Metro Senior Men's Soccer League Website - Soccer News, Events, Schedules from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - soccer games in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many former Dalhousie and Saint Marys players
Team Profile: Timberlea Titans
Timberlea Titans FC

Location: Halifax
Contact Person: Ed MacDonald
Phone: 902-401-0170
Coach: Kevin Boutilier
Manager: Ed MacDonald
Player Roster by Competition:

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 14
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Goalie
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Stopper
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Timberlea, NS
Jersey #: 18
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Sydney, NS
Jersey #: 2
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Plymouth, UK
Jersey #: 7
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Sarnia, ON
Jersey #: 2
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 55
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Halibut Bay
Age: 57
Jersey #: 6
Position: Defense
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 24
Position: Striker
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Stephenville, NL
Jersey #: 14
Position: wing-back
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

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