Metro Senior Men's Soccer League Website - Soccer News, Events, Schedules from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Metro Senior Men's Soccer League - soccer games in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many former Dalhousie and Saint Marys players
Historical.MSMSL.Com » Teams » Bridgewater Masters September 20th, 2024
Team Profile: Bridgewater Masters
The Bridgewater team draws players from along the South Shore, from Liverpool to Chester. A good group of lads that play to win, but enjoy the game regardless of the result as long as the cooler is full.

Location: Bridgewater, N.S
Contact Person: Todd Dakin/Robert Younker
Phone: 902 298 9732
Coach: By Committee
Manager: Todd Dakin
Sponsor: Everyone's Dime Collection
Player Roster by Competition:

Home Town: Bridgewater
Age: 52
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Fancy Lake
Position: Midfield
Height: 6'4
Weight: 230
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Position: Forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Position: midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Mill Village
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Position: Forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Hebbville
Position: Fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Mill Village
Age: ageless
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Liverpool
Jersey #: 7
Position: Forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Port Joli
Position: Striker
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Midville Branch
Jersey #: 5
Position: fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Lunenburg
Age: 50
Position: fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Position: midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Age: 43
Position: Forward
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Jersey #: 11
Position: Fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Position: Midfield
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Jersey #: 14
Position: Fullback
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Bridgewater
Age: 43
Jersey #: 5
Position: Midfield/Striker
Height: 5' 2
Weight: 185
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

Home Town: Liverpool
Position: Keeper
Height: 6'3
Weight: 210
Goals:Yellows:Reds: 0

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