masters)

Lower Master
Scott Neil (FC BED)
Jerry Porter (Tirecraft)
Steve Boudreau (

Lower Open
Patrick Whitty (Barons)
Neil Kendall (Scotia Stars)
Danny Slaunwhite (HCU)
Adam Lardner (Garrison)
Chris Lavell (City)

Upper Open
Jason King (Albion)
Dimo Panagiotakos (Hellas)
Josh Todd (Mariners)
Rob Boucher (Hellas)

Keeper of the Year
Upper Masters
Gary Shaw (DU Masters)
Richard McConnell (Thistle)
Jeff Farquhar(Athens)

Lower Master
Robert Younkers (BW)
Robert Morash (Celtic)
Alec Murphy (FC BED)
Paul Peace (Tirecraft)
Gord MacKenzie (Spanglish)
Brian Wells (

Lower Open
Mark Tyler (Scotia Stars)
Shawn Gilliagan (Barons)
Geof Reith (Hfx City)

Upper Open
Peter Hoyt (Albion)
Matt Robinson (Mariners)
Dave Weatherbee (Mexis)

Basil Pellerine Award
Mike Dauphinee
Don Chard
Greg Fletcher
Banquet Ticket Sales
A ticket presale night will happen Monday Sept 15 from 8:30 to 10 pm at Eastside Mario's in Bayer's Lake. Trophies can be dropped off at this time as well.

The banquet will be on September 27th from 6pm to 2 am. at the Olympic Club on Chebucto Rd. close to the Halifax Commons. Supper will start at 7pm. It will be a roast beef dinner, with salad and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Teams are asked to email Richard McConnell at to confirm how many people from their team will be going. It would be nice to see at least 5 members from each team. Ticket cost will be $25.00 as usual. All league awards and trophies will be presented.

Next League Meeting
This is a reminder that the next league meeting will be held September 10, 2008 at Dalpex. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

All teams should be be prepared to pay in full any outstanding monies. Please contact Pat Mathews to verify your account.

In order to simplify the nomination process for the awards, we are asking each team to submit the following by Sept 9, 2008 to me @ this email address.

Team MVP

Division MVP
Division Best Keeper
Division Top Defence

We will be voting for these awards at the league meeting.

Teams still having trophies in their possession must bring these to this meeting.

We need to get a sense of the number that your team is sending to the banquet. Tickets will be available for purchase at this meeting .

A ticket presale night will happen Monday Sept 8 from 8:30 to 10 pm at Eastside Mario's in Bayer's Lake. Trophies can be dropped off at this time as well.

Agenda for meeting to follow on Monday.
The banquet will be on September 27th from 6pm to 2 am. at the Olympic Club on Chebucto Rd. close to the Halifax Commons. Supper will start at 7pm. It will be a roast beef dinner, with salad and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Teams are asked to email Richard McConnell at to confirm how many people from their team will be going. It would be nice to see at least 5 members from each team. Ticket cost will be $25.00 as usual. All league awards and trophies will be presented.

Teams are to return all trophies to a league official by August 29, 2008.
Playoff Schedule
Quarter Finals
Sept 9th Dart1 7pm Masters Upper 3 v 6
Sept 9th Dart2 9pm Masters Upper 4 v 5
Sept 13th Dart1 7pm Masters Lower 3 v 6
Sept 13th Dart2 7pm Masters Lower 4 v 5
Sept 13th Main1 7pm Open Upper 3 v 6
Sept 13th Main2 7pm Open Upper 4 v 5
Sept 14th Dart2 6pm Open Lower 1 v 8
Sept 14th Dart2 8pm Open Lower 2 v 7
Sept 14th Main1 4pm Open Lower 3 v 6
Sept 14th Main2 4pm Open Lower 4 v 5

Semi Finals
Sept 16th Main2 8pm Masters Lower 1 v lowest seed
Sept 17th Main1 9pm Masters Lower 2 v highest seed
Sept 17th Main2 9pm Open Upper 1 v lowest seed
Sept 18th Main2 8pm Open Upper 2 v highest seed
Sept 18th Dart1 8pm Masters Upper 1 v lowest seed
Sept 18th Dart2 8pm Masters Upper 2 v highest seed
Sept 18th Dart2 9:45pm Open Lower 1 v lowest seed
Sept 18th Main1 10pm Open Lower 2 v highest seed

Sept 20th Dart1 5pm Open Lower
Sept 20th Dart2 5pm Masters Lower
Sept 20th Dart1 7pm Open Upper
Sept 20th Dart2 7pm Masters Upper

Masters Provincials
We are looking for volunteers to help out with the Master's provincials being held Sept 13, and 14. We are looking for field marshalls and members for a discipline commitee. Please contact Don Chard at 463 5810 or

The following is the original posting for the Master's provincials. One valley team has pulled out so the sixth place upper Masters' squad is noweligible for provinicials.


HOST: Harbour East CONTACT: Don Chard @ 463-5810

DATES: September 13-14 FIELDS: Harbour East Turf & Mainland Commons

Group 1 Group 2

AMetro 1EValley 1
BValley 2FMetro 2
CMetro 4GMetro 3
D Metro 5HValley 3



10:00 a.m. AMetro 1vs.D Metro 5Harbour East AWT 1
10:00 a.m. BValley 2vs.CMetro 4Harbour East AWT 2
12:00 noon EValley 1vs.HValley 3Harbour East AWT 1
12:00 noon FMetro 2vs.GMetro 3Harbour East AWT 2
2:00 p.m. AMetro 1vs.CMetro 4Harbour East AWT 1
2:00 p.m. BValley 2vs.D Metro 5Harbour East AWT 2
4:00 p.m. EValley 1vs.GMetro 3Harbour East AWT 1
4:00 p.m. FMetro 2vs.HValley 3Harbour East AWT 2


10:00 a.m. AMetro 1vs.BValley 2Harbour East AWT 1
10:00 a.m. CMetro 4vs.DMetro 5Harbour East AWT 2
10:00 a.m. EValley 1vs.FMetro 2Mainland Common 1
10:00 a.m. GMetro 3vs.HValley 3Mainland Common 2

2:00 p.m. Bronze Medal Harbour East AWT 1
3:00 p.m. Gold Medal Harbour East AWT 2




Important Game Change
The following matches have been cancelled Thursday Aug 14 on Mainland Common:

Camillos v City
DU-Ashley v Landsharks v Thistle
FC Bedford v Masters of Hellas
End of Year Banquet
The banquet will be on September 27th from 6pm to 2 am. at the Olympic Club on Chebucto Rd. close to the Halifax Commons. Supper will start at 7pm. It will be a roast beef dinner, with salad and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Teams are asked to email Richard McConnell at to confirm how many people from their team will be going. It would be nice to see at least 5 members from each team. Ticket cost will be $25.00 as usual. All league awards and trophies will be presented.

Teams are to return all trophies to a league official by August 29, 2008.
League Meeting
The next MSMSL General Meeting will be held Monday July 28, 2008 at Dalpex (off of South Street). Meeting will start promptly at 7:00PM in classroom 206 (ask the front desk for directions)

All MSMSL teams must have a member present.

Teams are reminded that the remainder of the summer payments will be due at this meeting. Invoices will be coming out via e-mail on the weekend.
Complete schedule for the remainder of the season has now been uploaded. Please check and compare the schedule with that provided via email and report any errors noticed.

Registration Deadline
This is a reminder that the registration deadline of June 30 th is fastly approaching.
Summer Reminders
With most teams having competed in their first couple of games of the season the league thought we should remind all teams of the following:

June 25, 2008 is the picture deadline for all players register as of June 11, 2008. (All other players registered after June 11, 2008 must have their picture on the website within 7 days).

Non-WHFC teams (club teams) must notify the league if they have made a change to their roster.

Please check the website to ensure all players have been uploaded correctly. Notify the league of any changes/missing players.

June 30, 2008 is the last day for player registration.

July 15, 2008 is the last day for player transfers.

Each player must have his own jersey, swapping of jersey's is not permitted.

Referee fees and game sheets are due at half time.

