Metro Senior Men's Soccer League Website - Soccer News, Events, Schedules from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - soccer games in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many former Dalhousie and Saint Marys players
Historical.MSMSL.Com » Teams » Albion Woodcocks September 19th, 2024
Team Profile: Albion Woodcocks
Jersey colors
Main: black
Second: white
Alternate: red

The Albion Woodcocks Football Club was originally established in 1998 and has participated in the MSMSL since 1999.

Albion has captured trophies as winners of the 2004 Summer Lower Division Playoffs, winners of the 2006-2007 Winter Regular Season, winners of the 2014 Upper Division Playoffs, winners of the 2017 Upper Division and winners by goal differentiation of the 2020 Winter Middle Session 1.

Location: Halifax, NS
Contact Person: Steffen Dantz
Phone: -
Player Roster by Competition:

Home Town: Timbo
Age: 39
Jersey #: 7
Position: Striker
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: A magical land.
Age: Ageless.
Position: The new face of the Landsharks
Height: Perfect
Weight: Perfect
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Dartmouth
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Glasgow , Scotland
Age: 99
Jersey #: 13
Position: Keeper/Striker/business
Height: 5'8
Weight: 170
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Halifax, NS
Age: 45
Jersey #: 21
Position: Defense/Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgetown, NS
Jersey #: 14
Position: Defender
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 28
Position: Defence
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: rover
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Halifax, NS
Jersey #: 16
Position: Defender
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Waterloo, ON
Jersey #: 9
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Exit 4
Age: 30+
Jersey #: 12
Position: Winger
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Jersey #: 2
Position: Hulk
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: St Margaret's Bay, NS
Jersey #: 4
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Timbo
Age: Doesn't matter
Jersey #: 19
Position: That's right!
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

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