Referee fees are $46.00 per team (or $92.00 per game) as set out by Soccer Nova Scotia

Cards/ suspensions carry over between the league and cup games.
Suspensions til for game up to June 8

Carlos Holmes - Genieknows - 3 game suspension for violent conduct - 23 May 08
Danny Murphy - Masters of Hellas - 2 game suspension for 2 yellows - 31 May 08
Predrag Mrkic - Camillos - 3 game suspension for violent conduct - 31 May 08
Scott Lynch - Celtics - 2 game suspension for serious foul - 3 Jun 08
Joe Chaisson - Sackville - 1 game suspension for 2 yellows - 3 Jun 08
Seamus Rooney - Spanglish - 2 game suspension for 2 yellows - 4 June 08
Mike Abbott - Athens - 1 game suspension for 2 yellows - 7 Jun 08
Tom Riley - Bridgewater - 3 game suspension for violent conduct - 8 Jun 08
Ambroise Matwawana - Basin - 2 game suspension for serious foul - 8 Jun 08
Fee Drop Off
There will be league fee drop off held at the Boston Pizza Downtown location Thursday May 29 ,2008 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Teams are reminded that fees are now overdue. Please contact Patrick Matthews if you have any questions concerning your accounts.
Spring 2008 Playoffs

Spring 2008 Playoffs

Due to the amount of field time we have and the necessary start of summer play,
we are changing the playoff format as such.

In the open division, only the top two teams in each division will playoff off in a
crossover semi final with the winners of these games going to the finals. This
differs from the top four teams playing of in a crossover quarter final play. First
from division A will play second for division B and first from division B will play
second from division A.

The open division semi finals will be held at Dartmouth 2:

May 22, 2008 at 8:30pm will see 1 st Div A (Mariners) versus 2 nd Div B (Clippers)
May 22, 2008 at 9:30pm will see 1 st Div B (DU Masters) versus 2 nd Div A (Albion)

In the Master’s division there is no change with the top four teams playing off.
First will play fourth, and second will play third.

Games are as follows
May 20, 2008 at 9:00 pm at Dartmouth 2 will see Masters 1st (Master Hellas)versus Master 4 th (Celtic) .
May 20, 2008 at 9:00 pm at Weir will see Masters 2 nd (Old Scotia)versus Master 3 rd (Thistle).

The finals for spring will be held at Weir field as follows:
May 28, 2008 at 7pm will see the Masters final.
May 28, 2008 at 9pm will see the Open final.

Tie breakers

Semi's: Straight to five shooters in penalty shots.
Final’s: Two (2) 5 Minute golden goal halves, than straight to five shooters in penalty shots.
League Meeting
The next MSMSL General Meeting will be held Tuesday May 20, 2008 at the Chocolate Lake Rec Centre 14 Purcell’s Cove road. Meeting will start promptly at 7:30PM after the group ahead of us clears the room.

All MSMSL teams must have a member present for the AGM.

The league is full and is not accepting any new teams into the summer season.

Teams are reminded that summer payment and remainder of spring is due at this meeting.

Game sheets will be available at this meeting. Agenda to follow this weekend.
Sat May 3 Game Changes
3pm at Weir (Albion versus Mexi) has been moved to Burnside 1 at 6PM on May 3.

The following games on Weir, May 3rd have had the following time changes.

5pm Mariners vs Landsharks was 4:30

6:30pm Resolutes vs Blue Devils was 6pm

8pm Old Scotia vs Spanglish was 7:30

9:30pm FC Bedford vs GenieKnows was 9:00pm

League Meeting
The MSMSL General Meeting will be held Monday March 31st at the Bloomfield Centre in room 208.The Bloomfield centre is located at 2786 Agricola Street Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM. Teams participating in summer and spring seasons must attend.

New teams applications for summer will be accepted at this meeting.
Playoff News
The first round of the playoffs is now completed with the first and second place regular season teams knocked out in the first round.

Eighth place Sacktown defeated Hellas 3-2 in regular time to gain their berth in the next round. It took seventh place Albion’s sixth shooter in penalty kicks for their victory over the Metro Mainers . Alumitech defeated Mexis; while Landsharks won against Halifax Garrison.

The next round, to be held this Sunday is as follows;

Sun, Mar 16 at 10pm Alumitech versus Sacktown

Sun, Mar 16 at 11pm Landsharks versus Albion

The final shall be held Thursday March 2 th at 10 PM. Finals will be two 25 minute halves, if tied, Two 10 minute Golden goal halves, if still tied 5 a piece shootout.

Teams are reminded of the Consolation matches to be held Friday Mar 21, 2008 . Any teams not able to field a team due the holiday should contact the league as soon as possible.

7pm Resolutes 9th versus Stallions 10th
8pm HCU Camilo's 11th versus DU Chard 12th
9pm Thistle 13th versus Blue Devils 14th
10pm Scotia Stars 15th versus Convoy 16th
Player Looking for Teams
Any player looking to participate on either a summer or spring team may contact the league using the address with "Looking for Team" in the title. Players should include contact email address, postion played, and open or masters status.

We will be distrubting this list to all teams on a semi weekly basis.
Spring 2008
This is the list of confirmed teams so far for the Spring League; if you want in you should let the league know as we are beginning to work the schedule and book field time. All interested teams should contact the league by March 13,2008 to ensure that you have a confirmed spot in the spring.

Open Div
1 Albion
2 Alumitech
3 Mariners
4 Hellas
5 Landsharks
6 Garrison
7 Convoy
8 Sacktown
9 Blue Devils
10 Mexis
11 DU Max Plum
12 Clippers
13 Resolutes
14 DU Masters
15 Stars
16 HCU

1 Genie Knows
2 Celtic
3 Spanglish
4 FC Bedford
5 Old Scotia
6 Hellas Masters
7 Sackville Masters
8 Thistle
The standings are as such.

Hellas has clinched first place, while Metro Mariners have second. Alumitech has third even with one game left to play, Alumitech , Garrison and Landsharks all have 26 points; tie breaker is head to head. Alumitech (2-0-0) defeated both opponents securing them third place, Garrison (1-0-1) has fourth place, and Lansharks (0-0-2) have fifth place. Mexi’s and Albion tied with 25 points; tie breaker is head to head. Mexis (1-0-0) have secured sixth place, while Albion (0-0-1) have secured seventh place. Sacktown and Resolutes tied with 24 points; tie breaker is head to head; Sacktown (1-0-0) secure final playoff spot.

The playoff schedule is such.

Fri, Mar 14 7pm Hellas (1st) vs Sacktown (8th)
Fri, Mar 14 8pm Mariners (2nd) vs Albion (7th)
Fri, Mar 14 9pm Alumitech (3rd) vs Mexis(6th)
Fri, Mar 14 10pm Garrison(4th) vs Landsharks(5th)
New Teams
Individuals looking to place new teams into the league for spring and summer seasons should contact the league for more details and new team application processes. Contact the league at for further information. New teams will have to appear at a league meeting during the week of March 24, 2008.

New teams should indicate their desire to play spring, and or summer, as well as, the level at which they wish to play.
Spring 2008
MSMSL Spring Season will commence in early April and finish up in late May. Game nights have yet to be determined Games will be played at Weir field and at the new Dartmouth Turf fields, and possibly on the Dal turf.


The games will be full field games with 40 minute halves.

We are looking at three or four divisions (depending on interest); 2 open divisions, and one or two masters divisions. We hope to have at least seven to eight teams in each division and can take as many as ten per division. Open divisions would be randomly selected to see which team would play in which division.

Please note, master division will only include those players eligible for masters play in the summer as per league rules.

Every team would play each team in their division plus a playoff game. Based on seven teams in a division, you would be guaranteed six regular games plus one playoff game. The more teams involved, the more games will be played.

Playoffs have yet to be determined, but will be announced as soon as we get a close idea of what the numbers shall be.


Player registration will be $10.00 per player.

Referee cost will be $35.00 to $45.00 per game. (To be confirmed) Fees will be brought to the game.

League costs will run between $450.00-$650.00 (range due to unknown number of teams committing to spring.)

Sample Budget (Budget High)

20 Players @ $10.00 $200.00
10 Games @ $45.00 $550.00
League Fee $650.00
Misc $ 100.00

$1500.00 or $75 per player (based on 20 players)

We will present a final budget as soon as the costs are established with the fields.


The league needs to determine numbers for this spring; we need every team to respond if they are going to participate in spring by Sunday March 16, 2007. Contact Don Hailstone (

A first payment of $450.00 plus registration fees is due by the week of March 24, 2008. (There will be a league meeting during that week.) Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the spring league.

Teams should start the registration process as soon as possible. Pictures for new players are required

Two Teams Advance to Next Round of Ardmore
Only two of the eight MSMSL teams have advanced to the second round of the Ardmore Cup. Both Hellas and Albion defeated their HSL opponents to advance to the second round games to be held this Friday.

Unfortunately for the MSMSL, only one of these teams will continue on to the next round as the teams will have to play each other. The MSMSL wishes both teams well, and hopes that the winner will be the eventual Ardmore Cup champion.
SNS Open
The Soccer Nova Scotia Indoor facility is open tonight, February 10th, 2008.
More Schedule Changes
Due to some National Training Centre time overlaps and to accommodate teams wanting to participate in Superbowl festivities, the following games have been changed.

Friday, Feb. 1, 7pm Albion vrs HCU Camillo's moved to Sun Feb. 3 4pm Albion vrs HCU Camillo's

Friday, Feb. 1, 8pm DU Maxwell vrs Scotia Stars moved to Sun Feb. 3 5pm DU Maxwell vrs Scotia Stars

Sun Feb 3 10pm Metro vrs Convoy moved to Sat Feb 2 10pm Metro vrs Convoy

Sun Feb 3 11pm Mexi's vrs Stallions moved to Sat Feb 2 11pm Mexi's vrs Stallions
Schedule Changes
The following corrections in the schedule have been made:

Friday, Feb 1st was Sacktown vs Landsharks at 10PM now is Resolutes vs Landsharks at 10PM.

Tues, Feb 5th was Sacktown vs Mexis at 6PM now is Resolutes vs Stallions at 6PM.

Tues, Mar 4 was Landsharks vs Scotia Stars at 6PM now is Thistle Master vs Hellas at 6PM.

Fri Mar 7 was Thistle Master vs Hellas was at 6PM now is Landsharks vs Scotia Stars at 6PM.
Team Withdraws from the Ardmore
The Halifax Blue Devils have withdrawn from the Ardmore Cup. Halifax Garrison, the next highest standing from last season, will replace them.

Their game time is as follows:
Sun Feb 10 10pm OPA (HSL) Hfx Garrison Cup 7
The Ardmore Cup

The Ardmore Cup is set to commence on February 4, 2008. The MSMSL will be represented by the top eight finishers from last season. They are Albion, Alumitech, Hellas, MAPP Blue Devils,. Stallions, Sacktown AC, DU –Maxwell Plum, and the Resolutes. The HSL will be represented by DUSC, DU-Chard, Dunbrack, Cole Harbour, Halifax Hurricanes, Celtic Metro’s, Opa Taverna, and Source.

The first round is now posted on the website. MSMSL teams are responsible for website update. Scorers and cards to be posted in the note field.

The draw is such:

Fri, Feb 8 7pm Cole Hrb. SC (HSL) Resolutes Cup 2
Fri, Feb 8 8pm Hella's Dunbrack (HSL) Cup 3
Fri, Feb 8 9pm Hfx Hurricanes Albion Cup 4
Fri, Feb 8 10pm Alumitech DU Chard (HSL) Cup 5
Fri, Feb 8 11pm Stallions Celtic Metro's (HSL) Cup 6
Sun Feb 10 10pm OPA (HSL) Hfx Blue Devils Cup 7
Sun Feb 10 11pm Sacktown AC Source (HSL) Cup 8

The remaining rounds are as follows:

Fri, Feb 15 8pm Winner Cup 1 Winner Cup 2 Cup 9 QF
Fri, Feb 15 9pm Winner Cup 3 Winner Cup 4 Cup 10 QF
Fri, Feb 15 10pm Winner Cup 5 Winner Cup 6 Cup 11 QF
Fri, Feb 15 11pm Winner Cup 7 Winner Cup 8 Cup 12 QF

Sun, Feb 24 10pm Winner Cup 9 Winner Cup 10 Cup 13 SF
Sun, Feb 24 11pm Winner Cup 1 Winner Cup 12 Cup 14 SF

Fri Feb 29 10pm Winner Cup 13 Winner Cup 14 Cup 15 Cup Final

Complete regular season schedule has now been posted to the website including the two rescheduled games.
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday December 12, 2007. at the Chocolate Lake Rec Centre 14 Purcells cove road. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Executive positions up for election this year are; President, Treasurer, Member at Large (Registrar). and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

All MSMSL teams must have a member present for the AGM.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league do not have to appear at this meeting; the league will have a special meeting in February for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Wednesday December 12, 2007.
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday December 12, 2007. Location to be announced. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Executive positions up for election this year are; President, Treasurer, Member at Large (Registrar). and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

All MSMSL teams must have a member present for the AGM.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league do not have to appear at this meeting; the league will have a special meeting in February for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Wednesday December 12, 2007.
Teams Uploaded
All team roster have been upload; please verify that all team members apear on the website.
Game Sheets
Games sheets are available at the office at Soccer Nova Scotia; please do not take more than one or two at a time as we have a limited number for the time being.
MSMSL Winter Season starts November 6, 2007
The MSMSL winter season is slated to start November 6 2007, and will see Dartmouth United kickoff the season against the Stallions.

The schedule is now available online up to the January 6 games. We are awaiting confirmation of the Ardmore cup games before posting the remaing matches.

Congratulations to HCU Camillos, Metro Mariners, and Scotia Stars who captured the three vacant MSMSL winter spots. These teams are reminded that the remainder of their first payment minus the tournament and player registration costs is due.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Tim Mugratoyd no later than Nov 4th to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742

The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.

Final registration date is December 31, 2007

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 15, 2007.
Team Withdrawn for Tournament; New Schedule
The team called Sporting Rangers were withdrawn from the tournament due to violations to the eligiblity to compete for one of the coveted spots..

Here is the new schedule for this weekend. Every team will now play four games.

Sat. Oct. 20
Noon Mariners vs Scotia Stars Round Robin
1pm Clippers vs HCU Camillo's Round Robin
2pm FC Bedford vs Mariners Round Robin
3pm Scotia vs Clippers Round Robin
4pm HCU Camillo's vs FC Bedford Round Robin
5pm Mariners vs Clippers Round Robin
Sun. Oct. 21
10am Scotia vs HCU Camillo's Round Robin
11am FC Bedford vs Clippers Round Robin
6pm Scotia vs FC Bedford Round Robin
7pm Mariners vs HCU Camillo's Round Robin
5th place is out of tourny
8pm 1st Place vs 2nd Place
Final 1st & 2nd excepted inot league
9pm 3rd Place vs 4th Place

3rd Place Game Winner of 3rd place game excepted into League
Winter League Meeting
The MSMSL winter season kick off meeting is slated for Monday October 15, 2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion ( Now Z103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Due to the great response within the league, the MSMSL regrets that it cannot take on any additional or new teams at this time. No new teams will be accepted into the league at this meeting.

Meeting will discuss only the winter season; all teams participating in the winter season must have a representative present. All other MSMSL teams are welcome.

Winter 2007-2008
The MSMSL winter season is slated to start the first week of November. Games will be mostly Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Time slots will be mostly 9PM, 10 PM and 11 PM.

The MSMSL has room for only sixteen teams and preference was given to the teams from last winter season that responded to the response deadline. Due to the great response within the league, the MSMSL regrets that it cannot take on any additional or new teams at this time from outside the MSMSL.

Teams that have responded and confirmed to participate are Albion, Alumitech, Stallions, Dartmouth United (Chard), MAPP Blue Devils, Landsharks, Garrison, Convoy, Thistle, Hellas, Sacktown, Mexi’s, and Resolutes.

This means that there are a minimum of three spots up for grabs; teams that have expressed interest in these three spots are: FC Bedford, HCU Camillos, HCU Barons, Metro Mariners, Celtic, Clippers, Scotia Stars, and Sporting Rangers.

Teams that want the vacant spots shall compete in an indoor tournament to be held on either the weekend of either October 20th or October 27th to compete for the spots. Teams participating in the tournament will be expected to pay for the costs of the tournament; the MSMSL will endeavour to keep costs as low as possible. Tournament format and details will be confirmed on the meeting on October 15, 2007. Teams wanting to compete in the tournament will have to produce a deposit of $500.00 at this meeting. Successful teams will have the money minus the tournament expenses credited to their winter account. Unsuccessful teams will have their deposit minus their tournament expenses returned to them by November 1st.

Teams looking for a spot should reconfirm their interest to both Don Hailstone ( AND Kevin Boutlier ( by October 11, 2007 so that we can setup the tournament format. No response by this date, we will assume that you are not interested.

In order to prevent team stacking for the tournament teams must submit a list of a minimum of 14 players, which will be registered for the winter season at the October 15, 2007. No changes to this roster will be allowed going into the winter season.

Successful teams are expected to have the remainder of their first payment ($1000.00) paid in full by November 1st.

All teams must have their account balances at zero by October 15, 2007. There will be no further deadline extension. If teams fail to clear their accounts by this time, teams will lose their confirmed and potential spots in the winter season.

The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment. Payment checks must be dated October 15, 2006 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.

To help facilitate this the league is having a winter league meeting October 15, 2007 facility and time to be named

After the tournament, we will confirm the teams that will participate in the 2007 season.

Teams should budget for league costs between $1300-$1500 per team; player registration of $10 per player; referee costs of $10.00 per game. Teams will play a minimum of 16 games (teams involved in Ardmore cup and playoffs should make allowance for an extra eight games if successful).

The first of two payments for Winter Fees will be due in full, October 15, 2007.
The first payment will be $1000.00. The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment past the October 15, 2007 date. Payment checks must be dated October 15, 2007 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place excluded from winter competition.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Tim Mugratoyd no later than October 30, 2007@ 5PM. to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742

The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.

Final registration date is December 31, 2007

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 15, 2007.

Awards Banquet Well Attended
The MSMSL year end banquet was held Saturday Sept 22th at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. A record crowd of over 200 people attended the event. The following awards were given out on the night.

Winter Season Indoor Regular Season Champions

• Albion

Winter Season Indoor Playoff Champions

• Rouges Roosters

Spring League Champions

• Metro Mariner’s

Spring League Master’s Champions

• Thistle Masters

Regular Season Team Trophies

• Lower Division- Sacktown

• Master Division- Athens

• Upper Division- Hellas

The MSMSL Challenge Cup


Top Goal Scorers (Golden Boot)

• Lower Division- Justin Sheppard (Blue Devils); McCollin Jones Jones (DU) 19 Goals

• Masters Division- Rikki Reid (Old Scotia) 19 Goals

• Upper Division- Zac Amorin (Hellas) 20 Goals

Playoff Champions

• Lower Division- Sacktown

• Master Division- Old Scotia

• Upper Division-Hellas

Team MVPs

Lower Division
• Mark Tyler (Scotia Stars)
• Steve Beaton (Convoy)
• Rodney Huitchings(Garrison)
• Justin Sheppard (Halifax Blue Devils)
• Delai Motey (Sacktown)
• McCollins Jones (Dartmouth United)
• James Gray (Clippers)
• Shawn Gilligan (HCU Barons)
• Stan Lowther (HCU Camillos)

Master Division
• Steve Boudreau (Genie Knows)
• Karman Eskardari (Sporting Rangers)
• Riki Reid (Old Scotia)
• Mark Trevorrow (Spanglish)
• Scott Bennett (DU Masters)
• Charles McNally (Athens)
• Mark Hutchinson (Basin Insurance)
• Brad Burrell (Sackville Masters)
• Dan Sheehan (Thistle)
• Bev Langley (Bridgewater)
• Scott Neil (FC Bedford)
• Paul Bourque (Celtic)

Upper Division
• Garett Baillie. (Resolutes)
• Matt Holley (Metro Mariners)
• Mike Dauphinees (Mexicalla Rosas)

• Colin Devlin(Albion)
• Zac Amorin (Hellas)
• Eric Flynn (Stallions)
• Ryan Munden (Landsharks)

Division MVP

• Lower-
• McCollins Jones (DU)

• Masters-
• Charles McNally (Athens)

• Upper-
• Zac Amorin (Hellas)

Top Keeper

• Lower-
• Matt Boudreau (Sacktown)

• Masters –
• Mark Theriault (Spanglish)

• Upper –
• Peter Hoyt (Albion)

Division Top Defender

• Lower-
• Alex Moreira (Sacktown AC)

• Masters –
• Alex Kalogeroploulos (Thistle)

• Upper-
• Dimo Panagiotakos (Hellas)

Basil Pellerine

• Bryce Reid

Masters Division League Final

Old Scotia and Athen’s United will battle it out for the Master’s Division Regular Season trophy on September 8 ,2007 at Weir field. Game time is at 5PM. It should be an exciting match as both teams have competed hard all season to get to the top of their respective divisions.
Banquet Tickets
There will be a ticket purchase location set up at the Bayer’s Lake East Side Mario’s on Monday September 10, 2007 between 8PM and 10PM. This will be last opportunity to purchase tickets. There will be very limited tickets left to purchase at the door.

The banquet will be Saturday Sept 22th at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. The meal will be buffet style Hip of Beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.
Year End Banquet
Year End Awards Banquet
The banquet will be Saturday Sept 22th at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. The meal will be buffet style Hip of Beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Player contact you team representative for ticket info.
Next League Meeting
The next league meeting will be held August 30, 2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion ( Now Z103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

All teams should be be prepared to pay in full any outstanding monies. Please contact Mike Boyce to verify your account.

In order to simplify the nomination process for the awards, we are asking each team to submit the following by August 29, 2007.

Team MVP

Division MVP (Both Master's Divisions are to be treated as one division)

Division Best Keeper

Division Top Defence

We would also like to get a sense of the number that your team is sending to the banquet. Tickets will be available for purchase at the next league meeting that will be held August 30, 2007. Location to be announced.

Games Remaining and Playoffs
Game Reschedules

Most if not all game have been rescheduled and posted on the web.


In the Masters divisions, 1 through 5 make the playoffs. 4X Div versus 5X Div plays with the winner to cross over to play 1Y Div in a quarter, similarly 4Y Div versus 5Y Div to crossover to 1X Div. 2Y Div plays 3X Div and 2X Div v 3Y Div in the other quarters. .

In the Lower and Upper divisions, 1 through 6 make the playoffs. 1 and 2 get a bye, therefore 3 v 6 and 4 v 5. Lowest seed plays 1 in the semi.

Consolation Round

The teams not making the playoffs all get one extra match. Some of these will cross divisions.


This final rounds of the cup will be held the week of the September 17th.
Year End Awards Banquet
The banquet will be Saturday Sept 22th at the Olympic Club in downtown Halifax. The meal will be buffet style Hip of Beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ this year. Doors will open at 6pm with food being served at 7pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

Teams are encouraged to get number of attendees to the league as soon as possible. Player contact you team representative for ticket info.

MSMSL General Meeting
The MSMSL General Meeting will be held Monday July 23,2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion ( Now Z103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM. Teams participating in summer seasons must attend.

All outstanding bills are due at this time. Final field fees for each team will be distributed at this meeting for immediate payment. Please contact Mike Boyce to ensure what you have owing on your account.

Any team having league trophies are asked to return them to the league at this meeting.

Main topics for this meeting will be finances, discipline and the year end banquet.
Registration Deadline Looms
The June 30, 2007 registration deadline is coming upon us. Please ensure if you are adding any additional player that you do so ASAP. No new players can be added after that date. WHFC teams should contact Tim ASAP at if players are needed to be added or dropped.
Scores Submissions
All teams have been uploaded into the site. Please input scores for all games as per standard procedure.

The remainder of the schedule should be uploaded by May 28, 2007

Player pics are Due June 4, 2007.
League Meeting
The MSMSL General Meeting will be held Monday May 14,2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion ( Now Z103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM. Teams participating in upcoming summer seasons must attend.

A first payment of $550.00 for league fees and $800.00 for a prepayment of field fees by May 14 2007. Teams registering through the MSMSL league run WHFC club should also have their player registration fees of $30.00 per player.

Games sheets will be available at this meeting
Spring Playoffs
Spring playoffs start up today, May 6, 2007, for both open divisions.

Division A

DU Masters have clinched first (based on one (1) game remaining with only Albion able to catch DU Masters, head to head tie breaker would let DU Masters still be in frist place) and therefore will have a bye to the quarter finals along with second place Albion (based on one (1) game remaining with Resolutes only able to catch up, head to head tie breaker would let Albion still be in second place).

Due to a scheduling error, several of Saturday’s games were affected. The DU Masters and Resolute game was not played and ruled a 0-0 tied after Albion defeated Sacktown AC thus allowing Resolutes to clinch third spot.

The remaining teams (Convoy, Sacktown and Landsharks) all finished with six points. The next tie breaker (head to head) was even with 3 pooints to each team. The next tie breaker (goal differential) gave Sacktown AC fourth with minus six (-6), the Landsharks fifth with minus nine (-9), and Convoy sixth with minus twelve (-12).

Third place Resloutes will play sixth place Convoy in today’s action, which will also see Fourth Place Sacktown AC match up against fifth place Landsharks.

Winners will play on the 12th.

The seventh place DU team will face the yet to be decided last place master division team in the consolation round.

Division B

First and second spots were clinched by Mexis and Metro Mariners. Their game to decide first and second was postponed due the HRM scheduling error and will be played Wednesday May 9, 2007 (at either 9 or 10 time to be confirmed) to determine first spot.

Alumitech has clinched third and will play sixth Halifax Blue Devils Fourth place Stallions will play fifth place Halifax Garrison. Both games are slated for play today.

Master Division

There are no positions yet decided.

Open Divisions:

Top two teams in each division receive a bye to quarter finals. Third versus sixth and fourth versus fifth will determine quarter finals in each division.

First plays lowest seed, second plays remaining team all within the division.
Winners play in the semi final.

Division A versus Division B winner for championship.

First Round
Sun May 6 Dart 1 2:00pm 3rd in Division A 6th in Division A
Sun May 6 Dart 1 3:30pm 4th in Division A 5th in Division A
Sun May 6 Dart 1 5:00pm 3rd in Division B 6th in Division B
Sun May 6 Dart 1 6:30pm 4th in Division B 5th in Division B

Quarter Final Round

Sat May 12 Weir 5:00pm 1st in Division A Lowest seed Div. A
Sat May 12 Weir 6:30pm 2nd in Division A Next lowest seed Div. A
Sat May 12 Weir 8:00pm 1st in Division B Lowest Seed in Div. B
Sat May 12 Weir 9:30pm 2nd in Division B Next lowest seed Div. B

Semi Final Round
Wed May 16 Weir 7:00pm QF Winners Div. A QF Winners Div. A
Wed May 16 Weir 8:30pm QF Winners Div. B QF Winners Div. B

Final Round

Sat May 19 Weir 6:30pm SF Winner Div. A SF Winner Div. B


First will play fourth; and second will play third. Winners will play for division championship.

Semi Final

Thur May 17 Weir 8:00pm 1st Masters 4th Masters
Thur May 17 Weir 9:30pm 2nd Masters 3rd Masters

Final Match
Sat May 19 Weir 8:00pm SF Winner in Masters SF Winner in Masters

Consolation Match

There will be a consolation match in which seventh in Div. A will play fifth in Masters Div

Sat May 19 Weir 5:00pm 5th in Masters 7th in Division A
Summer 2007
Summer 2007

There have been some changes to the summer 2007 format. This is a result of an open division team dropping out and an additional masters squad asking to enter.

The executive, since the league had agreed on 30 teams, has made a decision to allow the additional masters squad into the league. The new squad is Athens United, a former second division team, should make the division even more competitive. This also allows us to move the Bedford Master squad into the division, thus giving us twelve teams in the Masters Division.

This allows us to move only two (2) teams to the Upper Division. Both lower and upper divisions will have nine (9) teams each.


The format for the Masters division is thus. There will be two divisions of six (these were randomly drawn at the cup draw). Each team will play every team in their division twice (10 games) and every team in the other division once (6 games) for a total of sixteen (16) regular season games.

Masters squads will be guaranteed sixteen regular season games plus at least three MSMSL cup games for a minimum game count of nineteen (19).

Playoffs will see the top four (4) teams in each division playoff ((1 vs 4) and (2 vs 3)). Eventual winners of the division will face off for the Masters Division Playoff trophy.

Masters X Division

Celtic Masters
Thistle Masters
Tirecraft Sackville Masters Masters
Spanglish United
Old Scotia

Masters Y Division

Basin Insurance
Sporting Rangers
DU Masters
Athens United
Bedford ???

Upper Division

The upper division consisting of only seven teams for the last two seasons had to grow, therefore the league automatically moved DU Sporting Bedford to the upper due to their last season’s first place finish.

There was a call for teams to volunteer to go into the division, but no teams stepped forward. The league randomly drew the 2nd place Landsharks from the remaining top four (4) teams from 2006 Summer Season, thus allowing the 3rd place Halifax Garrison and 4th place Halifax Blue Devils to remain in the lower division.

With nine teams in the upper division, each team will play each other for a total of sixteen (16) games.

Upper Division squads will be guaranteed sixteen regular season games plus at least three MSMSL cup games for a minimum game count of nineteen (19).

The upper division looks like this:

Upper Division
Mexicali Rosas
DU Sporting Bedford
Metro Mariners
Upper Division

The lower division will consist of nine teams (three new teams and six existing teams).

With nine teams in the lower division, each team will play each other for a total of sixteen (16) games.

Lower Division squads will be guaranteed sixteen regular season games plus at least three MSMSL cup games for a minimum game count of nineteen (19).

The lower division looks like this:

Lower Division
Halifax Blue Devils
Halifax Convoy Football Club
Dartmouth United
Halifax Garrison
MUFC- Metro Stars
HCU Barons
HCU Camillos


The cup will be run with a round robin division this year. Each team will play everyone in their division. Division winners will advance to the second round of the cup.

Cup games will run throughout the season and will be posted once schedule has been completed.

Division G & H will have a consolation round as these divisions only have three teams. G2 will play H2 and G3 will play H3 to ensure that all teams have at least 3-cup games.

Winners will play as follows

Quarter Finals

Game 1 A vs B
Game 2 C vs D
Game 3 E vs F
Game 4 G vs H

Semi Finals

Game 5 Game 1 vs Game 2
Game 6 Game 3 vs Game 4


Game 5 vs Game 6

The division draws are as follows:

Division A
Sporting Rangers
Halifax Convoy Football Club
HCU Barons

Division B
Celtic Masters
Dartmouth United Masters
DU Sporting Bedford

Division C
Halifax Garrison
Athens United
Bedford ???

Division D
Thistle Masters
Mexicali Rosas
Spanglish United
HCU Camillos

Division E
Halifax Blue Devils
Tirecraft Sackville Masters
Metro Mariners

Division F
MUFC- Metro Stars
Old Scotia

Division G
Basin Insurance

Division H
DU Masters

Game Reschedules
Here are the rescheduled games from the April 7 2007 games cancelled due to the weather conditions.

Sat May 5 Dart 2 2:00pm Albion Sacktown
Sat May 5 Dart 2 3:30pm Mexi Mariners
Sat May 5 Dart 2 5:00pm Convoy Landsharks
Sat May 5 Dart 2 6:30pm Resolutes DU Masters
Website Update complete; please check your rosters and let us know if there are any issues. Please note; player pictures are due by April 30, 2007
Cup Draw
We will be holding our cup draw wed night april 11th (tomorrow night)
at 7:30 pm at east side marios in bayer's lake. Everyone is welcome to
this annual event. If you cannot make it first round match ups will be
posted asap.
Spring 2007
Due to expected snow storm, all games on April 7th have been postponed. Games will be rescheduled shortly.
Spring 2007
The complete spring schedule is now posted. Player info should be inputted within 72 hours of the registration forms being submitted

Teams are reminded that player registration and waiver forms must be submitted to Tim Mugratroyd no later than April 6, 2007@ 5PM for the eight teams playing on April 7, 2007. The remaining teams must have their player registration and forms to Tim by April 12, 2007. Registration forms are available on the league website.

Also, all players registering via the leagues, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any Spring season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

Club teams should submit their registration lists to the league by April 12, 2007 as well.

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures are complete by April 30, 2007. This is also the league cut off for adding new players.

Game sheet for the first games on April 7, 2007 can be picked up at the field. Other teams are welcome to pick up their games sheets after the first game, other wise game sheets will be available for pick up at Soccer Nova Scotia starting April 10th, 2007
Next Meeting
The MSMSL General Meeting will be held Wednesday March 28,2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion ( Now Z103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM. Teams participating in upcoming spring and summer seasons must attend.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league will have to appear at this meeting for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

A first payment of $450.00 plus registration fees is due by March 28, 2007. Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the spring league. New teams wishing to play in the spring season should be prepared to have there registration by April 2, 2007 into the league upon application acceptance.

The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment. Payment checks must be dated March 28, 2007 or earlier.
Spring Soccer
MSMSL Spring Season will commence April 7, 2007 and finish up in mid May. Game nights are Wednesday thru Sunday, with the majority of games on Saturdays and Sundays. Games will be played at Weir field and at the new Dartmouth Turf fields.


The games will be full field games with 40 minute halves.

We are looking at three divisions; 2 open divisions, and one masters division. We hope to have at least seven to eight teams in each division and can take as many as ten per division. Open divisions would be randomly selected to see which team would play in which division.

Every team would play each team in their division plus a playoff game. Based on seven teams in a division, you would be guaranteed six regular games plus one playoff game. The more teams involved, the more games will be played.


The two open divisions would have a crossover for the final with the 1st from Division “A” would meet 2nd from division “B” and the 1st from Division “B” would meet 2nd from division “A” with the winners playing for 1st and the loser playing for 3rd. All other teams would match up against the other division place holders for a final match. (That is 3rd from Div A would play 3rd from Div B and so on.)

The masters divison would see the top four teams playoff. 1st would play 4th while 2nd would play 3rd with the winners playing for 1st and the loser playing for 3rd. The remainder of the division would play each other (That is 5th would play 6th etc.).


Player registration will be $10.00 per player.

Referee cost will be $35.00 per game. Fees to be brought to the game.

League costs will run between $450.00-$600.00 (range due to unknown number of teams committing to spring.)

Sample Budget (Budget High)

20 Players @ $10.00 $200.00

10 Games @ $35.00 $350.00

League Fee $600.00

Misc $ 50.00

$1200.00 or $60 per player (based on 20 players)


The league needs to determine numbers for this spring; we need every team to respond if they are going to participate in spring by Sunday March 18, 2007. Contact Don Hailstone (

A first payment of $450.00 plus registration fees is due by March 28, 2007. Teams not having the money in by that due date will not be permitted to participate in the spring league.

Teams should start the registration process as soon as possible. Pictures for new players are required.
Winter Playoffs
Here is the schedule for the playoffs.
If there are any regular season ties, please look to our league tie-breaking rules.
All playoff games with the exception of the final will go directly to penalties. (3 per team)
Final will be two 25 minute halves. If tied, will go to 2 ten minute Golden goal halves then straight to penalties,

Mon Mar 19 10pm 1st(Albion) versus 8th (stallions)
Mon Mar 19 11pm 2nd (Rouge's Roosters) versus 7th(Blue Devils)
Tue Mar 20 9pm 3rd (Alumitech) versus 6th (Dartmouth United)
Tue Mar 20 10pm 4th (Hellas) versus 5th (Resolutes)
Fri Mar 23 9pm Highest Seed versus Lowest Seed
Fri Mar 23 10pm Remaining team versus remaining team
Sat Mar 24 9pm Final
Consolation Round

Sun Mar 25 6pm 15th (Genie Knows) versus 16th (DU Sporting Bedford)

Sun Mar 25 7pm 13th(Mexi's) versus 14th (Garrison)
Sun Mar 25 8pm (Landsharks) 11th versus 12th (Convoy)
Sun Mar 25 9pm 9th (Sacktown) versus 10th (Thistle)
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday February28, 2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the old Vimy Legion (now Z-103) 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Executive positions up for election this year are; Vice President, Annotator, and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league do not have to appear at this meeting; the league will have a special meeting in February for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Wednesday February28, 2007.
Schedule Changes
The following are the schedule changes due to some facility schedule changes and requested reschedules.

04.02.07 - 9:00 pm SacktownAC Resolutes
Changed to
09.03.07 - 10:00 pm SacktownAC Resolutes

14.02.07 - 11:00 pm Landsharks Mexicali Rosas
Changed to
14.02.07 - 10:00 pm Landsharks Mexicali Rosas

14.02.07 - 10:00 pm Dartmouth United Halifax Garrison
Changed to
14.03.07 - 11:00 pm Dartmouth United Halifax Garrison

03.03.07 - 11:00 pm Albion Landsharks
Changed to
09.03.07 - 11:00 pm Albion Landsharks

07.03.07 - 10:00 pm Ma Hellas
Changed to
11.03.07 - 8:00 pm Ma Hellas

07.03.07 - 11:00 pm Alumitech Halifax Blue Devils
Changed to
11.03.07 - 11:00 pm Alumitech Halifax Blue Devils

14.03.07 - 11:00 pm Halifax Garrison DU Sporting Bedford
Changed to
18.03.07 - 10:00 pm Halifax Garrison DU Sporting Bedford

MSMSL Annual General Meeting
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday February28, 2007 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Executive positions up for election this year are; Vice President, Annotator, and Member at Large (Banquet & Promotions). Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league do not have to appear at this meeting; the league will have a special meeting in February for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Wednesday February28, 2007.
Winter Soccer
The remainder of winter fees and player registration (for those teams registering with the league) is now due. All payments must be in by January 24, 2007.

To help facilitate the collection of fees, the MSMSL will be having a drop off night January 17, 2007 at Eastside Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake between 8PM and 9:30PM.

Billing, inquiries and payments should be made to Metro Senior Men’s Soccer League Treasurer Mike Boyce ( (861 1853) or president Richard McConnell ( (229 1392).
Ardmore Cup
Schedule for the first round of the cup is as follows:

Dec. 2nd - 10:00pm - Key Largo Raiders vs. Albion (Cup 1)
Dec. 3rd - 9:00pm - Hurricanes vs. Resolutes (Cup 3)
Dec. 3rd - 10:00pm - DU - Chard vs. Stallions (Cup 4)
Dec. 6th - 10:00pm - Celtic vs. Thistle (Cup 5)
Dec. 6th - 11:00pm - DUSC vs. Rogues (Cup 6)
Dec. 9th - 10:00pm - OPA vs. Alumitech (Cup 7)
Dec. 9th - 11:00pm Dunbrack vs. Hellas (Cup 8)
Dec. 10th - 10:00pm - Source vs. Mexi's (Cup 2)
MSMSL Teams must put in the scores for their games.
New rules for Winter 06/07.
New rules for Winter 06/07.
Starting November 14 The MSMSL Winter league will be using the Winter rules, as stated by SNS. The only effect it will have on MSMSL teams is the rule for goalkicks. Goalkicks will now be kicked from the ground inside the small box by the goal line. All other rules remain the same, ie the ball still may go over half on a goalkick.
Game Changes
Game Changes

Garrison versus Landsharks scheduled for Nov 9, 2006 at 9PM has been moved to Nov 9, 2006 at 8.PM

Hellas versus Sackville scheduled for Nov 9, 2006 at 8PM has been moved to Nov 9, 2006 at 9.PM

Hellas versus DU scheduled for Nov 11, 2006 at 8PM has been moved to Feb 21, 2007 at 11PM.

Hellas versus Rouges Roosters scheduled for Nov 25, 2006 at 10PM has been moved to Jan 28, 2007 at 9PM.

DU versus Rouges Roosters scheduled for Jan 28, 2007 at 9PM.has been moved to Nov 25, 2006 at 10PM.

A newly posted game of Landsharks versus Thistle will take place February 3, 2007 at 11PM. This game was missed in the original schedule.

The game Genie Knows versus Convoy on January 14, 2007 has been cancelled as these teams already meet in November.

Winter League Kick Off Meeting
The MSMSL winter season is slated to start the October 30, 2006. Games will be mostly Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Time slots will be mostly 9PM, 10 PM and 11 PM. Early part of the season will see MSMSL teams playing on other days and time slots due to vacancy at the SNS Indoor Facility.

There will be a league meeting on October 25, 2006 from 7- 8:30PM. Location will be at the Niche restaurant at the base of the Maritime Centre, 1505 Barrington Street. Teams are asked to meet before 7PM in front of the restaurant. We will be escorted to a boardroom at 7PM. Game sheet will be distributed at this time.

Teams should budget for league costs between $1200-$1400 per team; player registration of $10 per player; referee costs of $10.00 per game. Teams will play a minimum of 16 games (teams involved in Ardmore cup and playoffs should make allowance for an extra eight games if successful).

The first of two payments for Winter Fees will be due in full, October 25, 2006.
The first payment will be $1000.00. The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment past the October 25, 2006 date. Payment checks must be dated October 25, 2006 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Tim Mugratoyd no later than October 30, 2006@ 5PM. to guarantee entry into the system. Teams playing on October 30,2006, must have their registration in by October 29, 2006. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742

The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Mugratroyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.

Final registration date is December 31, 2006

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 20, 2006.Remainder of pictures are due December 31st, 2006
Winter League
The MSMSL winter season is slated to start the first week of November. Games will be mostly Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Time slots will be mostly 9PM, 10 PM and 11 PM.

The MSMSL has room for only sixteen teams and preference was given to the teams from last winter season that responded to the October 8 response deadline. All other teams are listed in the order in which they replied to the October 8 deadline. Due to the great response within the league, the MSMSL regrets that it cannot take on any additional teams at this time from outside the MSMSL.

All teams must have their account balances at zero by October 18, 2006. There will be no further deadline extension. If teams fail to clear their accounts by this time, teams will lose their confirmed and potential spots in the winter season and will be placed at the bottom of the list of teams wanting to play.

The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment. Payment checks must be dated October 18, 2006 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.

To help facilitate this the league is having a money drop October 18, 2006 at East Side Mario’s in Bayer’s Lake between 6:30PM and 8:30PM.

After the October 18, 2006, we will confirm the teams that will participate in the 2006 season.

Teams should budget for league costs between $1200-$1400 per team; player registration of $10 per player; referee costs of $10.00 per game. Teams will play a minimum of 16 games (teams involved in Ardmore cup and playoffs should make allowance for an extra eight games if successful).

The first of two payments for Winter Fees will be due in full, October 25, 2006.
The first payment will be $1000.00. The league will not be accepting any post-dated cheques for payment past the October 25, 2006 date. Payment checks must be dated October 25, 2006 or earlier. Teams submitting cheques with non-sufficient funds will be place at the bottom of the list of teams wishing to participate.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Tim Mugratoyd no later than October 30, 2006@ 5PM. to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742

The Soccer Nova Scotia waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halifax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play. Forms must be emailed to Tim Mugratoyd (; or faxed to the league number 405 3742 before any player may play.

Final registration date is December 31, 2006

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures for the initial 12 players are complete by November 20, 2006.

There will be a registration fee and waiver form drop off held at Eastside Mario’s in Bayers Lake on October 18, 2006 from 6:30- 8:30PM.

There will be a league meeting on October 25, 2006 from 7- 8:30PM. Location to be decided. Teams will be able to pickup game sheets at this time.
The MSMSL Year End Award Celebration was held Friday September 29, 2006 at Brewsters in Bedford. The event was well attended, and the league thanks all of those who did attend and those teams that gave door prizes.

The following awards and trophies were given out:

Winter Season Indoor Champions

• Hellas

Ardmore Cup

The cup between the top eight teams in both the HSL and MSMSL compete in a single knockout cup challenge.

• Hellas

Spring Dal League Champions

• Hellas

Spring Weir League Champions

• DU Masters

Regular Season Team Trophies

• Lower Division- Sporting Bedford (11-3-2) (36 pts)

• Master Division- Sporting Rangers (9-2-5) 29 pts

• Upper Division- Hellas (13-2-3) 41pts

The MSMSL Challenge Cup

• Metro United

Top Goal Scorers (Golden Boot)

• Lower Division- Michael Fougere (Landsharks) 18 Goals

• Masters Division- David Glover(Basin Insurance) 13 Goals

• Upper Division- Richard Hausman (Alumitech) 24 Goals

Playoff Champions

• Lower Division- Landsharks

• Master Division- Sporting Rangers

• Upper Division- Metro United

Team MVPs

Lower Division
• Mat Richard (Metro Stars)
• Steve Beaton (Convoy)
• Bryce McCarthy (Garrison)
• Jules Laraque (Halifax Blue Devils)
• Alex Moriea (Sacktown)
• Mike Fougere (Landsharks)
• Justin Melnyk (Sporting Bedford)

Master Division
• John Miller (Thirsty Duck)
• Beniot Dugas (Sporting Rangers)
• Riki Reid (Sackville Masters)
• Mark Trevorrow (Spanglish)
• Mike Ewald (DU Masters)
• Charles McNally (Thistle)
• David Glover (Basin Insurance)

Upper Division
• Lorne Timmons (Resolutes)
• Kent Stevens (Metro United)
• Jason King (Mexicalla Rosas)
• Richard Hausman (Alumitech)
• Cliff Flint(Albion)
• Zac Amorin (Hellas)
• Eli Wolpin (Stallions)

Division MVP

• Lower- Alex Moreira (Sacktown AC)
• Masters – Riki Reid (Sackville Masters)
• Upper- Richard Hausman (Alumitech)

Division Top Keeper

• Lower- Steve Truzak (Sporting Bedford)
• Masters –Richard McConnell (Thistle)
• Upper – Jason King (Mexicalla Rosas)

Division Top Defender
• Lower- Jeff Little (Metro Stars)
• Masters – Benoit Dugas (Sporting Rangers)
• Upper- Glen Herbert (Mexicalla Rosas)

Basil Pellerine

• Sam Bennett (Thirsty Duck)
The next League meeting at Brewsters (961 Bedford Highway , Bedford NS) on Thursday Sept 22 at 7pm. The main purpose of this meeting will be seeking nominations for Divisional MVP, Defender, Goalkeeper and Basel Pellerine Awards.

All teams will be required to bring the name of your team MVP.

All teams still having trophies from last season must return these at this meeting or be subject to sanctions as per our league rules.

It is important that you bring your number of people attending the banquet
from your team. Tickets will be available for purchase at this meeting.

The banquet will be Friday Sept 29th at Brewsters in the Mill Cove Plaza in Bedford. The meal will be buffet style Hip of Beef dinner and includes choice of dessert. Entertainment will be DJ/Karaoke again this year. Doors will open at 7pm with food being served at 8pm followed by the award ceremonies.

Price for the tickets are $25. This includes your food, entertainment and
entry into the cash draw. There is also a 50/50 draw. Spouses are more than welcome.

The banquet committee is hoping for door prises from all teams for this to be a successful banquet.
General Meeting
The next MSMSL General Meeting will be held Wednesday September 6, 2006 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

All teams fees and fines are due at this meeting.
More Schedule Changes
There are several changes to the schedule due to double bookings at the new Dartmouth fields. The changes have been posted. The schedule on the website should now be 100 % correct barring any future reschedules.

All teams should review their schedules and changes as game times and/or field locations have changed for many scheduled matches on August 16, 23, and 26.

Players should contact their team reps to ensure times on the website are correct with the schedule provided to them and changes made.
Schedule Changes
The final schedule for the remainder of the season has now been posted. Games on Aug 9,2006 on the schedule that was sent out have been rescheduled. The schedule on the website should be 100 % correct.

Barring the Dartmouth fields not opening on the target date of August 12, 2006, these should be the final schedule changes. All teams should review their schedules as game times and/or field locations have changed for many scheduled matches.

The playoff, Cup and banquet dates will hopefully be released in the next couple of weeks.
Field Openings Delayed Yet Again
Opening of the new Dartmouth fields has been delayed again until at least Aug 12 2006. This will affect the next round of the cup, as well as, at least eight more regular season games. If your squad plays on the Dartmouth field any time in July and Aug to Aug 12th, your game is being rescheduled. The league is reviewing its options on moving the games around, and due to limited field time, some of the games may be forced to grass and the season may be extended deeper into September. The league will email the update to teams as soon as games can be rescheduled.
Year End Banquet
Shawn Langille is looking for people to help out with the year end banquet. Please contact him if you are interested in helping out.

Dartmouth Fields Delayed
Opening of the new Dartmouth fields has been delayed until at least July 17 2006. This will affect the next round of the cup, as well as, at least eight regular season games. If your squad plays on the Dartmouth field any time in July up to the 17th, your game is being rescheduled. The league is reviewing its options on moving the games around, and due to limited field time, some of the games may be forced to grass. The league will update teams as soon as games can be rescheduled.
Registration Deadline Looming
The summer season registration deadline is June 30 at 5:00 PM for any additions or deletions from your roster. You have until July 15 to transfer players already registered. For transfers between July 1st and 15th, you must complete the Soccer NS transfer form (available on the SNS web site), have it signed by the player, both team managers and Shawn Langile, then send it to Soccer NS.
World Cup
Metro United Football Club and their sponsor Boomerangs Steakhouse/ Ned Kelly’s Pub on Portland St. in Dartmouth will be hosting various games during the world cup and invites all MSMSL teams and players to join them.
Metro United Football Club will be holding a tournament long 50/50 draw for a significant pot for the winner at the end of the world cup. As well, hosted nights will have door prizes for those purchasing 50/50 tickets on that given night. All tickets get put into the 50/50 and the draw will be held on July 9th during halftime of the Final at Boomerangs Steakhouse/Ned Kelly's Pub.
During the World Cup, Boomerangs Steakhouse/Ned Kelly's Pub is offering staff discounts on alcoholic beverages for the entire tournament for all MSMSL members.
Wednesday June 14th 3:30pm Germany vs Poland
Friday June 16th 12:30pm Netherlands vs Ivory Coast
Sunday June 18th 12:30pm Brazil vs Australia
Tuesday June 20th 3:30pm Sweden vs England
Wednesday June 21st 3:30 Netherlands vs Argentina
More to be listed as soon as the next round is determined.
Player Information Updated
The website is now completely ready with complete team rosters and is ready for inputting of scores for our summer season. It is ultimately the winner’s responsibility to input the score, however, both teams must review the game report to ensure accuracy in scoring and discipline as the website is the leagues official record for the summer season.

Complete season schedule to be inputted by June 5, 2006.

Please note; games that did not have goal scorers or cards inputted have been reset. It is the responsibility of those teams to update this information.

Passwords and team ID’s and the same as last season, and teams are encouraged to complete team information. Team reps not remembering their information should contact the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Team managers should ensure that all players registered with their team appear on the 2006 Summer Roster on the team page. Incorrect players or missing players should be reported to the league via e-mail as soon as possible (

Teams MUST input player pictures by June 30, 2005 using the correct format as stated in the website file. Teams not meeting this date will be subject to fines and/or sanctions. Pictures shall be as stated in the guide in regards to file size and content. Inappropriate pictures as defined in the guide will be removed; teams will be warned for the first offence, than fines and sanctions will follow for additional offences.
League Meeting
The next MSMSL General Meeting will be held Tuesday May 23, 2006 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM. We are meeting in the smaller room to the right.

All teams participating in the upcoming summer season are required to send a representative to this meeting. League fees of $600.00 are due at this meeting
SOS Children's Village
The MSMSL has committed to help Soccer Nova Scotia its goal to raise funds towards the Canadian Soccer Association goal to contribute to the SOS Children’s Villages.

Soccer Nova Scotia has undertaken to fundraise $10,000 towards a $100,000 CSA pledge to SOS Children’s Villages for the construction of “Canada House” in Rustenburg, South Africa, one of many houses that are part of SOS Children’s Villages. SOS Children’s Villages is the official charitable campaign for the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

FIFA’s campaign is to collect donations for the construction of six (6) new SOS Children’s Villages which will give hundreds of orphaned, abandoned and destitute children a new home in a family environment. This new SOS Children’s Villages will be built in Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Ukraine, Vietnam, and South Africa. For more information on SOS Children’s Villages, please go to their website:

As part of this initiative, the MSMSL’s Metro United FC and its sponsor Ned Kelly’s Pub/Boomerangs Steakhouse are holding a World Cup soccer pool for Germany 2006. Twenty five percent of total fund raised will be going to the MSMSL charity fund towards the SOS Children’s Village. Deadline for your entry is June 1st 2006. See form in download section for more details or contact Matt Richards (

The MSMSL will be organizing additional events to help with this worthwhile cause and hopes that all of its league members help to make these events successful.
Spring Update
All teams have been loaded into the website for scorer input. Some games have been reset, so teams will have to enter all information including scorers and discipline. Teams are reminded that they have 48 hours to enter the event.

Teams should review players listed to ensure correctness. Contact Don Hailstone if there is a problem with your roster.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Sam Bennett no later than April 30, 2006@ 5PM. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Sam Bennett.

Also, all players registering via the leagues, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any Spring season. Waiver forms are available on the league website. Waiver forms may be scanned or sent to Sam Bennett via mail.

Club teams should submit their final registration lists to the league by April 30, 2006.

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures are complete by April 30, 2006. Teams should review picture guidelines found in the download section of the website

All league fees are now due. Please contact Mike Boyce to make arrangements for payment.
Spring 2006
The complete revised schedule for the Weir Spring league is now posted. The complete the Dal Spring League is also posted.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Sam Bennett no later than April 15, 2006@ 5PM. Teams participating in the Dal league must have their player’s registration complete by April 13, 2006 to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Sam Bennett.

Also, all players registering via the leagues, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any Spring season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

Club teams should submit their registration lists to the league by April 15, 2006 as well.

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures are complete by April 30, 2006.

There will be a registration fee and waiver form drop off held at Eastside Mario’s in Bayers Lake on April 10, 2006 from 6:30- 8:30PM. Teams will be able to pickup game sheets at this time.

Teams unable to drop off fees and forms before this date must make other arrangements with either Mike Boyce or Kevin Boutlier. All fees are due April 15, 2006.
Spring 2006
The complete revised schedule for the Weir Spring league is now posted. The complete the Dal Spring League is also posted.

Teams are reminded that player registration must be submitted to Sam Bennett no later than April 15, 2006@ 5PM. Teams participating in the Dal league must have their player’s registration complete by April 13, 2006 to guarantee entry into the system. Registration forms are available on the league website. Forms maybe emailed to Sam Bennett.

Also, all players registering via the leagues, Western Halifax Football Club, must have their waiver forms completed and passed into the league before any player may participate in any Spring season. Waiver forms are available on the league website.

Club teams should submit their registration lists to the league by April 15, 2006 as well.

Teams are reminded to ensure that player pictures are complete by April 30, 2006.

There will be a registration fee and waiver form drop off held at Eastside Mario’s in Bayers Lake on April 10, 2006 from 6:30- 8:30PM. Teams will be able to pickup game sheets at this time.

Teams unable to drop off fees and forms before this date must make other arrangements with either Mike Boyce or Kevin Boutlier. All fees are due April 15, 2006.
New Waiver Form
The new Soccer Nova Scoita waiver form is now available in the download section of the website. Teams are reminded that this form is for teams registering thru the Western Halfax Football Club. Teams registering thru other clubs should obtain the form thru their club.

All players participating in soccer in Nova Scotia must sign this form to be eligible for play.

Team registration forms are also available on the website.
Next Meeting
The next MSMSL General Meeting will be held Monday March 20, 2006 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league must appear at this meeting; we will be accepting new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons. New teams should review the new team requirement document on the website.

Existing teams interested in spring or summer must attend this important meeting.

Ardmore Cup
The Ardmore cup will be making its way to the MSMSL with both MSMSL teams advancing to the final.

Hellas crushed their opponent Source from the HSL 5-0; while Albion defeated the HSL’s OPA 2-1.

This should make for an exciting final with one of the MSMSL team guaranteed of taking home the Ardmore Cup.

The MSMSL wishes both teams the best of luck in the final.
Semi Finals of Ardmore Cup
The MSMSL has two remaining teams in the semi final round of the Ardmore Cup.
Albion, and Hellas, will be representing the MSMSL in the semi.

HSL competitors still remaining are Opa, and Source.

Hellas will face OPA in one semi while Albion will face Source in the other.

The MSMSL wishes its teams all the best in the second round.
The MSMSL Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday January 26, 2006 at the Halifax Police Club. The Police club is located upstairs in the Vimy Legion 5527 Cogswell St in downtown Halifax, NS. Meeting will start promptly at 7PM.

Executive positions up for election this year are; President, Treasurer, and Member at Large (Registrar)
Any teams still owing the league funds after this meeting will be place in "non good standing" with the league.

Individuals looking to place new teams in the league do not have to appear at this meeting; the league will have a special meeting in February for new team applications into the league for spring and summer seasons.

In case of bad weather, please check the league website for meeting cancellation. Cancellation will be posted before 5PM on Thursday January 26, 2006.
HSL-MSMSL Ardmore Cup
The MSMSL has dominated the first round of the Ardmore Cup with five out of eight MSMSL teams advancing to the next round. This betters last years first round results by two.

Albion, Alumitech, Hellas, Safe Choice and Thistle will be representing the MSMSL in round two.

HSL competitors still remaining are Opa, Source, and Dartmouth United.

The MSMSL wishes its teams all the best in the second round.

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